From Cupid (Working Girl Book 1) Read online
Page 17
Road to Recovery
As I sit beside Paige’s hospital bed, I listen to the beep, beep, beep of the machine attached to her. I keep telling myself the sound is a good thing. It means that she is here and alive. It was touch and go when we were first brought here. I woke up a week earlier in a bed much like hers with far less injuries. Since I was running on pure adrenaline when I kicked the door in, I obtained second degree burns on my right leg as well as bad smoke inhalation in my lungs and a bruised hip, which still hurt like a bitch, from jumping off the roof.
I was told on the way to the hospital, Paige's heart stopped and they had to revive her, where she fell into a coma. Like me, her lungs were full of smoke, she had a concussion from the blow she took to the back of her head, a broken wrist, which is currently in a cast, and rope burn on both of her arms. Everyday I have been coming to her bedside, hoping and praying she’ll wake up.
“Any change?” Justin asks, coming into the room. He’s carrying two cups of coffee and hands me one before taking a seat.
“No, nothing,” I reply, taking a sip of all black coffee. Since the accident, I haven’t been sleeping well, only getting two hours a night before returning to the hospital. I would probably sleep here if the nurses didn’t shoo me away for being here so long.
I watch as he stares at her face and I can clearly see his emotions like I was looking at his reflection in a mirror. Sadness over her condition, fear that she might not wake up, and this blinding love that would be impossible to doubt how much he cares for her. You would think I’d be jealous, but it’s important to me that Paige has those who care about her here for her right now, plus he chased her horrible mother away when she made a scene in the hospital, saying it was my fault she was here. Oh and that was two days after Paige was admitted when she decided to get off her ass and show up. Justin kindly told her Paige wouldn’t want her here and to leave before he called hospital security to remove her. The look on her face was priceless.
“She looks so fragile,” he says in a low voice.
“Well, she’s not. She’s the strongest woman I know and she’ll get through this. I have no doubt about that.”
“You really are good for her, you know. I don’t think I would have been able to do what you did or be so strong now. I wasn’t even strong enough to fight my addiction for her when I was with her. I hurt her instead and it took me over a year to apologize.”
“You need to let that go,” I tell him. “Yeah you fucked up and you paid the price, but Paige has the biggest heart in this world, so much so that she was willing to give you another chance at friendship. She’s one in a million and when she wakes up, because she will, you need to take that second chance and not make her regret giving you one.”
“You’re a good man, Harrison,” he says, standing up. I hold back my growl when he bends over to kiss Paige on the cheek and leaves the room.
Alone again, I pull out my laptop to read her my letter for the day. Every day I have been coming to her room and reading her From Cupid letters. Even though we made a match, I thought reading to her would help her recovery. I heard somewhere that people in a coma can still hear you.
Dear Siren,
Words cannot describe how much I love you. You are the breath in my lungs, the blood that flows in my veins, the beats to my heart. Without you, I cannot live or even exist. I never thought I’d ever find anyone who would complete me, but it’s clear you are my other half. The one I’m destined for. Do you know what that means? It means you need to get better. You have to fight this because if you die, so will I. I wasn’t made to function without you. I told you before, if you try to leave me, I’ll follow you to the very edges of the Earth and bring you back, kicking and screaming. Even Heaven isn’t out of my reach. Where you go, I go. So come back. That’s my rib in your body and God can’t have you.
Love always,
Your Harrison
“You can’t repo body parts,” a scratchy voice says and I fling my eyes over to her bed. My gaze clashing on the most beautiful sight in the world.
“God, it’s so good to hear your voice.” Moving closer, I take her hand that isn’t in a cast and kiss it tenderly. “Never, never scare me like that again,” I tell her, kissing her hand with each word.
“It was Amy,” she says. Her eyes move rapidly and her heart races, making the machine beep rapidly.
“Shh, shh, I know, sweetheat, calm down.” I cup her cheek and bring my forehead to hers and she immediately calms down. “She’s been arrested and facing a shitload of charges.”
“Charged already?” She frowns. “How long have I been here?”
“You’ve been in a coma for a week,” I answer.
“A week?” She screeches, pulling back, which only makes her wince.
“Let me go get your nurse and let her know you’re awake,” I tell her, getting up and she grabs my hand with more strength than I thought she’d have right now.
“No, Harrison, please don’t leave me,” she says frantically. “I’m so sorry. So fucking sorry I doubted you. I know I don’t deserve you, but please stay with me.”
“Siren, when are you going to get it through your thick skull? I am not going anywhere. Nothing can take you from me, not even death.” With that, I kiss her hard, attacking her mouth like I’m laying siege on the keep. She moans loudly, the sound mixing with the beep of the machine she’s hooked onto and I increase my efforts. That is how the nurse finds us.
After waking from my coma, I had to spend another long week in the hospital. I’m the first to admit that I’m not a good patient. Sitting prone in bed almost killed me. Any longer and I was tempted to call Chaz to bust me out. But I can’t say it was all bad. Harrison would spend hours in my room, reading to me letters he wrote and design magazines. What can I say, the man knows me well. Justin also came by a couple of times, which surprised me. I didn’t think he would care, but I’m glad he does. It’s been wonderful getting to know my friend again. Chaz also came to visit me, sending all the nurses into heat. I didn’t have it in me to tell them there was nothing under their skirt he wanted. Like Justin, I was glad to see he was doing better. Apparently, he set up his own account on From Cupid. Who knows. Maybe he’ll be lucky like me and find his match.
I can’t say the road to recovery is easy. For starters, having your arm in a cast, even a half one, and working sucks. I can’t be as hands on as I would like on job sites and carrying supplies to my car one handed is a bitch. Also, with almost dying and everything, I’m super behind on my work, now I’m playing catchup at half strength.
My main goal is to finish Jodie’s house. She will be home in less than two weeks and I’m determined to have the house done by then, so, to Harrison’s displeasure, I have been working a lot of late nights, which is exactly how he finds me well after twelve AM.
“Siren, do I need to spank you?” He comes up behind me, wrapping his strong hands around me and kissing the tender spot on my neck.
“For what?” I ask, playing dumb.
“You know why. What’s the point of hiring an extra crew if you’re still going to work yourself into exhaustion? You should be home resting.”
“I’ll rest when Jodie’s house is finished,” I retort.
Sighing, he picks me up in his arms and I scream for him to put me down. “Careful, siren, you wouldn’t want to hurt your arm and have your cast on for longer than four weeks.”
“If that happens, my pussy and I are going on strike.” I’m totally lying. I’m already on the edge as it is.
“Don’t make threats you know you can’t follow through with,” he says, reading my mind. I hate that he knows me so well.
Giving up, I let him carry me to his car and buckle me in. I must have fallen asleep on the way home because the next thing I know, we’re at the house and he’s carrying me inside. Setting me on the bed, he kisses me tenderly. I can never get enough of his kisses because I
can feel all the love he has for me and it makes me feel all warm and gooey inside, like a melted marshmallow. With masterful fingers, he strips me out of my clothes and gently puts one of his cotton t-shirts on me. It smells like the laundry and him and I inhale deeply.
“Are you sniffing my shirt?” He asks, laughing.
“Maybe,” I answer.
“You are such a weirdo.”
“I’m your weirdo,” I tell him,
“That you are,” he says, beaming at me. I watch him walk away, taking note on how good his butt looks in those jeans. They say women have nice asses, but so do men and Harrison’s is Grade A fine. When he returns, he hands me a pain pill and a glass of water.
“Do I have to take this?” I pout. “These pills make me so sleepy.”
“Yes, siren. I know you’re hurting. You’re overdoing it at work, so you need this.” Again, I comply. I must seriously be dick whipped. You know, the opposite of pussy whipped. Not even five minutes later, I start to feel the effects and my lids grow heavy. It doesn’t take long before I’m closing my eyes completely in a deep sleep.
“I love you, siren," Harrison whispers, kissing me softly.
Today is the day. Reveal day. The day Jodie will see the fabulous house I designed for her. It was a lot of work, a lot of manpower, and late hours, but I got it done and just in time too. Jodie’s flight came in late last night. Now, here I stand in the driveway, tightly gripping Harrison’s hand, waiting on her and Brian to pull up.
“Stop freaking out. Jodie is going to love the house,” Harrison says, trying to calm me down.
“I can’t help it. She’s my best friend. I’ll be devastated if she doesn’t like the house.”
“Siren, the inside of that house should be featured in a magazine. What you have done is beyond phenomenal.”
“You’re supposed to say that, you’re my boyfriend,” I tell him, moving closer, snuggling into his embrace. I inhale his scent and it calms me, taking some of the edge off my nerves.
“You know I’m a straight shooter, especially when it comes to business. If the house sucked, I would have told you, and then bent you over to punish you.”
I chuckle while getting horny at the same time. Since being released from the hospital, last night was the first night I didn’t pass out after coming home from work and Harrison showed me just how much he missed my body. He had me moaning and screaming his name most of the night. I missed his lips on my body and all the talented tricks his dick could perform. In fact, I'm wondering if we have time for a quickie now. Reading my face, Harrison gives me a salacious grin and whispers, “later,” in my ear before giving it a tiny nip. I moan and try to rub my body against him like a cat in heat, wishing I had the power to speed up time and make later now.
It’s just my luck Brian picks that moment to drive up with a smiling Jodie in the passenger seat. As soon as the car stops, she jumps out of the car and runs straight for me, squealing, “Paige,” like a teenage girl screaming at her idol at a concert. We both hold each other in a bone crushing hug with tears of happiness streaming down our faces.
“Oh my god, Paige. When Brian told me about that crazy bitch coming after you, I almost took a flight back here to kick some ginger ass,” she says, pulling back and looking at me like she’s about to cry for real.
“I’m glad you didn’t. You would have left your project just to watch me play sleeping beauty for a week. Amy was picked up by the police the same day, so you wouldn’t have gotten a chance to get to her.”
“Serves the stupid cunt right. I still can’t believe she went straight home like nothing happened. I wish I could have seen her face when she pulled up to see two officers waiting to arrest her,” Jodie replies.
“That bitch was bat shit but it’s over now. So, are you excited to see your house?” I ask, taking her hand as I change the subject. Amy has taken up enough of my time. I still get flashbacks of how psycho she was.
“Hell yes! You and the house were the only things I could think about the whole flight back, oh and Goldielocks.”
Rolling my eyes, I say, “of course you were thinking about the demon cat. Who has she been terrorizing while you’ve been gone?”
“You won’t believe it, but she’s pregnant. Apparently, she’s been sneaking out and getting it on while Brian's been at work.”
My eyes widen as I look at my bestie in complete horror. “You mean to tell me that little demon seed is about to reproduce?” Turning my head, I see Harrison has an equally horrified look on his face.
“Yes, isn't it wonderful?” She says ecstatically.
“As wonderful as a root canal,” I mutter low under my breath.
“What’s that?” Jodie asks, taking my arm in hers.
“Nothing, let's go see the house,” I say, waving her question away. Brian gives me a half smile, letting me know he heard me but he doesn’t say anything. Good guy.
Taking point, Harrison leads us into the house and I take a step back so Brian and Jodie can enter together. Brian hasn’t seen the finished product yet, just snippets here and there. I want them to get the whole experience together. This is their first place as a couple after all. Their forever home.
“Oh my, oh my god, Paige,” Jodie says with a fresh set of tears in her eyes as she looks around. Her head keeps swiveling looking at one thing before moving to looking at something else, eyes wide as she takes everything in.
“I hope those are happy tears,” I say, suddenly nervous. This is the first time I fully designed a home for someone without much input. Sure I went over design ideas with Jodie before she left, but I’ve made changes and tweaked those designs while she was away.
“This is unlike anything I have ever seen.” Walking over to me, she gives me an intense look. Her beautiful blue-green eyes bright from her tears. “I’ve always known you were talented, Paige, but this is so unreal. I can’t begin to explain how happy and complete I feel. You gave me a place I’m proud to call my home. A place I’ll grow my family. I don’t think I can ever repay you for such a precious gift.”
“But you have repaid me ten fold. You woke me out of my depression and put your trust in me by giving me this opportunity. I’m honored to be your friend and nothing makes me happier than knowing you’re happy with the work I’ve done.”
“I’m more than happy, I’m ecstatic,” she says, pulling me in another bone crushing hug.
Putting away the estrogen, we walk around the rest of the home. Jodie was over the moon with everything that was done and by the time we finished, we were both sporting matching raccoon looks with our running make-up. Both her and Brian loved everything, especially with how eco friendly the house was and the tricked out features I added. I basically turned their home into a smart home, running off environmentally safe power. You know solar panels and wind turbines, stuff like that. The living wall was also a big hit. Jodie practically beamed when she saw it. Even though most of everything was high end, I designed the place to be warm and inviting, just like the happy couple themselves.
We were all sitting out in the backyard drinking lemonade when Harrison suddenly stands, saying he has an announcement. I look up curious because this is the first I heard of it. Maybe he has some kind of house warming gift. Strolling over to me like a man on a mission, he gets down on one knee right in front of me, holding up a dark blue velvet box and my good hand flies to my surprised face.
“Siren, you’re already mine, but I’m ready to make it official. I want you to have my last name and let everyone know that you belong to me. Make me the luckiest man on Earth by becoming my wife.”
“Possessive much,” I hear Jodie whisper in the background while Brian chuckles at her comment. I’m silent. Words have escaped me as I’ve forgotten the English vocabulary. My synapses are firing off all over the place in my brain, going off like fireworks on the Fourth of July. Harrison is proposing. This formable alpha male wants me, Pai
ge Cooper, the slightly eccentric, think outside the box, believe in unicorns and lucky charms, singing in the rain, house flipper to be his wife.
“Siren,” he says nervously and I realize it’s because I have yet to answer.
Sinking to the ground so our knees are touching, I pull him close with my good hand and kiss the living hell out of him as I wrap my arms around his neck. In the kiss, I express all my love for him. All my feelings I have now and could ever have. This is a kiss that tells tales, a story written in the stars. A poem of love for Harrison that will never change or could be rewritten. Pulling back a bit, I smile against his lips and he murmurs against them, “is that a yes?”
“It’s a hell yes,” I tell him and he slams his lips back on mine.
When we come up for air, Jodie is fanning herself and Brian looks very amused. Harrison opens the ring box. Inside is a huge heart shaped diamond sitting on a pink sparkling jewel encrusted band. The ring was unique and totally me. I couldn’t have even chosen better if I tried. I still think I’m dreaming when he slides it on my finger and kisses my hand. Looking around, I see family. I may have a shitty mom but the people who are with us now couldn’t make this moment any better if they tried. “I love you all,” I say and Jodie runs over, hugging me tight.
“Congratulations, love. I knew you’d find your person, your knight in shining armour,” she whispers through happy tears.
And she’s right. That’s exactly what Harrison is. After taking the police report, Eric, Harrison’s detective friend, told me everything Harrison did to save me. I couldn’t believe my ears. It was a story so remarkable, it sounded made up. Originally, I was pissed he put himself in danger like that and then overwhelmed and grateful. Harrison saved me. Any longer in that room, I would have either died from the smoke or burned to death. Like a knight, he charged into the castle and saved me from the dragon. I love him and I’ll never have doubt how much he loves me. This is my fairytale. I’m living proof that Prince Charming does exist and I have a bestie that will never give up on me and a dating site to thank for opening my eyes and seeing him