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Tainted Throne (Crown of Blood and Frost Book 2) Read online

Page 11

  “Winter, don’t you look lovely,” a deep voice says behind me.

  Turning, I see Lucifer walking over with a little girl who appears to be around five years old, but with how slow time flows here I knew better than to assume. The lighting in the room highlights the girl’s fine long blonde hair, and a familiar pair of bright, turquoise-green eyes.

  “Winter, let me introduce you to our little sister Persephone,” Lucifer says, eyes dancing in amusement.

  “Hello,” I say, bending down and holding my hand out to her.

  “Hello,” she replies in a small voice as she takes my hand. “You’re very pretty. I can see why my brother is taken by you,” she says, giving me a low curtsy, quite impressive for one so young.

  Lucifer laughs, elbowing Tristan while the nosy nobility around shoot suspicious glances our way.

  “Why thank you, and so are you,” I tell her. I feel bad for her brothers. They will be fighting the boys off with a stick when she gets older.

  “She’s been dying to meet you ever since she heard Tristan returned with a girl, and he didn’t make it any better by dodging her questions about you all day,” Lucifer explains.

  “Is that so?” I ask, raising my brow.

  I’m about to lay it into Tristan when a girl around my age with strawberry blonde hair walks over, followed by two guys with dark hair.

  “Hi. I’m Willow,” she says, smiling and curtsies while her companions give a deep bow.

  When she rises, I take in her beautiful face, and think wow, is there anyone ugly living in Elyeria? Willow is more than beautiful, she’s actually quite stunning. Her strawberry blonde hair is silky and smooth with freshly cut flowers braided into it, reminding me of Rapunzel. She has on a tight light green floor length gown that flows smoothly over her perfect model thin body. Dark green vines with sharp thorns curl around her arms and probably her legs too, just like Poison Ivy from Batman. Her eyes are such a lovely shade of moss green with tiny flecks of gold that twinkle in the light. Being slow to answer, stunned by her beauty, I quickly shake myself out my stupor and gather my wits.

  “I’m Winter,” I answer lamely.

  “Oh, I know who you are. Everyone does,” she replies, smiling wider.

  “Now, love, lets not cause trouble,” one of her companions say from behind her.

  “I’m not causing trouble, Eurus. I’m simply stating a fact,” she huffs, correcting him and making me laugh.

  I take it Eurus and the other man behind her are brothers, with their identical broad builds, a complete opposite to Willow’s skinny frame. Both have dark hair, except one of the brothers hair is more brown, wavy and long, ending at his shoulders, and both have beautiful cerulean blue eyes. Besides the hair, the only other exception is Eurus, who appears to be a little older, has a tiny scar through his eyebrow, and of course, both men are gorgeous.

  ”I’m sorry, we’re being rude. This is Eurus and Zephyrus of House Wind, my mates,” Willow says introducing us.

  “Nice to meet you all,” I reply.

  Zephyrus, the one with long hair must be one of the strong and silent types as he has yet to say anything, smile, or even move.

  “There you are,” a slightly older version of the brothers says, walking up to us.

  “Mingling with the new princess without us,” another man calls out, clapping Zephyrus on the shoulder.

  “Now you know brother, Eurus and our lovely Willow here, probably were the ones doing the mingling while Zephyrus looked on stotically,” the older brother says, wrapping his arm protectively around Willow’s small waist.

  I couldn’t help it, I had to laugh because he’s absolutely right.

  Smiling, Willow says, “these are my other two mates, and Eurus and Zephyrus’, older brothers Boreas and Notus.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I tell them, holding my hand out to shake, and instead Boreas kisses it, as his brother follows. Where the two younger brothers have blue eyes, the two older ones have a startling shade of grey eyes that appear silver.

  “Are you enjoying the party?” Notus asks.

  “Not really,” I answer truthfully, looking around at the catty nobles.

  “Oh don’t mind them," Boreas muses waving his hand dismissively around the crowd.

  “Most of the nobles here are scared of you, and the others are assholes. Plus the rumors Raven have been spreading about you can’t be helping them warm up to you either,” Zephyrus says in a bored voice. Hearing him talk surprises me so much thatI don’t immediately catch what he said, and it takes me a minute to reply.

  “What rumors?” I question.

  Taking my arm, and pulling me close to her side Willow answers softly, “Raven has been going around saying that you're a fraud, and some kind of witch who’s enchanted Kaiden into believing you’re the lost heir’s daughter. That in a fight, you will not be able to wield lightning, because if you could, you would have done so earlier.”

  “What a bitch,” I shriek loudly, ready to find Raven, and rip her hair from her head and Willow nods her head sympathetically.

  “Don’t mind her, she’s just jealous,” Boreas says.

  “Rumor has it, a certain fire prince refused her company today, and locked her out of his rooms,” Notus adds, smiling.

  “How do you even know this is accurate information?” I ask him. If Waverly taught me anything, it’s that you shouldn’t take the rumor mill seriously.

  “Because princess, the winds talks, and we listen,” he answers cryptically.

  “Well, do you believe I’m a fraud?” I ask with my hands on my hips. The brothers look around at each other, and it’s Zephyrus, the quiet one, who answers, “no, we do not.”

  Clearing his throat, Tristan interrupts our conversation responding, “that’s great to hear. Winter will need all the support she can get.”

  Nodding in agreement, Boreus replies, “she has our support,” and I feel like the guys are having some sort of side conversation that they shouldn’t be having. I’m going to have to speak with Tristan about all this later when there aren’t so many prying eyes.

  “Well, I'm glad that is done,” Willow says, grabbing my arm. “Lets go mingle, princess,” she adds, pulling me away, and leaving her men and Tristan behind.

  Navigating the party with Willow is a whole lot different than with Tristan. Where Tristan was content on ignoring the stuffy nobles and allowing them to ignore us, Willow tackled them head on. I couldn’t keep up with the names of all the people she introduce me to. I was very grateful to her, and her efforts did help people warm up to me. Willow’s personality was so bubbly that it was hard not to smile around her.

  “That’s Aura,” Willow says pointing at a stunning woman with light blonde hair that shines like sunlight reflecting off the water, bright blue-grey eyes, and a long, lean figure that you couldn’t help but to be jealous of. “You will want to keep clear of her. She’s incredibly vain, vicious, and Raven’s BFF,” Willow whispers close to my ear.

  “So, in other words, just like Raven, she’s a complete bitch,” I whisper back.

  “Exactly,” Willow smiles.

  A girl with curly purple hair and clear light blue eyes walks over to us introducing herself. “Hi, I’m Bia of House War,” and I smile because her perfect English accent is just like Tristan’s.

  “Hi. I love your hair color. Is it real?” I ask out of curiosity, and not to be rude.

  “No, it’s boring brown, but I’m notorious about dying it,” she answers, laughing. “I’m surprised you asked. You should meet my sister Nike, she is just as bold as you,” she adds, smiling wider. I could tell right away Bia is a unique soul, and just like Willow, we will get along just fine. Not only did her bright purple hair make her stand out, but also the tiny stud piercing in her right nostril and the trail of silver hoops covering her earlobe.

  “Where are your siblings?” Willow inquires. "Are they off making trouble again?”

  “They’re probably starting a fight somewhere.
You know how they are,” Bia answers. As if on cue we hear a crash and shouting out in the courtyard, and Bia leaves to go investigate. When she returns she’s smiling from ear to ear confirming that her sister and other two brothers are the cause of the trouble outside.

  “Well, if it isn’t the fraud,” Raven says, walking over sneering at me with her BFF Aura by her side.

  Just hearing her voice makes my blood boil, but I take a deep breath and count backwards from five, calming myself down before I answer her.

  “Raven, how not nice to see you again.”

  Bia laughs, and sweet Willow stands by my side, surprising me with the death stare she’s giving Raven in a show of support.

  “I see you’re making friends. Let's see, we have the family of delinquents,” she says looking over at Bia, “and the orphaned whore,” she mocks, turning her head to Willow.

  Willow stiffens beside me, and I watch as she wilts at the insult like a flower left out in the sun too long without water. She starts to lower her eyes down to the floor, pissing me off that Raven could be so cruel to someone so gentle. It was one thing to be nasty to me, but Willow was too sweet of a person to be treated that way.

  “And what are you?” I challenge.

  “Certainly not your friend. I don’t make friends with liars and thieves,” she retorts.

  “What have I lied about, or stolen from you, Raven? It is not my fault that Kaiden prefers my company over yours. That’s not theft, that’s called being replaced,” I state coldly. I watch as her anger takes over her pretty face, and her dark eyes narrow in my direction. Unfazed, I walk close to her face and look her up and down.

  “If you keep spreading lies about me not being who I say I am, I’ll electrocute you in your sleep,” I whisper in her ear in a voice colder than death. Widening her eyes, she gives me a look of pure hate, but not before I catch the fear flash in her eyes, but apparently this girl had no sense of self preservation, because instead of tucking her tail and running off, she actually has the nerve to get in my face.

  “Kaiden will come around once I prove you are not who you claim to be. He loves me, and doesn't care about you. He’s only using you like the human filth you are,” she taunts.

  I told myself earlier I was going to go to this ball and not cause trouble, but hearing her words has my own insecurities from earlier resurfacing, and my anger rises, facing off with hers. Granted, until a week ago I thought I was nothing more than human, but being here and knowing the truth, that being called a human is the lowest of the low insult one can be called, it only makes me angrier. She’s nothing but another Jessica. A vile being who will do and say anything to get their way. Looking around, I see we’re generating an audience, something Raven is clearly happy about as I take in the smug smile on her face. I also notice she’s wearing Kaiden’s house colors, staking her claim in a blood red dress and black strappy heels. Who the hell does this girl thinks she is?

  I was all set in punching the smug smile right off her face when Chaos walks up to me and wraps his arm possessively around my waist.

  “There you are, beautiful, I’ve been looking all over for you. Did you forget you owed me a dance?” Not waiting for an answer, he pulls me away, and leads me out to the dance floor.

  “What the hell Chaos?” I whisper yell, once we’re a safe distance away from Raven.

  “What?" He asks, raising his eyebrow.

  “You know what,” I spit out.

  “Could you be referring to me saving you from punching Raven in the face like you were just thinking? You’re welcome by the way,” he answers, pulling me tighter as he twirls me around the dance floor.

  “I didn’t thank you,” I say angrily.

  “Well, you should. Look Winter, you’re not going to win anyone over if you prove Raven is getting to you, and punching her in the middle of the ball will indeed prove she’s doing just that. That’s what she wants. I pulled you away so you won’t give her the satisfaction. You’re new here, and like it or not, Kaiden and Raven use to be a thing. In the eyes of everyone, you’re the interloper, not her. You know you should really work on that temper of yours. I’m sure being bonded to that hothead Kaiden isn’t doing you any favors.”

  I get where he’s coming from, I really do, but that girl seems to know how to bring the worst out of me. She preys on my insecurities, and has no qualms about hurting people to get what she wants. How could Kaiden care about anyone so hateful and shallow?

  “Beautiful, everything is a game here. You need to learn the rules, and learn them fast, if you want to survive. You know who you are. There's no need for you to argue with Raven. That will only prove your guilt in the eyes of these people,” he says softly, trying to console me.

  Forgetting about Raven, I get lost in the heat of his arms, and when I look up, the intensity in his crystal blue eyes damn near knocks me off my feet. They’re so beautiful. Hell, he’s beautiful. Far prettier than any of the men I’m bonded to, and myself if I’m being truthful. Being so close to him, I see that his eyes aren't just one shade of blue, but facets of different shades of blues blending together with a twinkle of mischief. It’s a startling contrast to his short midnight black hair on his head and face. He reminded me of Zac Efron with his sexy facial hair.

  “You better stop looking at me like that before I take you out on the balcony and fuck you thoroughly. I’m barely able to contain myself as it is, seeing you dressed in my House colors,” he whispers closely in my ear, and my nipples pebble against his hard chest.

  Trying to distract myself from my libido, I take in his fitted all white suite and gold bow tie.

  “You are quite pretty for a guy. Beautiful even. Maybe I should call you pretty boy.”

  He’s gorgeous, and has a body to die for, and I’m sure he knows it. Chuckling, he moves his hand higher, and fingers the necklace around my neck accidentally, or intentionally, brushing his hand against my breast. Judging by the wicked smile on his face, I would say intentionally.

  “Would you like that, pretty girl?” He asks, dropping the chain.

  “What?” I ask breathlessly, lost in lust.

  ”For me to bend you over the patio over there, and fuck you senseless,” he answers, nibbling my earlobe, causing me to gasp out loud.

  I’m barely able to control myself, and I know I’m wet between my thighs. With Chaos, just his naughty words and the brief contact with my skin, he’s successfully driven me insane with need.

  “You tell me,” I answer boldly, staring up into his beautiful eyes. “Can’t you read my thoughts?" Before he can answer, the music stops and a horn blows signaling Hera’s and Kaiden’s arrival.

  The False Queen’s arm is threaded tightly through Kaiden’s as they walk in together. Both are dressed in their House colors. Hera in a long red ball gown with gold accents, and Kaiden in a fitted red suit, and black dress shirt with the first couple buttons undone. Both of them are wearing large gaudy crowns on top of their heads encrusted in jewels, and a rather large ruby that’s probably worth a fortune. When they walk past us, I catch Hera’s look of annoyance as her eyes zooms in on Chaos’s arm wrapped tightly around my waist, holding me close to him.

  “Interesting, what was that look about?” I ask him quietly.

  “Nothing,” he mutters with a hard look on his face that says end of discussion, which only makes me even more curious.

  When Hera and Kaiden reach the stage, Hera addresses us all by thanking us for coming, and for us to enjoy ourselves. The music resumes, and Chaos wraps me tightly in his arms like I’m the most precious thing in the world, and we sway around the dance floor like we’re the only ones there.

  As the night continues, more nobles start to come up to talk to me. Some making their curiosity obvious, and others being super sneaky about it. Many want to know about my father, and what he’s been up to all these years, wanting to know if he’s really dead.

  “Why are so many of you named after the Gods?” I ask Chaos once we’re alone aga
in. “I mean, I get we’re descendants from them, but do we really have to be named after them too?”

  “Interesting question, beautiful.”

  “So, are you going to answer?” I question, raising my eyebrow.

  “Tradition I guess. I mean, we’re not required to name our kids after the deities our bloodlines come from, but a lot of vamps do. Pregnancy is so rare. Even if one does become pregnant, passing on their gifts is even rarer. Truthfully, I don’t know why they bother. The bloodlines are so mixed now. Just because you belong to a certain household doesn’t mean you don’t have any other Gods in your bloodline. It’s considered a blessing when a child is born, so vamps like to name their children after the deities of their household out of honor and thanks to that God for blessing them with a child.”

  “Wow ok, so if I had grown up here what would my name have been?” I ask curious.

  “I’m not sure, but if I had to guess from your allure and beauty I’d say Aphrodite, but from your intelligence and grace Athena.”

  “Really?” I say, looking at him surprised he thought I had such great qualities.

  “Yes,” he replies.

  “Then I am glad my father named me what he did. I could never live up to such a name. I don't envy you guys.”

  “You have no idea,” he mutters under his breath.

  “What about you?” I question.

  “What about me?” He asks, taking a sip of wine.

  “Did you ever wonder what it would be like to be named something else?”

  “Since it’s not possible, I’ve never thought of any other possibility.”