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Justice (Out for Blood Book 3)


  Out For Blood: Book 3

  CY Jones

  Copyright © 2020 CY Jones

  Published by CY Jones

  All rights reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced/transmitted/distributed in any form. No part of this publication shall be shared by any means including photocopying, recording, or any electronic/mechanical method, or the Internet, without prior written consent of the authors. Cases of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law are the exception. The unauthorized reproduction/transmitting of this work is illegal.

  Published in the United States of America.

  Cover By: EVE Graphic Design LLC

  Edited By: Dani Black

  Formatted By: Kassie Morse


  My brother chose to die to save me, and I chose to let him go.

  My world has been thrown upside down, and the only path that’s clear is me killing O’Donnell.

  My twin was my sanity, the saving thread keeping me from going off the deep end, but now he’s gone.

  They say I was meant to save the world, but all I want to do is see it burn down to the ground with O’Donnell suffocating within the ashes.

  Can my mates pull me back or will I destroy them along with myself?

  At first I wanted Revenge which quickly turned to Vengeance, now I want Justice and I don’t care how I get it.



  1. Remy

  2. Hangman

  3. Remy

  4. Atlas

  5. Conner

  Two weeks later

  Three weeks later

  One month later - Atlas

  6. Blake

  7. Atlas

  8. Remy

  9. Hunter

  10. Remy

  11. Blake

  12. Remy

  13. Three Weeks Earlier

  14. Cody

  15. Remy

  16. Blake

  17. Remy

  18. Hangman

  19. Alice

  20. Remy

  21. Maddie

  22. Remy

  23. Remy


  Note from the Author

  About the Author

  Books by CY Jones

  Find CY Jones Here



  “We had a deal, O’Donnell, and you have gone back on your word. Why should I continue to do business with a man I cannot trust?” I question, looking the shady man before me in the eyes.

  “The girl gettin’ away was just dumb luck. If I was able to get her back once before, I can do it again,” he answers, using his good hand to brush over his prosthetic one. It’s a nervous tic. One I’m sure he’s not aware of, clueing me in that he’s lying, but I already knew that. I’ve been told of his deceit from the spies I have placed within his organization. O’Donnell can’t even wipe his ass without me knowing. I’m not my father. I know how to deal with men like him.

  “Do you take me for a fool, O’Donnell?” I ask as I raise my brow.

  “Of course not?” he replies nervously, and his blonde companion moves closer to his side in a protective stance.

  She’s beautiful, but she doesn't do it for me. Only my pet can fill that void. A pet that this asshole let get away.

  “I question your trust, and yet you still continue to lie to my face,” I spit out, now tired of his games.

  “I assure ye, I’m not lyin’,” he stutters.

  “Oh, but you are. I know all about how you undercut our deal, and went off and made another one with Remy’s brother. I know everything that happened, including how you lost your hand,” I shout, and his beady eyes roam around the room, looking for a way out of this mess.

  I’m sure he’s trying to figure out another way to deceive me to try to save face, but I’ve moved past his games. If it weren’t for him, Remy would be here by my side where she belongs, growing my heir in her belly, but he just had to get greedy. Stupid arrogant fool. Arranging that exchange for Remy with her brother was stupid and resulted in him shooting Phantom, and losing a hand in the process while they all got away.

  Taking a deep breath, I count to ten in my head before turning back to the asshole in front of me. I want to kill him. It would be so simple, and I’m sure my pet would appreciate me more if I got rid of this vile poor excuse of a human being, but I have a plan, and I need him alive for it to all work out.

  “Now, let’s try this again,” I tell him a little calmer.

  “I assure ye, I have everything under control,” he states, lying again, and I roll my eyes.

  “How do you figure that? You lost Remy, her brother, your hand, and one of your top henchman, oh and I haven’t even mentioned the thumb drive yet,” I state, ticking off each indiscretion on my fingers.

  “I still have the thumb drive,” he quickly sputters.

  “What good is it now? You gave Phantom a fatal wound by shooting him. From what I’ve been told, as soon as he dies all the information on that drive releases out to the world, making the whole point of you getting it back in the first place completely fucking useless. All your dirty dealings, including the ones with my father, will be aired out for all the world to see. All because you couldn’t reign in your anger and responded irresponsibly. At this point, it will be career suicide to associate myself with either one of you any longer.”

  “Now see here. The boi hasn’t died, and who’s to say he’s that skilled. He could have been lyin’ so I wouldn’t kill him,” he blurts out.

  “Stop taking me for a child, O’Donnell. I’m not my father, or those other fools stupid enough to let you run over them. Phantom is just as good as he says, if not better. You should have held in your temper, and considered the consequences instead of shooting him like the fool you are. It’s only a matter of time before he succumbs to his injuries, and that information is released. We are done. I will no longer do business with you, or associate with you in any way. Once that information airs, you are done for, and you will not be taking me down with you.”

  “I’m sure we can rectify this. Yer actin’ hasty over a woman.”

  “That woman,” I sneer, “as you so elegantly put it, is the only thing you had to offer me, and you let her get away. Your services are no longer needed. I will get my fiance back on my own. Now, you have wasted enough of my time. My men will see you out,” I dismiss him, ready for him to leave.

  “You’re makin a mistake, boi. I have plenty to offer. Take my Alice here. She’s pretty and a good fuck, or any of my other girls,” he blubbers.

  The man’s so frantic to keep my allegiance that he doesn’t even notice the angry scowl the girl he so easily offered up gives him. I find their relationship intriguing. She’s standing here in an indecently short blue dress that’s barely able to contain her big boobs, yet she’s his bodyguard, which makes her very deadly. And judging by the hurt look she’s trying to hide in her eyes, the fool cares for him dearly. It’s almost tempting to take her from him, but I know I wouldn’t touch her. I would give her over to my guards to toy with for however long she lasts, which will probably only be a couple of days. The last blonde they had, Veronica, didn’t even last through the night.

  “I don’t want anyone else,” I shout, losing my composure. His useless pleading is wasting time that I could be using to locate Remy and drag her back here where she belongs. “Leave before I change my mind about killing you,” I spit out before walking off.

  Once I’m alone in my room, I take the pillow Remy slept on in the cage under my bed, and take a deep whiff of her fading scent on the c
otton fibers. I miss her so fucking much. I wanted to kill O’Donnell for letting her get away. For undercutting me, and losing my prize. The only woman I have ever loved. She’s gone and she’s taken my child with her, but I will get them back. I have a plan, and once I have her she’ll never leave again.

  Picking up my cell, I call my contact and he answers on the first ring. “Commence with Project Rebirth,” I simply tell him before hanging up. Soon, pet, you will be home, and then we will have all eternity.



  Two days has passed and I have still yet to make a decision. Well I have, just not the right one. The one everyone wants me to make, but know better than to force on me. The rational side of me knows they’re right. If Row was here, he’d tell me to let him die, but I can’t. He’s my twin. My everything. He’s the yin to my yang. The barrier that keeps me from going over the deep end. Without him I will be a monster, no better than O’Donnell himself. Once freed from my cage, no one will be able to stop the Hell I’ll rain down on this world, not like it hasn’t already seen it’s own slices of Hell recently. Since the humans found out supernaturals exist there has been nothing but madness going on. Looting and killing is a common occurrence now. Everyone is quick to point a finger at one another, turning over their friends and families to the authorities, all because they’re afraid of beings they do not understand. Sure supernaturals can be dangerous, but so can humans. Is this what O’Donnell wanted when he started a war against the supernaturals? To send the world into Chaos?

  The American people are at one another's throats, and the other countries are quickly following suit, while that psycho Blake does God knows what trying to locate me. I know he’s looking, I can feel it. Just like I can feel the unwanted interloper growing in my belly. I still have nightmares about that night. The madness covering his face as he shot me up with that poison that would make me extremely fertile, and would only take a drop of his sperm to produce a child. How he proceeded to violate my body, thinking a baby will make me love him. All he managed to do was make me hate him even more.

  “What are you thinking about?” Oreo asks as he enters my room.

  After I first woke up from coming back from the void where Maddie’s father struck a deal with me giving me three days to decide to either turn my brother’s soul over to him, or watch the world burn, I decided to sleep in my own master suite instead of the room I was staying in with my brother’s unconscious body. I just can’t stomach seeing him like that. Unmoving and vulnerable, counting the rise and fall of his chest until he breathes his last. I’m not that strong. Sure I’ve seen death almost everyday, been the cause of many, but it’s different when it’s my own flesh and blood. O’Donnell stole a vital part of me when he shot my brother. A part that probably would care the world is going to shit right now.

  “The same thing I have been thinking about since I got back here,” I answer blandly.

  “I can’t say I would like to be in your position. If it were up to me, I would say fuck the world, and bring Rowen back, but it’s not up to me,” he says, looking over at me broken heartly.

  The sensual and cocky Oreo I’m used to is gone, and this broken empty shell is who I’ve gotten to know these last couple of days. Like calls to like, and we are both a sorry lot who have been comforting each other through our misery. Sure my soul bound mates have tried to be there for me, but I have pushed each of them away with my pain and anger. I don’t want their love right now. I don’t deserve it.

  Picking up the globe containing my brother’s soul, I ask in a small voice, one that I do not recognise, “what do you think he would want?”

  “Now, pretty, why ask questions you already know the answer to?” He questions, raising his brow. “Your brother may have acted like he was a heartless asshole, but even he wouldn’t want the whole world to suffer just for him.”

  “Why are you telling me this? Shouldn’t you be trying to convince me to let him live?” I retort. I’m pissed. He’s the only person in this house who knows my plight. Who is as conflicted as I am. He should be on my side.

  Instead of answering, he sighs loudly and asks, ''do you want to know how I met your brother?”

  He’s avoiding my question, and I don’t know why, but I relent. Color me curious, I could use the distraction, so nod my head and he tells me his story.

  “He used to come to my club in London a lot to let off steam. Fucking his way through countless men and women, trying his damnedest to drive away his demons with a bottomless sex drive. As an incubus, I found him very intriguing, and well, his pretty face and killer body helped add to the appeal, but he never turned his sights on me.“

  “So my brother being a manwhore intrigued you?” I ask incredulously.

  “You know, pretty, you really shouldn’t throw stones at glass houses. I know for a fact that your Cody wasn’t exactly a saint before he met you.”

  “Fair point,” I mutter, and he continues on.

  “Anyway, one night I was occupied with a beautiful blonde when your brother bulldozed my door down and stabbed the bitch in the neck, killing her as she was riding my dick.

  “Why did he do that?” I ask, interrupting him again.

  “She was one of O’Donnell’s Blackwidows. I ended up on O’Donnell’s bad side when I turned down a business proposition, so he sent the bitch to kill me. Your brother saw it in a vision, and decided I was worthy enough to save. It was the first time he actively went against O’Donnell, and he did it for me.”

  That certainly explains why he hated O’Donnell’s Blackwidows so much. Why he gleefully told me he killed one when she came by his club looking for my brother. Back when I was following the breadcrumbs my brother left behind leading me to Oreo’s club in England when Phantom first went missing. “So what happened next?” My curiosity piqued, I was fully enthralled. The old Oreo was starting to seep in and he was a fantastic story teller.

  “That was when I fell in love with your brother. He was like an avenging angel with a sinners body. I tossed the stupid cunt off my bed, and he fucked me with so much passion we both branded ourselves on one another. That night I made the decision to make him my one and only, and I gave up my harem just to be with him. His bottomless sex drive more than made up for what I let go, and I never regretted my decision. From there on out, we were inseparable. I was the one who helped him locate your fathers and later helped him sneak out the information on O’Donnell’s organization to them.”

  “Wow, I didn’t know that. I wondered how Row was getting the information he gathered on O’Donnell’s operations out without getting caught.”

  It makes sense that he had help. He felt like he couldn’t come to me, and if he was as close to Oreo then as he is now, he would be the next logical choice. I still can’t wrap my head around all the things my brother kept from me. Things I’m still learning about. Besides our original sitdown of why he kept me in the dark and lied to me for so long, I never got the chance to broach the subject with everything going on. And now he can’t answer, I think choking up.

  “Your brother has a reason behind everything he does. Take it from someone who knows all about their kind,” he says, and I frown wondering what he’s talking about until it hits me.

  “My brother and your sister are two different people,” I huff.

  “Are they?” He questions, raising his brow. “Both can see into the future. Both carry the burden of knowing everything. Both carry every decision made from what they see in their visions heavily on their shoulders. Just because Row handled the madness from their gift better, it doesn’t mean it isn’t there.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” I ask in a soft voice.

  “I made a couple of promises to your brother. One being that I would make sure your eyes are open, and you see everything from both sides of the coin before making your decision,” he answers, and I draw in a deep breath.

  I already knew Rowen knew he was going to die, and that I was going to interfere.
How could I not? He’s my brother, my twin. We have been inseparable since birth. I don’t know how I will find the strength to go on without him, knowing I had the chance to keep him here with me.

  “Would it really be so selfish to let him live?” I question with tears in my eyes.

  A lone tear of his own rolls down his cheek, and with that one moment of vulnerability, I know my answer. To the two of us, Rowen is worth a trillion lives, but he wouldn’t want that, and if I chose to save him over everyone else, he would never forgive me. Forgive us for making such a selfish choice. Swallowing hard, I nod and hold the globe with Rowen’s soul in the palm of my hands and watch fascinated as the little light inside bounces off the walls of its glass prison like it knows my decision before I voice it.

  “I can’t do this here. Will you come out to the beach with me?” In answer Oreo takes my hand and leads me out of the room.

  Even with a full house we’re able to bypass everyone. I believe with the way I’ve been treating them lately they’re giving me my space until I come to a decision. The right thing to do would be to gather them up, and have them come out with us, but for whatever reason I only want Oreo with me.

  Leaving the house, we walk out to the white sanded beach where I confronted Rowen about lying to me when I first found him. In his own way, he told me this would happen. That I could go on without him, but he couldn’t live without me. Why my brother thought I was so strong, I would never know. I love him more than myself, and I hope for the world’s sake he is right. Gazing out at the turning sea, we don’t have to wait long before Maddie’s father appears before us in the same dark robe as when I first saw him.