Vengeance (Out For Blood Book 2) Read online


  Out For Blood Book 2

  CY Jones

  To become who you are meant to be you must first sacrifice who you were


  A Note From The Author


  1. Aftermath

  2. Valentine Family

  3. Two years later

  4. Nullify

  5. Consequences

  6. War

  7. Wicked Fairytale

  8. Lesser Evil

  9. Knock Out

  10. Spoils of War

  11. Balance

  12. Decisions

  13. Secret Garden

  14. Dinner from Hell

  15. Surprise Kiss

  16. Villian of my Past

  17. Prisoner

  18. Tainted Memories

  19. Cyber war

  20. Tainted Love

  21. Consequences

  22. Savior

  23. Confession

  24. Caught

  25. Bloody Surprise

  26. Vows and Promises

  27. Final Offer

  28. Hangman’s last stand

  29. Void

  30. Choose

  31. Ultimatum

  32. Liberator

  33. Accept


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  Books by CY Jones

  About the Author

  Copyright © 2019 CY Jones

  Published by CY Jones

  All rights reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced/transmitted/distributed in any form. No part of this publication shall be shared by any means including photocopying, recording, or any electronic/mechanical method, or the Internet, without prior written consent of the authors. Cases of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law are the exception. The unauthorized reproduction/transmitting of this work is illegal

  Published in the United States of America

  Cover By: Eve’s Graphic Design

  Edited By: Dani Black

  Formatted By: Kassie Morse

  Created with Vellum

  A Note From The Author

  This is a Dark RH book and it contains certain triggers. This is not intended for anyone under the age of 18 years old.

  This work is a fictitious story. The names, places, occurrences, companies, organizations and such are products of the Author’s imaginations or have been used in a fictitious manner. They are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locations, companies, or organizations are purely coincidental. The authors do not assume the responsibility of the content on 3rd party websites. You can purchase a copy of this book at



  Feckin troll market, I hate this dump. I wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t of the utmost importance I meet with the seer who runs a shop here. The elusive Saraphenia has certainly given me a run for my money searching for her. Stepping up to the Phoenix Den, I frown. The building looks just as rundown and fucked up as the location it’s centered in. I would have thought someone in the Valentine family would run a much nicer place. Whatever, it’s not like I’ll be here long.

  “Hangman, you and Red stay back and watch the building. Make sure no one enters,” I order, as I take Alice’s hand. I catch the disappointment on Red’s face, right before she schools her cold features to indifference. She knows she has been replaced, and still she’s having a hard time dealing with it. Don’t get me wrong, I still appreciate her murdering ways, how she revels in her opponents fear, right before she chops their head off. Her blood lust makes me hard each and every time, but since finding Alice, The Queen of Hearts is nothing but old news to me now. I have a new toy to play with. A rare one. An angel, who I take great pleasure in corrupting each and every second of her miserable life. I’m a real arse for re-naming her Alice, a clear insult to the women she’s replacing, but Red should know better than anyone. Only one women has ever owned my heart, and I shot her in the head for it.

  “Sure thing,” Hangman responds. Ever the faithful soldier.

  As we enter the building, a tingling sensation runs across my body, making the hairs on my arms stand on end. There must be a glamour placed on this building, so maybe this place is not as much of a dump as I originally thought. I can’t see it for myself, since I’m human. The only reason why I can feel it in the first place is because I’m more sensitive than most humans, thanks to the company I keep.

  “Alice my dear, what do you see?”

  “It appears to be a regular shop, but it has a powerful glamour around it, I cannot break through. Whoever cast it is more powerful than I,” she answers walking in front of me.

  Alice may look like a big boobed, ditzy blonde, but she’s a ruthless killer, and can even give my daughter Remy a run for her money.

  “Don’t worry about it, pet. The seer who owns this shop is the most powerful supernatural there is.”

  “Yes, and I plan on staying that way. Why have you come, O’Donnell?”

  In front of me is the bitch herself. I have to admit, she’s very beautiful, and I wouldn’t mind fucking that lush body of hers, wiping that look of superiority right off her pretty face.

  “Ye know why I have come. The question is, will you give it to me?” I respond, looking the cold bitch in the eye.

  “Come on back, I have something to show you,” she answers instead, before turning and walking away, already knowing we will follow.

  She leads us to what appears to be a stock room. It’s filled to the brim with boxes, and has numerous shelves loaded with supplies. In the center of the room is an old wooden table, covered in a deep purple tablecloth with gold lace trimming. Placed on top is a crystal ball on a bronze claw stand, a handful of lit candles, and some kind of herbs sprinkled all around the table.

  “Are ye going to read me my fortune, Saraphenia?” I question, raising my brow.

  She doesn’t answer, nor does she acknowledge me, which pisses me off. I’m Patrick-fucking-O’Donnell, no one ignores me.

  “Take a seat, O'Donnell,” she orders, waving at the chair across from her. Grinding my teeth, I sit down, and order Alice to remain standing in the doorway to keep watch.

  “Go on, spit it out. What is it ye want to tell me? A reading is not what I came here for,” I tell her annoyed.

  Shuffling a deck of Tarot Cards, she pulls three out, and sets them in front of me, face down. She still hasn’t spoken, and I’m starting to think she’s as bat shite crazy as I heard. She definitely would give Hatter a run for his money in the insane department.

  “What is this?” I questioned, waving my hands in front of the cards.

  “This deck is very special. It’s tailored to your life, your past, and your future. These three cards are your future. Each card represents the ending to the path you’re on. I see many endings for you. Each and every one changing with every decision you make. The cards in front of you are the paths that come up more often than the rest.”

  Curiosity getting the better of me, I turn each card over. The Devil, the Empress, Death. Not at all surprising with the sort of life I live. My life is nothing but destruction and pain. The pain I caused on others to heal what was inflicted on me. The pain they deserve for being so feckin weak. I am not weak. I am a God, and I don’t need a reading from some two-bit clairvoyant to tell me anything different.

  “So far the road you’re on is going in your favor, but she,” Saraphena says, pointing to the Empress card, “has the power to stop you.”

  “And this one?” I questioned, plac
ing my finger over the Death card. “Whose death is this?”

  “That future has not yet been decided, nor has the path you’ve chosen to take been set in stone.”

  “This reading is useless, and does not benefit me one feckin bit. Do ye have what I’ve come for, witch,” I growled through clenched teeth. She’s wasting my time, and I am a very busy man.

  “Here, take it,” she says, tossing a small vial filled with a murky substance at me.

  Bringing it to eye level, I inspect the vial suspiciously. “How do I know this is what I asked for? Why are ye helping me?” I question.

  “I’m not helping you, I am helping me, and I already know if I do not give you what you ask for, you would find someone else who will. This path has already been set to play out.”

  “Ye are a right crazy bitch. What’s stopping me from killing ye?”

  I barely get the words from my mouth before she’s full belly laughing. “Silly human, I have already seen my death, and you are not the one to deliver it.”

  Fed up with this nonsense, I get up from my seat, and drag Alice along with me, leaving the crazy bitch to her laughter.




  Cody and I barely make it into the house when I’m yanked by my collar, thrown hard onto the wall, and pinned there by a furious Phantom.

  “Where is she?” He roars, making the hairs on my body stand on edge.

  My wolf is dying to break free to let the beta know just who the fuck he’s threatening, but I don’t have the fight in me. I’m broken, my heart shattered into a million pieces, and left scattered all over the ground of the cliff where Remy pushed me over both saving and killing me at the same time.

  “Lay off, mate, and calm the fuck down,” Cody says trying to pull Phantom off me.

  I don’t deserve his help. I will gladly die, because the world isn’t worth living without the women I love here with me. So I don’t fight, or try to get free when Phantom pulls back and bangs my body against the wall over and over again, until an equally furious Caleb helps Cody pull Phantom off me.

  “Calm down, son. This isn’t going to help get Remy back,” Caleb says, trying to calm Phantom down.

  “Chill out for fucks sake,” Cody yells, exhausted. His eyes are rimmed red, making them pop a startling blue.

  I know firsthand exactly what Cody is feeling. He loves Remy just as much as I do, maybe even more. I can feel the pain in the bond we all share with her, and it’s tearing me apart. Cody is my best friend. The first to accept what Remy is to us, while I fought the bond like an asshole. I’m both ashamed and pissed I could do nothing to stop her. I hate her for making the choice of her life for mine. Weak from injury, I wasn’t able to save our heart from being taken away. I’m not worth the price of her freedom. I will gladly die a thousand deaths just as long as she is here, safe with all of us.

  After Cody found me lying passed out on the sandbank he was able to heal my injuries, and didn’t waste any time asking where the hell Remy was as soon as I was conscious. Breaking down, I told him everything. What happened at the warehouse, the high speed car chase, how we were cornered on the cliffs, and the most devastating part where she pushed me off the edge of the cliff to save me, sacrificing herself, and then used her powers to have the ocean below take me away to safety.

  “Where is she?” Phantom questions me again, this time without the anger from before.

  All the fight has drained out of him, and he’s just an empty shell of a man, as am I. Keeping my back firmly pressed to the wall, I slide down to the floor bringing my knees to my body, gripping my hair tight in my fists making myself as small as I feel.

  “I don’t know,” I answer so softly, I barely hear myself. The man I use to be is gone, and in its place is this sad man who no longer wants to go on. Life isn’t worth living without her by my side. My siren. My Remy. My mate.

  Walking over to me, Conner kneels down in front of me, and gently lays his hand on my back. No doubt hearing my thoughts since I no longer care to shield them. His touch is gentle, and I can’t feel an ounce of anger in the man. In fact, he feels the opposite. Conner has nothing but love and understanding for me. All things I do not deserve. I failed him. I failed all of them. Because of me, his daughter is in the hands of the monster who took her from him years ago, raising her as his own. Just when he finally got her back, poof, she’s gone, and it’s all my fault.

  “Why don’t you start from the beginning?” Conner suggests, gently prompting me to talk.

  Raising my head I tell them everything, as my tears run down my face. Rehashing each painful detail all the way to the end where I lost Remy. I deserve this pain. It’s my penance, and I swear to the Gods, I will use it combined with my anger to get the women we all love back. This is not the end to our love story. No, we are just beginning.


  Valentine Family


  I’m just finishing up the details of my escape and Remy’s sacrifice when Oreo bursts through the front door with two women trailing closely behind him. Just like most supernaturals, they are both unnaturally beautiful. One has long straight red hair to her mid back, golden green eyes framed by dark lashes, thick plump lips, and a willowy body. Despite her slight frame, I can feel the power coming off her in waves, making my wolf wary. Whatever the fuck she is, she’s powerful as hell.

  The other equally beautiful women has jet black hair to her shoulders, styled in some edgy cut, bright chocolate brown eyes similar to Oreos as well as his pert nose. This one is slightly shorter than the other women, and a bit curvier. She too smells like pure power, but not as strong as the red head.

  “Who the fuck is this, and why are they here?” I growl at Oreo.

  Oreo is an incubus that may or may not be in a relationship with Phantom. Who the fuck knows at this point. Phantom is the kind of man that keeps his cards close, even from his own sister. Before they met, he spent two years lying to Remy about the true identity of their biological dads, and that he’s been working with those said dads, feeding them intel about Patrick O’Donnell’s operation, putting them both in danger. The bastard has the nerve to be pissy at him, when it was his plan that went to shit in the first place. Who knows what other vital information he’s keeping to himself. Maybe if he was more forthcoming they could have planned better, and Remy would still be here.

  Vital information, like whatever is going on with him and Oreo. I know for sure the two are fucking, as I heard them in the act way too many times to count over the last couple of days. A small detail Phantom has yet to share, along with the rest of his precious secrets that he likes to hoard like a dragon does jewels. It is unheard of for an incubus to not have a harem of their own, and Phantom is the only person I ever seen Oreo with since meeting him, so the two beautiful women beside him has caught me off guard, and I don’t like surprises, especially not now.

  “These are my older sisters, Saraphenia,” he says pointing at the red head, “and Katrina,” he says moving his finger to the dark haired women. “We have information on Remy,” Oreo announces, grabbing all of our attention at the mere mention of Remy’s name.

  “Where is she? Is she ok? Is she hurt? Do you have a plan to get her back?” The barrage of questions come out of all of us all at once before Conner claps his hands, effectively putting a halt to the chaos.

  “We all want answers, but we won’t get anywhere speaking all at once. Why don’t we take this conversation to another room where we can get comfortable?” He says while giving us a hard look that says, this is not a suggestion.

  Reluctantly, we all follow Conner into the living room and instantly I’m bombarded by my memories all at once. We were not here in this house long, but the time we did spend here was mostly in this room. This is the room where Remy decked her brother, laying him out flat on the floor for keeping secrets from her. Where they would sit and plot about how to deal with O’Donnell. The man who kidnapped Remy and Phantom when t
hey were babies, raising them as his own, and lying to them about the events behind their mother’s death.The sick fuck convinced them for years that Conner and Caleb killed their mother, when it was him all along.

  This is where when Remy plopped herself right on my lap, not giving two shits about what her dads thought about it, or her relationship with me and Cody as her chosen soul bound mates. A rare phenomenon that just didn’t happen anymore.

  “Now since we’re all settled, tell us what you know,” Conner prompts, sitting up straight, and folding his hands in his lap.

  “Gabriel Esposito is a dead man,” Oreo growls, curling his hands into tight fists.

  “Tell me something I don’t already know,” I say, angrily, as I think about how it’s all that fuckers fault I got caught in the first place, and taken to that warehouse in the city, where they held and tortured me and Caleb.

  After meeting Gabriel at Oreo’s club, I was separated from Remy. As a guard I couldn’t ride in the same car as Remy and had no choice but to ride in a separate vehicle with Gabriel’s personal bodyguards, to keep from looking suspicious. As soon as I stepped into the SUV, someone in the back stuck me in the neck with a needle, knocking me out. I woke up tied to a chair in a warehouse with the bitch who killed my parents, and some other dude that could be the doppelganger to Jack Frost.