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Tainted Throne (Crown of Blood and Frost Book 2) Page 10

  “Sure, Winter doesn’t have any armies of her own at the time, but who's to say it would have stayed that way? Look how quickly she gained ours,” I point out for like the millionth time.

  “And what of her father? Is it true that he’s dead?” Lucy questions.

  “I don’t think he is. While I was there, I looked into his disappearance, and studied the area on a map where the jet reportedly went down.”

  “And?” Lucy prods, raising a brow. I bet his intellectual mind is like a kid in a candy store over the aspect of learning something new.

  “There's an island suspiciously close to the crash site. An island that not too many people know about, and completely inaccessible by humans. I’m pretty sure if Lucas survived the crash, that is where he’ll be.”

  “If that’s the case, why hasn’t he come home? Why stay on that island unless he’s hurt badly, or worse, dead?”

  “Because brother, the island I’m talking about is Banoi.”

  “The dead islands where the Amazons live,” Lucy gasps surprised. “Are you certain brother?”

  “Yes Lucy, I am.”

  “Ok well, what’s your next move? If you believe he’s alive, you cannot allow him to remain there. Obviously he’s being held prisoner, or he would have left by now.” I can practically see Lucifer’s mind spin as he works the problem out in his head.

  “I was going to deploy a few of our men to go find him. I know Winter has already done so with the shifters who work for her father’s security company.”

  “Shifters? How interesting. I thought the Amazons was a surprise, and now you’re throwing shifters in the mix.”

  “Sending out two teams should be enough to retrieve him. With her father freed and brought here, his presence here will be enough to finally overthrow the Queen, and gain the much needed support from the rebels in Winter’s corner.”

  “And you’re ok with betraying Kaiden like this? You two have been friends for a very long time,” he questions.

  “I’ve been going back and forth with this decision ever since I learned where Lucas’ jet went down and my decision still holds. I’m not overthrowing Kaiden, it’s his mother I want out of the way. The current Queen is hiding things. Things I fear can end us all,” I answer with conviction.

  “Then I am with you brother. I’ve already pledged our armies to serve Winter, so send all the men you need.”

  “Thank you,” I say softly, choking up with emotion because he believes in me so much he’s willing to commit treason to back me.

  “Enough of this mushy business, are you prepared for tonight?” He asks.

  “What’s to prepare for? It’s just another one of the Queen’s boring balls.”

  “Oh brother, if you believe that then there is so much I need to teach you. Nothing is just anything here,” he tells me, patting my shoulder.

  “Ok, enlighten me. What am I missing?” I ask him, curious.

  “This is not just any ball. The Queen lost control today with the whole court bearing witness. Today she lost a quarter of her army, and she dealt with Winter’s blatant disrespect for her authority poorly. To win back any leverage, she’s going to have to prove she can control Winter, and what better way to do that than to have Kaiden announce Winter as his betrothed.”

  I already knew this was coming, so I don’t know why hearing it from my brother made me so angry. Maybe it’s because I thought we had more time. With his kind, marriage is always used as a play for power.

  “Unless the Queen plans on killing Winter, which I highly doubt, then marriage will be the next logical ploy. What better way to control Winter than through her son? In one move, she will have solved all her problems, and ensure the crown remains in their bloodline. Why overthrow a family for a crown you’re going to inherit anyway?”

  As he explains his theory, he stares intently at me like he does his books, and I know he can see that Winter means more to me than a means to an end for the crown.

  “There are other players in the game to prevent that outcome. You just have to look at the situation from everyone’s standpoint” pausing, he leads me out of the training area, and we walk towards his private chambers. When we get there, he takes a seat behind his desk and I sit down in the chair in front. When he looks up at me, he says, “I know you care for Winter, probably even love her, but you need to think about this logically and not emotionally. You’re obviously a player in this, but so are a whole bunch of other people. You need to be able to see each side and predict their movements if you want to come out the winner.”

  “I’m not you, Lucy. I can’t sit here and predict everyone’s intentions before they do them,” I huff.

  “And that’s why you have me,” he says, folding his hands behind his head.

  "I’ve already explained the Queen’s intentions, she’s the easiest to predict. Any move leading towards more power is the path she’ll take. Raven is also easy to predict. All she’s ever wanted is Kaiden. The crown is just a bonus. I can’t see her reacting well to Kaiden’s announcement tonight, so you at least have her to count on to delay the marriage.”

  “What can she do that I can’t?” I ask, interrupting him.

  “The logical choice is challenging Winter’s claim of being the heir of House Storm, and declaring a Queen’s Trial where Winter will have to defeat her in the arena, using her lightning power. I’m sure I’m not the only one who noticed she used Chaos’s power today, and not her own. If she is who she says she is, she’ll have to prove it. That will buy another two weeks since a Queen Trial can only be fought on the night of the new moon.”

  “Winter can refuse to fight her, or pick someone else to fight in her steed,” I point out.

  “She will fight,” Lucifer replies, sure of himself.

  “How are you so sure?” I question. “You don’t even know her. Winter hates being pushed into things, and the only times she’s been able to wield her lightning powers have been on accident. I don’t see her agreeing to a challenge, unless she knows she has a handle on them.”

  “Winter will duel Raven, because of what I’ve seen so far tells me so. She’s a very proud person. You saw how offensive she got when the Queen tried to belittle her father. She will do anything to prove that she’s his heir, and protect her family's honor. As soon as Raven insinuates that Winter isn’t who she says she is, Raven would be hammering the nail in her own coffin.”

  “There might be some truth in that,” I admit reluctantly. "Who are the other players I have to worry about?” I ask.

  “Raven’s mother is just as power hungry as the Queen. Morgana is not going to take the Queen’s dismissal on the deal they made with their children lightly. I’m sure she’ll come up with her own way to try to get what she wants, probably from outside forces. The only players I am not sure about are Kaiden and Chaos. Those are the two you’re going to have to keep an eye on going forward.

  "Kaiden has never cared for anyone besides his mother, so logically his moves will reflect hers, but I don’t think that is true anymore. Something happened when he left, and a whole new person came back. My spies tell me he had an argument with his mother, defending Winter during their little chat today. You wouldn’t have any idea of what’s gotten into him would you, little brother?”

  I debate with myself if I should tell him the truth or not. Although he is my brother and trying to help me, it feels like a betrayal to Winter to tell him that she and Kaiden are bonded, so instead I shake my head and answer, “no.”

  “Ok well, Chaos admitted with no shame today that he is bonded to Winter. How? Who knows? The Queen can’t possibly be happy she has lost control over her little fucktoy, and the most powerful being in existence. My spies also tell me, the tiger has been freed from his leash. Whatever hold the Queen had on him before, he’s figured out a way out of it. What we need to do is figure out what game he’s playing at. Everyone knows there's no love lost with his and Winter’s ancestors.”

  “Who knows what Chaos’
endgame is, hell he probably doesn’t even know. His mind is nothing but a puzzle,” I reply, thinking about everything Lucy has just told me. “You know Lucy, it's truly terrifying how your mind works,” I tell him, laughing.

  Laughing with me, he gets up and claps me on the arm.

  “Time to get ready Romeo.” I can’t help but think that he’s referring to more than just the ball.

  Chapter Seventeen


  After a long, hot shower I dress with Winter in mind. I remembered how much it pleased her to see me in a fitted suit, so for once I’m not dismissing one of the Queen’s obnoxious balls. I’m looking forward to seeing Winter in her gown, and stripping it off her afterwards. Dressing in my House colors, I put on a fitted all black suit with a black dress shirt, and black skinny tie. My sword gleams to perfection and is strapped to my side. I missed not having it the whole time I was in the human lands. I also missed my scythes, but I knew the Queen would not be happy if I wore them to the ball tonight. She doesn’t like me to remind everyone of who I really am, and the damage I can inflict. My back feels so empty without them strapped back there, but I put that feeling aside while I finish getting ready. I leave my room with Winter on my mind, and a pep in my step.

  With all the anticipation I had as I walked over to her suite, nothing could prepare me for the beauty who stood before me when I walked through her door. My heart stops and all my breath leaves my lungs. If I died right now, I would die a lucky man, knowing this beauty before me is the last thing I’d see before the afterlife. Her silky white hair is expertly pinned on top of her head, gathered in complicated braids arranged throughout her head, with a couple of strands free brushing her face, simple and beautiful all at once.

  The dress is beyond exquisite. Two silk strips barely covered her full breasts, in a V connected to a thin gold belt covered in crushed diamonds. The same diamond crusted strip runs across her collar bone connecting to the white strips of silk, the only thing actually holding the dress up. The skirts on the bottom of the dress flows elegantly to the floor on the sides and the top of her knees in the front. The only jewelry she’s wearing is the purple diamond necklace she found in her father’s room, and a gold signet ring with her House insignia. She’s a living angel in white and sin at the same time, with all the tan skin she’s showing. The only thing that grates my nerves is that she’s wearing Chaos’ House colors, and not mine. I’m sure when getting ready she didn’t know that, so I’m jealous for no reason.

  As hard as I tried, I could not keep my eyes off her breasts. I’m a man, and the knowledge that she isn’t wearing a bra makes me hard as fuck. I want to skip the ball and take her right here and now.

  “Chaos was right about the door,” she states, after I’m done ogling her.

  “What did Chaos want?” I ask, narrowing my eyes. Maybe he did have a hand in Winter wearing his House colors, but as quick as the thought comes, I dismiss it. Winter is the last person to be told what to do or wear. A thought that’s easily confirmed when I see all the red and black dresses in Kaiden’s house colors piled on her bed, and scattered across the floor.

  “Nothing, he came by being his cryptic, annoying self,” she answers.

  “Sounds like him,” I laugh.

  “You know, dove, the way you look in that dress makes me not want to take you to the ball at all,” I tell her as I look her luscious body over again, wondering if we have time for me to take her against the wall.

  “After my visit with Hera earlier, I’m not trying to give her another reason to hate me, and skipping her stupid ball might just do it.”

  “What the hell did she bloody want?” I couldn’t think of any reason why Hera would want to visit Winter in her rooms, besides to leave those dresses, which she would hand the task over to one of her servants.

  “Nothing really,” she says, hesitating. It’s the hesitation that draws my attention, but I’m not going to push her. When she’s ready to talk to me, she will.

  “As beautiful as you look, you’re missing one thing,” I tell her, distracting her from the topic.

  “What?” She asks, patting herself down.

  Taking her by the hand, I walk her over to the bookcase in the corner of the room. Pointing to the ring she’s wearing, I tell her to press it into the hidden switch flush with the wall. She does as I ask, and the bookcase slides open, revealing a hidden room full with priceless jewels and crowns belonging to her family.

  “How did you know this was here?” She asks, amazed.

  “All the suites in the royal section have a hidden room. I happen to know personally, Hera been dying to get into this room, looking for this collection,” I answer as I watch her lightly run her finger over each priceless jewel she pass.

  “Why? Doesn’t she have her own jewels?”

  “She does, but she’s a greedy cunt, and is never happy. Also, your family has one of the largest collection in history, and that’s not all,” I tell her, taking her hand.

  On the far side of the room, I push against a side panel and the wall slides up revealing another space full of priceless art, couture dresses, money, and solid gold coins. All of House Storm’s wealth hidden in the King’s chambers that no one, but Winter and her dad, can access.

  “OMG! There has to be like a trillion dollars hidden in here,” she gasps in shock.

  “You see now why the Queen wanted access to this room so badly. There's more money here than the royal coffers and all the other royal houses combined. It’s not like getting into the room would have done her any good anyways. Unless she’s able to get access to that ring, she would not have been able to get in here.”

  “It wasn’t hard to find. It was just lying on my father’s dresser,” she says, twirling the ring in question around her finger.

  “The room left the ring somewhere easy for you to find. If someone was capable of breaking in here, they would have never found it,” I explain.

  “Good to know,” she replies, stepping away and wandering back over to jewels.

  “For someone who has so much money, you don’t really care for it,” I tell her.

  Shrugging, she responds, “money isn’t everything.”

  Her voice is laced with sadness, and I gather she’s probably thinking about her dad. This room is filled with generations of her family history. I’m glad Winter isn’t a greedy cunt like the Queen. She’s always been wealthy, but she hasn’t let wealth change her. Taking her hand, I guide her over to the display of crowns.

  “You’re a princess now, you’ll need a diadem for tonight. You’re suppose to wear one to all formal events,” I explain. Out of all the elaborate diadems, I’m not surprised when Winter picks up a simpler solid gold laurel wreath crown, and hands it over to me to put on her head. It’s elegant and beautiful, just like her.

  Attaching it softly on top of her head, I whisper, “there, now you’re perfect,” before I take her lips and steal a kiss. The rush of emotions is overwhelming as I attack her mouth. “Creator above, you taste like heaven,” I murmur against her soft lips. Pulling back, I grab her hand and I rush us both out the secret chamber. A second longer in there and we will not be making it to the ball.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I’m glad Tristan is escorting me, because if I had to find the ballroom on my own, I would have never found it. I wasn’t kidding about needing a GPS in this place. As we walk down the halls, I take notice of the many guards we passed. Some will slightly bow their head when we walk pass, and others would remain almost threatening, mostly the ones in red and black and dark green uniforms.

  “What’s with the guards?” I ask Tristan.

  “What do you mean?” He questions, looking up.

  ”The guards. Why are there so many of them?” I ask, looking over at another angry set in dark green uniforms.

  “With so many nobles here, and their personal guard, it may seem like a lot of guards in one place. Plus the Queen has her own personal detail pla
ced on you,” he explains quietly, so only I can hear.

  “What? Why would she do that?” I whisper yell.

  ”Why else? She doesn’t trust you, and I suspect she wants your every move monitored,” he answers.

  “I can’t believe she’s having me followed around like some criminal,” I tell him annoyed.

  “Actually, it’s a standard move on her part. You’re a threat. The lost heir, and with the right people backing you, you can steal her throne from right up under her nose. I think a few guards following you is minor.”

  “Ok, so how do I know which guards belong to her?” I ask, annoyed that he isn’t as concerned as I am.

  “The colors of their uniforms and insignia. Each House has their own colors. In fact, tonight most, if not all, of the nobles will be wearing their House colors,” he answers as we turn the corner.

  “Let me guess, yours is black,” I say smiling.

  “Yes, and yours is silver and blue. Neither color that you’re currently wearing tonight I might add.”

  “Whose is white?” I ask frowning at his angry tone.

  “Chaos,” he replies, pulling a familiar set of double doors open, and stepping inside.

  Once the herald sees us, he announces both our names and titles, having learned mine from earlier. I do not get to finish my conversation with Tristan, because he quickly leads us in the ballroom, making me feel like he’s mad at me somehow. But why? It’s not like anyone bothered to explain House colors to me, but I should have known from all the red and black dresses Hera sent to my room.

  Looking around it’s clear all eyes are focused on me. Everytime we get near a group, their conversation would cease, and when we were past them, they would continue on with their conversation like they never stopped. Before arriving, I decided to leave Orian and Nala in my chambers so that they wouldn’t scare the False Queen’s guests, not wanting to give her anymore ammo against my familiars. If I had known everyone attending the ball would treat me like a leaper, I would have brought them for entertainment. Why people who are like a couple hundred years old feel like they have to act so childish, I don’t know, but if they thought they were getting to me, then they will have to think again. I’ve spent all my life in snobby old private schools among the rich and privileged, developing the cool mask I’m currently wearing over my emotions. It will take more than treating me like some zoo exhibit to get to me.