From Cupid (Working Girl Book 1) Read online

Page 13

  “What’s up, sexy?” I greet him with a wink.

  “Furniture day,” he replies, motioning to the truck. “I know you’re excited.”

  God, he knows me well. “Hell yes,” I reply, going for the fist bump. I felt like a kid hopped up on sugar. Hell, if Harrison didn’t fuck me unconscious last night, I’d have probably been up all night like a kid on Christmas Eve trying to catch Santa.

  Rocko takes one look at me and shakes his head. He’s totally hiding it, but I know he’s just as excited as I am. Underneath the tough exterior, Rocko is a total sweetheart. As things were delivered and placed in the warehouse, I made sure I labeled which room I wanted them, so I spent the morning making sure everything was placed in the right rooms before I had the crew help me arrange the furniture. It was a big job as we had two huge trucks full of furniture to unload. I was so busy, I barely had time to take a breath. It wasn’t until Rocko forced me to go eat something that I noticed Harrison hasn’t been here yet. After putting in a food order at a restaurant nearby, I call him, just to get his voicemail. “Hey babe, I was just calling to check on you. Ring me back when you can.” I guess his meeting is running longer than planned. Too bad. I know how much he loves seeing his projects come together.

  I didn’t want to leave, so I sent one of the guys to pick up my order for me. As I waited, Chaz called me so I chatted with him a bit. I can’t wait for all this to be over so I can tell him whose house I’m designing. I hate keeping things from my friends, but until this project is over with, the NDA I signed is still in effect.

  Harrison doesn’t call me back until I’m done eating and throwing my food away in the rubbish bin.

  “Hey, siren. Sorry I missed your call.”

  “No biggie,” I wave my hand, forgetting he can’t see me. “Long meeting, huh?”

  “You don’t know the half of it,” he drawls. He sounds so exhausted. Besides being a contractor, I forget about the business side of things that Harrison deals with. He also has other businesses and sometimes he has to fly out of state to deal with them.

  “Am I going to see you today?” I ask.

  “I’ll try. I much rather be with you than dealing with these assholes. Are you eating? I know how you get when you get tunnel vision.”

  “Yes, bossy one. Rocko made sure I stopped to eat. I’m on break now, actually.”

  “Siren, it’s past three. You should have been stopped for lunch earlier,” he chastises.

  “I ate, that's all that matters.”

  “I swear when I get home I’m going to spank you,” he threatens.

  “Hey, don’t threaten me with a good time,” I tease.

  I hear a man’s voice in the background before Harrison says, “I have to go.” Blowing him a kiss through the phone, I head back into the house to finish up.

  The day is long and I don’t finish until well after ten. Tired, I drive home to the beach house. Harrison takes one look at me and helps me take a seat on the sectional where he removes my sneakers and rubs my feet. I groan in pure bliss as his magic fingers worked my soles. Leaving me for a bit, he goes into the bathroom and runs a hot bath for me. Helping me undress and into the tub, he stays in there with me, making sure I don’t fall asleep in the tub. Death by drowning does not sound like a fun time. When I’m done, he dries me off and helps me into the bed where I fall asleep before my head hits the pillow.




  “This place is fantastic, Paige. You really know how to pick them,” Roger, my new client, praises as we do a walk through of the Long Beach house. This is actually his first time seeing it. I’m glad he likes it because, you know, the deal has gone through, all sales are final, no take backs. You get what I’m saying.

  “If we knock this wall down, you will have more of an open feel. I think it’s a shame to let these views go to waste,” I tell him, pointing to the wall separating the kitchen from the living space.

  “Quite right, and since we’re putting a new roof on, do you think we can raise the ceiling? I would love to add vaulted ceilings to this room.”

  I turn to Rocko who’s silently following us, jotting things down. Since he’s finished with Starlight’s home and we got along so well, I asked him to work with me on this project.

  “That shouldn’t be a problem,” he replies and we keep walking.

  It takes us an hour to go through the home. Roger wanted to change almost everything about the place. I nearly suggested we knock the whole thing down and build from the ground up. The only thing that stops me is that I’m sure he’ll agree. Thank goodness this home is on the beach or we’d probably be digging up the whole backyard as well. Roger also wants high end everything. I really have my work cut out with him, but it helps that he has a fat wallet and price doesn’t seem to be a factor to him. This isn’t even going to be his main home. It’s just a vacation home for his visiting clients.

  When he leaves, I turn to Rocko. “Thanks for doing this. I don’t think I’d be able to find another foreman with a full crew on time.”

  “You’re good. If not here, Harrison would have sent us on another job anyways. I’ll get with my people and we can start here early tomorrow morning.”

  “Great, I’m going to call the Department of Sanitation to get a couple trash containers delivered here and we’ll be all set.” Nodding, he tells me bye before jumping onto his motorcycle, looking all sexy and shit. Jeez that man is delicious. Too bad Chaz is taken, they’d make a hot couple.

  As I sit in my car, I arrange everything. Looking at my watch, I see it’s a little past twelve. I wonder if Harrison has eaten yet? He’s working out of his office in the warehouse today, doing inventory and getting ready for his annual audits. He’s been working so hard to prepare, I decide to surprise him and bring him lunch, so I stop at one of his favorite places before heading to the warehouse.

  Alice is working sales in the front, so she waves when she sees me and I let myself in the back. Getting my workout in, I climb the stairs up to Harrison’s office in the spacious loft space. I hold onto the bags tightly so I don’t drop them. As I try to balance the bags, and fumble with the door, I don’t notice Harrison has company until I step inside. Looking up, my smile leaps right off my face and into the nearest fireplace, burning into a pile of ash. I wish genies were real so I can wish for it to take away what I’m seeing. Amy straddling Harrison with their lips locked together. My gasp echoes in the room and Harrison turns in my direction, horrified. Before the bags I’m holding hit the floor, I’ve already turned and ran out of the room, running like the devil is chasing me. I don’t hesitate when I press the start button on my Range Rover and take off. I barely make it onto the highway when my tears start streaming down my face, so much so I have to pull over on the shoulder or I’ll risk crashing into someone. Pulling out my phone, I dial Chaz’s number.

  “Can you please come get me?” I wail into the phone. My heart was broken and I’m sure it comes out in my voice. He doesn’t hesitate when he asks where and I shoot off the mile marker I’m stranded at. Twenty minutes later, a slick, bright red Lambo pulls in front of me. Chaz steps out and opens my driver door, careful of the cars zipping up the highway. Lifting me out of the car, he puts me gently in his passenger seat and locks up my car for me. Then he takes off as I break down, a broken sobbing mess as he drives.


  I hate audits, mostly because I hate paperwork. I’d rather be working with my hands, I’m no paper pusher. I’m glad I hired a good team and everything seems to be in order because right now, my mind is elsewhere. I’m so fucking happy Paige decided to move in permanently, but that’s still not enough. This may be fast, but I’m ready to take the plunge. I know I’ll never find another girl like her. She’s my person, the one I’m meant to be with and I want to marry her.

  Meetings weren't the only thing I was doing yesterday. I also contacted a friend of mine about designing the perfect engagement ring. I wanted it to be sp
ecial and unique, just like Paige. I was lucky Samantha was able to fit me in on short notice. She runs a well sought out jewelry business, dealing with the rich and famous. Anyone who's anybody goes to her and Paige deserves the best. The office phone beeps, breaking my thoughts and I hold down the button.

  “Yes,” I grunt.

  “Amy Gaines is here to see you, sir. She said it was an emergency,” my secretary responds. She’s up front, dealing with customers since we’re all hands on deck. I really don’t want to deal with Amy right now, but if she’s already here, I know I don’t have a choice.

  “Send her up,” I tell her.

  Five minutes later, Amy comes waltzing in. As usual, she’s dressed to the nines in a tight designer dress that was indecently short for the work week and shiny knee high heeled boots, which reminded me of those the hooker Julia Roberts played in Pretty Woman.

  “What is it, Amy?” I grunt, skipping the pleasantries.

  “I need to talk to you about your new designer,” she huffs, undeterred about my attitude.

  “What about her?” I ask, folding my arms across my chest. I already know what this is about. She’s jealous I chose to keep Paige on full-time as my leading designer. Some would say I did it because I’m fucking her, but Paige’s work is outstanding and speaks for itself. With word of mouth, we have been busier than ever and had to start waitlisting clients, which proved she got her position off her own merits. The only one who seems to have a problem with Paige is Amy. Everyone else loves her.

  “I saw her ideas for the Davenport house. They’re too bold and are not going to work for such a highly influential family. Her ideas are too out of the box and borderline common. I would hate for you to lose business just because you want to keep your girlfriend happy.” I don’t like the way she says girlfriend. It’s like she had to force the word from gritted teeth.

  “And you think you can do better?” I ask, setting her up.

  “I know I can. I have the experience and I know your clientele well from our long working relationship.”

  “Yes, well if you know the way I work so well, then you would know I’ve already talked with the Davenports and showed them Paige’s proposal beforehand. They were delighted with her choices, so you're off about knowing my clientele. I know where all this is stemming from and it’s because of our long working relationship that I haven’t fired you yet. I’m not stupid. I know you’ve been talking shit about Paige to the employees. I also know you’ve been leading some idiotic campaign against Paige. I was giving you time to work out your jealousy issues, but I see that’s not going to happen. Turn in all your keys, you’re fired,” I tell her dispassionately and her face pales. I can’t find it in me to feel bad for her. She’s brought this on herself.

  “You don’t mean that,” she finally says when she finds her voice.

  “I assure you, I do mean it. This is a professional business. I’m not trying to deal with catty fights of false accusations.”

  “Says the man whose girlfriend is his top designer. She’s a fucking nobody,” she yells. She's angry as shit, her face turning just as red as her hair. I heard redheads have impressive tempers, I just wasn’t trying to deal with this shit right now.

  “Paige isn’t a nobody,” I growl. “She came from a profitable business and has more than proven she’s up to the task. Because of Paige, business has increased. It’s you who has a problem with her.”

  Seeing that she isn’t going to change my mind, she switches tactics and sways her hips as she moves to my side of the desk. There's a gleam in her eyes that I don’t like and I grow more and more uncomfortable.

  “I get it, she’s your girlfriend, but she’s no us. She didn’t build her business from the ground up like we did. She’s had everything handed to her like a spoiled brat. Justin made that business, not her. And now, since she’s done with him, she’s here using you. As soon as she gets what she wants, she’ll run right back to him, leaving you in ruins.”

  I’m shocked by her words, so much so I don’t notice her movements until she’s straddling me in my chair, rubbing her bony body against me. “What are you do..” My words are cut off when she slams her lips against mine. A gasp in the doorway has me ripping my mouth from hers and my blood runs cold when I see Paige standing there, watching us in complete horror. It’s like I can see her heart breaking into tiny little pieces right before me, littering my office floor. The look on her face tells me I’m losing her and this time it’ll be forever. Before I can open my mouth, she’s gone, running away from me and out of my life.

  With a growl, I push Amy off me and she falls unceremoniously onto the floor. I’m fucking livid. I have never wanted to kill someone more than I want to hurt her. “Turn your keys into Alice and don’t bring your bony ass anywhere near me or my business again.” Her face pales and she looks up at me with scared eyes. “And Amy, if I can’t get Paige back, I will ruin you. Your name and company will be blacklisted. I’ll make it my personal mission that you’ll never get a job in this town again.”

  Leaving her with that threat, I chase after Paige. Fuck, fuck, fuck! I have no clue where she’d go. “Alice, did you see which way Paige went?” I ask her frantically. I’m sure I look like a mess and judging by the wide eyed look my assistant is giving me, I know I’m right.

  “No, I just saw her run out the door like wild dogs were chasing her,” she replies.

  “Fuck,” I roar and the customers mingling about turn to look at me like I’m crazy. Hell, I am. My mind won’t be right until I find my siren.

  “I just fired Amy, make sure you collect all of her keys from her.” I don’t wait for her response before I’m running out the door.


  River Blue


  Chaz took me back to his place where I still haven’t said a word to him. I’m finally all cried out, my tears having dried up a while ago. I’m lying on my back, staring at his ceiling for God knows how long. Feeling numb, I find myself lost in between reality and insanity. I must have fallen asleep sometime in my crying jag because the sun is starting to set as the day ends.

  Chaz is laying shirtless beside me. His chest rising and falling with each of his breaths. My eyes study his body, noting each dip and plane of his flawless chest. He didn’t have a single blemish on him. Like his face, his skin was a creamy marble. Feeling my gaze, he opens his eyes and I get lost in his gray irises. He’s patient and doesn’t say anything, waiting on me to speak. With my mind starting to clear, I notice what I didn’t see when he picked me up. The blood veins in his eyes, his subdued attitude, or the pained look reflecting in his irises similar to my own. Like calls to like and I just knew.

  “Oh, Chaz,” I say, falling onto his chest and holding him tight. A pained cry leaves his lips, and I pull him into me tighter. “When?” I ask, when he’s ready to speak.

  “Last night. He called and said with his heavy school load, he didn’t have time for a relationship and it wasn’t fair for me to wait on him. He’s an asshole to not know I’d wait for him forever.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say again, snuggling into his side and he drapes his arm around me.

  “Did you know he’s the guy I came out of the closet for? When I saw him leaning against his locker, looking too cool for school, I just knew we were meant to be. I told my parents and we had this big blow up. My father was furious. No way could Andrew Vanderbilt’s son be a fucking queer.”

  “Wait! You’re a Vanderbilt?” I gasp, interrupting him.

  “Yep, my parent’s only child, much to their disappointment. After I came out, they cut me off, and as soon as I graduated high school, I distanced myself from them. I went to cosmetology school and got my license to do hair. When my grandfather died, he left me a huge trust so I opened up my own hair salon. Michael and I swore we would always be together and I promised I’d wait for him when he went off to college and then medical school in New York. Never in a million years would I predict he’d dump me. He couldn’t even
do it to my face, having called me like a coward.”

  “That sucks, especially when you lost your family for him,” I tell him.

  “I didn’t care about that, I never did. I was tired of trying to be someone I’m not. Michael was my lifeline, you know. A glimpse at who I truly was. He saved me, and now he has killed me, driving the dagger deep in my heart.”

  “Fuck him. You don’t need him, you have me,” I say, trying to be more upbeat than I’m currently feeling. Turning his head to face me, he gives me a ‘I’m not fooled’ look. Okay, yeah we’re both adrift heartbreak creek right now, but I meant it when I said I’m here for him.

  “What’s going on with you?” He asks.

  I don’t want to talk about it, but maybe I should. Maybe I can purge it from my system and stop feeling this instrumental pain. Plus he told me his story, so it’s only fair I tell him mine. In a low sad voice I did not recognize, I reply “Harrison cheated on me.”

  “What?” He says, shocked. “Oh, honey bunny, I’m so sorry.”

  “I thought we were happy. Just like with Justin, I didn’t see it coming. There were no signs. He just begged me to move in with him permanently, for fuck sakes. I went to his office today to bring him his lunch and bam! Amy Gaines was straddling his lap, kissing the hell out of him.”

  “Lord knows I’m not a fan of the male population right now, but I have to ask. Are you sure?”

  “Yes, Chaz. I’m not blind, I know what I saw,” I spit out incredulously. “I can’t burn that visual out of my mind, even if I wanted to.”

  “Okay, don’t kill me. I was just asking.”