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Tainted Throne (Crown of Blood and Frost Book 2) Page 12

  “What do you mean?” I inquire.

  “Are we on a date? Is this what humans call small talk?” He replies smiling.

  “Fine, don’t tell me,” I huff, turning away from him.

  Turning my head with his finger under my chin he stares me directly in the eyes. “It’s not possible in my family, because one son is always born, and their name is always Chaos.”

  “Oh,” I say lamely. I mean how do you reply to that? I should have quit while I was ahead. I knew it took a lot for him to open up, but I couldn’t help my curiosity. “What happened to your mother?” I ask softly.

  The silence is long and heavy. I didn’t think he was going to answer, and I didn’t blame him, because it was an intrusive question and really, it wasn’t any of my business.

  “She was poisoned a week after my birth while she was still bedridden,” he replies softly.

  “That’s horrible, I’m sorry Chaos,” I tell him sincerely.

  “Don’t be. When I was old enough to hold a sword, I hunted down the man who did it and killed him. After him, I killed the Council member who ordered her death.” If he thought his words would scare me, he was wrong. I didn’t find anything wrong with what he did.

  “If I could, I would kill the person who killed my mother,” I tell him, understanding just what he went through. In understanding, he grabs my hand and squeezes it letting me know he’s here for me.This is a tender moment, I finally feel like I’m seeing the real Chaos and I should have known someone would come along and ruin it.

  “Don’t you two look cozy,” Fabien says, walking over to us.

  ”What do you want Fabien?” Chaos asks dryly.

  ”The Queen request yours and Winter’s presence upfront for the big announcement,” he replies.

  “Does she now?” Chaos replies boredly, raising his eyebrow.

  “And if we refuse?” I question.

  “I don’t think that’s an option, princess,” Fabien answers, waving us forward.

  “Come on,” Chaos says, grabbing my arm and mumbles, “let’s get this circus over with,” and I wonder what he means.

  Together we all walk towards the stage. To my left, Raven is already there standing next to a frightening looking woman with a huge yellow and green snake wrapped around her arm like an accessory, and the strange guy from the boat dock who gave me an uneasy feeling.

  “Who is that standing over there with Raven?” I ask Chaos.

  “That,” he spats, “is the exactly what I would call her, is Raven’s mother Morgana, and next to her is Raven’s twin brother Cardinal.”

  “They’re twins?” I say shocked. “They look nothing alike.”

  “Not all twins are identical Winter. I’m sure that’s the case in the human lands and not just here.”

  “Yes, of course you’re right,” I frown. Of course not all twins look alike. I think my unease is making me into an idiot.

  “Ok, what’s up? Something’s bothering you,” he says in my head.

  “It’s Raven’s brother Cardinal. He gives me the creeps,” I answer the same way.

  “When have you been around him?” Chaos asks confused.

  “At the shipping docks. He was there with Raven when she showed up to surprise Kaiden.”

  “Interesting. Don’t worry about Cardinal,” he says, looking over at him like he’s a puzzle he’s trying to figure out, and I turn my attention back to the scene in front of us.

  I watch as Kaiden rises and walks to the edge of the dias. I haven’t seen him at all since we got here. I thought he would have stopped by my room to see if I settled in ok. I was, after all, in a strange land he brought me to, but it seems yet again he’s avoiding me. As if he senses my attention, or pure agitation, he glances down at me before quickly shifting his eyes away, moving his attention to his mother.

  “May I have everyone's attention?” Heras voice booms throughout the room. I’m guessing she’s using magic. “As you all know, my son has just come back from a journey to the human lands where he was able to locate a very special person,” she announces, looking pointedly at me. “We were all surprised to learn that Prince Lucas has been alive this whole time, and conceived a daughter, who he hid in the human lands for whatever reason. I am overjoyed Kaiden was able to find his daughter, and bring her back home where her title has been restored. Everyone, please give a hand for Princess Winter of House Storm,“ Hera shouts, raising her glass. Everyone applauses and follow her lead by raising their own champagne glasses in my honor.

  “Before leaving, my son was going to make a very important announcement that would affect our kingdom greatly. We have all been waiting a long time for the day when Prince Kaiden to decide to settle down and choose his mate, and our future Queen, and now the time has come and a decision has finally been made,” she continues with her speech once the applause die down.

  On cue, Kaiden walks down the dias steps with a small black velvet box clutched in his hand. He looks nervous, and a slight sheen of sweat shines on his forehead. Whatever he’s about to decide, he’s freaking out about it. I can feel it running through our bond. On the last step he hesitates, and that hesitation freaks me out more than anything. What have I done? Did I drive him away with my self-righteousness? Would he actually be with someone else to give me my independence? Will he sacrifice our love like Fabien did for Cali? Raven is on his right side, and I’m on his left. Standing there looking expectly, Raven gazes back at him like he’s the moon and stars itself. Clearly this isn’t an act, and she’s madly in love with him. With a half hesitant step in her direction, my heart drops. Then speeds back up when he turns towards me with a confident look on his face. Walking in my direction with determination, despite the loud gasps that fill the room, he drops to one knee in front of me.

  “Princess Winter of House Storm, will you marry me?” His voice booms loud and clear across the room filled with confidence, and I’m so shocked I can’t answer. My mouth is dry, my speaking skills forgotten. He chose me, and I couldn’t believe it.

  It’s like Asterial is here and time has gone still as I stare at him down on one knee and the box I didn’t notice until now is open. The ring is beautiful. A huge ruby surrounded by diamonds on a gold band, but even still with the worry over him choosing me, I didn’t know if I want to marry him or not. Choosing him now felt so much like choosing between all my men, and I couldn’t do that.

  “You can’t be serious about marrying this, this fraud?” Raven screeches, while I’m still struck speechless.

  “Raven that’s enough. Kaiden has made his choice. Stop making a fool out of yourself,” Hera yells over at her.

  “No, he made your choice,” Raven accuses. Her eyes are like death, staring intently at Hera with pure rage. “Kaiden tell her. Tell everyone you want to marry me and not this white haired freak.”

  “I can’t do that. I’m sorry Raven, but I love Winter, not you,” he answers boredly.

  “This is bullshit. You love me, not her. Why are you lying? This is all your mother’s doing, not yours,” she yells again, repeating herself as she stomps over to me.

  Bracing for a fight, I stand at ready waiting for her move. I can feel the magic around me gather, ready to release on my word. Stopping right in front of me, her face contorts in a complete rage.

  “I, Raven of House Avon, challenge Winter of House Storm to a Queen’s trial. Let our differences be settled in blood and fire.”

  Taking out a dagger she slices her palm, and squeezes her fist tightly. I watch confused as drops of her blood run freely onto the floor. What the hell is she doing? What’s a Queen’s trial?

  “This I pledge in blood, may the Fates hear my plea.”

  “You can't do this, stupid girl,” Hera shrieks.

  “She already has,” Raven’s mother responds. “Unlike you, my daughter does not back down from her promises,” she snarls at Hera, while that snake of hers slithers up her arm. This is crazy. What is it about these people and drama? I feel like I’
m starring in a soap opera.

  I still haven’t answered Kaiden. Raven is still standing in front of me with a look of nothing but hatred on her face, and I have no clue what the hell is going on. All of the sudden the magic in the air explodes, and a loud boom echoes through the room, sending me and Raven to our knees with a force so hard our knees crack on the floor.

  Lifting my head, I stare up at Hera's shocked pale face. If that bitch is scared, then this is bad. In a shaky voice she says, “the Fates have answered. There will be a Queen’s trial on the eve of the new moon.”

  I can tell by the look on Hera’s face, she was not expecting this with all her well laid out plans, and neither of us expected Chaos to casually walk over to me with his cocky trademark grin firm on his face holding a small blue box tightly in his hand. Reaching me, he holds a hand out and pulls me to my feet. When I stand, I’m less than an inch from his face when he opens the box revealing a huge princess cut diamond surrounded by sapphires on a platinum band and says, “Winter of House Storm, will you marry me?

  “What?” Hera yells so loud her voice echoes in the room drowning out all the shocked gasps. For the second time today, I’m the center of the entertainment here, and to think Hera was worried about me making a scene. Instead, the night has brought me two marriage proposals, and some kind of trial that I still have no clue what it entails.

  “What game are you playing at Chaos?” Kaiden yells moving in Chaos’s face blocking my view of him. His fist are balled up and he’s braced for a fight. Through the drama, I didn’t even notice him rise to his feet.

  “Unlike you Kaiden, I do not play games.”

  “Bullshit. You're the king of them,” Kaiden spits out hatefully.

  “Will you two stop this?” I say, throwing myself between them, both arms out ready to do whatever to keep them from killing each other.

  “Why are you fighting for her? Let Chaos have her and be done with it,” Raven screeches as she runs over to join the frey.

  “For fucks sake Raven, did I not tell you I do not love you?” Kaiden roars.

  “You don’t mean it. This is your mother wishes not yours, and as soon as I prove that she’s a fraud in the arena, your mother won’t want you to be with her either,” she cries, turning on her heel and stomping off.

  Once Raven is gone, neither Kaiden or Chaos give me a choice when they both slip their rings on my finger. I’m still in shock, and they’re both looking at each other like they want to battle it out right here and now.

  “Chaos, I plead for you to reconsider. You can have any other maiden here, leave Winter be,” Hera begs.

  “I don’t want anyone else. I love her,” he announces, looking over at me. “Do I need to call for a King’s trial to prove my point?” He asks challenging her. “Do I need to battle Kaiden to prove just how much I want her? Because I will, if that’s what it takes.”

  “No,” she says sadly, turning away. If I didn’t know better, I would swear tears were forming in her eyes before she quickly exits.

  I’ve never been so relieved to see someone until I spot Tristan moving through the crowd towards us. When he reaches me, I let him my knight lead me out the ballroom. I was so over this. If Kaiden and Chaos want to fight and kill themselves right then and there so be it. I won’t be there to witness it. I don’t speak the whole time it takes us to get back to my suite. I still don’t say anything after I remove my gown, and let it pool on the floor. Throwing on one of Tristan’s t-shirts I stole, I slip into my bed and stare up at the ceiling. I feel the bed shift as Tristan lays there next to me, and his hard body presses against me as he pulls me to his chest.

  Curling myself into him, I ask, “what’s a Queen’s trial?”

  “It’s a duel that can only be called by a royal, fought in the arena where disputes are settled. Any royal can call for one, but only the Fates can grant it like you saw,” he explains softly.

  “Is that it? Some kind of medieval duel.”

  “This is serious Winter. Once you’re in the arena there are no rules. If Raven decides to kill you, there's nothing we can do about it.”

  “Then I won’t fight,” I tell him.

  “I believe it’s far too late to back down now, sweetheart. If you do, you will be proving Raven right, that you are not Lucas’s heir, and be executed for treason.

  “But Hera won’t execute me. If she does, she’ll kill Kaiden.”

  “True, but Hera is more clever than you give her credit for. She can make it look like you’ve been executed, and imprison you for life. With that aside, I know you Winter. You will fight. Not for Kaiden or even your own freedom. You will do it for your father. To prove you are his daughter and heir.”

  He’s right, of course. I wouldn’t fight just for the right to marry Kaiden, or to save my own life. I will fight Raven, only to prove I am not a fraud, that lightning runs through me veins, and that I am Lucas DelaCorte’s daughter. That’s the last thought I have before I fall asleep.

  With the day I had, I wish my night would have been dreamless. Instead, I’m pulled into a place so unreal, it has to be from some child’s imagination. All around me is a field where the grass is so green and the flowers are so bright, I would not have been surprised if a little white rabbit ran past me dressed in a tiny plaid vest with a timepiece attached. This place is just that freaky. A place of pure fantasy plucked straight out of Willy Wonka, the Johnny Depp version, I was actually actively looking for a sea made from chocolate. Looking up, a blazing orange sun shines blindingly in my eyes, and the scouring heat burns my unprotected skin. Wherever I am, it’s certainly hot here.

  Walking forward, I see something shining bright reflecting off the rays of the sun. The closer I get, I can make out a shiny, long, rectangular shape, something like a clear glass coffin. What the hell? I think to myself. My steps increase until I’m practically running. My curiosity was getting the better of me, and I had to know if it truly is a coffin, and if so, who’s inside. Nothing else mattered, I had to get to it. Something or someone brought me here, and I want to know why. What if it’s my father? Is this strange place his way of telling me he’s dead? I hope not. I don’t think I will be able to survive the pain of him really being gone.

  It seems like I’ve been running forever, and sweat starts to build on my forehead from the heat and exhaustion of running in the blazing sun. Everything feels real, and it’s so detailed that I can’t help but think this place really does exist. When I’m a bit closer, and the details are clearer, I see it is a coffin, and it really is made from glass, which allowed me to clearly see a male body lying inside. Fear of seeing my father inside has my steps faltering, and I slow down. Cautiously, I approach the coffin, and right before I reach it, I’m thrown out the dream and I wake up.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I bolt up in bed. My body is covered in sweat, and the t-shirt I wore to bed is soaked all the way through. Looking over at the side of the bed, I see Tristan is gone, and judging by how cool the sheets are, he’s been gone for awhile. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, Nala looks over at me with concern in her eyes. Bending down to scratch between her ears, I assure her that I’m fine. Glancing down, I notice my feet has dirt and blades of bright green grass stuck in between my toes. What the hell? I say to myself, rubbing the sweat from my forehead. Not wanting to get into this right now, I call Nala.

  “Come on girl. Show me why you two spend so much time out in the courtyard.”

  Once I step outside, I’m surrounded by ice and snow. Twirling around I revel in my own winter wonderland. Even though I’m barefoot and in a soaked through t-shirt, I don’t feel the cold at all. If anything, it feels wonderful on my overheated skin. Looking all around, I take everything in from the beautiful frosted color cherry blossoms trees, to the ground completely covered in snow. Walking behind Nala, she leads me to a cave next to a grove of birch trees, and when I peek my head inside, I see Orion lying on his belly, asleep. This cave must be the
way they would have lived if they were in the wild. It’s crazy how my imagination can conjure up a habitat for them with the lack of knowledge I have.

  Leaving the cave, I take a seat on an iron bench next to a frozen lake. I’m so lost in my thoughts, I do not hear Kaiden approach until he speaks.

  “You’re not cold out here? You’re practically naked,” he questions, sitting down next to me.

  “No,” I answer, while I make impressions in the snow with my bare feet.

  “Must be your Fae blood then.”

  “Must be,” I agree.

  “Are you mad at me?” He asks, taking my hand in his.

  Pulling my hand from his grip, I walk over to the edge of the courtyard and look over the side.

  It’s quite a contrast from my winter wonderland, when I see the blazing sun and waves crashing against the sharp rocks below the castle walls.

  “I’m not mad at you,” I tell him after a while.

  “Then what is it?” He asks, walking over to me.

  “I love you Kaiden, I really do, but last night when I saw how heartbroken Raven was, I couldn’t help but to think, that could have been me. At one time you cared for her, making her believe the two of you would be together forever.”

  “I’m not proud about how last night went. I did care for Raven, but I never loved her. I’ve never told her, or anyone, but you and my mom those three words, you have my word on that. Our mothers have always pushed us towards each other, hers more than mine, and I failed to see how deep she’d fallen. If I have known she cared this much, I would have stopped it a long time ago. You have to believe me,” he says as his eyes plead with mine.

  Looking away, I concentrate on the beauty surrounding us.

  “I believe you,” I tell him quietly.

  “Good,” he says, turning my body towards his, and kissing me softly on the lips with so much passion my heart feels like it could explode. Grabbing my ass, he pulls me up until I’m wrapping my legs around his waist, and he quickly walks us back inside and lays me on my back on the bed. Lost in his kiss, I moan loudly as he unbuckles his pants, pushing them to the floor before hovering over my body. Entering me, he takes my body hard and fast, like a man in need, his cock hitting my g-spot over and over again until tears of ecstasy form in my eyes. I scream his name, and when I cum, he follows quickly, whispering how much he loves and needs me over and over again.