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Tainted Throne (Crown of Blood and Frost Book 2) Page 2

  “You,” I answer, smiling harder.

  “What about me?” He questions, slowly running his finger around my hardened nipple, causing my breathing to speed up and my heart to race.

  I watch his every move like a hawk as he bends down, taking my nipple in his mouth, coaxing out my moans. Not caring for an answer, he pushes into my heat, fucking me deep and slow. Unlike earlier, he takes his time drilling inside me as he buries his face into my neck. Gently, he moves in and out of me. All his love wraps around me like a warm blanket, and I’m overwhelmed by the intensity. A tear escapes my eye and runs down my cheek, and he kisses it away while telling me how much he loves me over and over again, until we both explode together into sated bliss.


  Being inside Winter is a dream come true. I love waking to her beautiful smile, so much I couldn’t help taking her body again, slowly this time. Showing her how much I truly love her as I move inside her, marking her with my cock. I already knew why she was smiling. She accidentally channeled her thoughts inside my head, and it made me hard as hell knowing she loves it when my dark side comes out to play. I feared maybe I took it too far when I called her a whore, but she loved every bit of it. Winter isn’t afraid of my darkness, in fact she embraces it. Sniffing her neck, I love that I can still smell her pheromones and my scent all over her body. I will never forget how she looked with her face covered in my release as it dripped down her body while I plowed into her, or how it feels filling her insides with my seed while she’s in heat. She’s fertile as hell right now, and her pheromones call to me like a siren. Not being able to help myself, I take her again, bending her over the bed, and fuck her hard and fast, feeding the beast inside me. A baby could result from my actions today, a thought that should scare me, but instead brings a smile to my face.

  “As much as I love to stay in here fucking you, we need to go top side,” I tell her once we’re both lying content in bed.

  Why?” She asks, sitting up. Her perfect breasts bounce with the movement, bringing on memories of her bouncing tits covered in my cum.

  Forcing myself to look away, I tell her, “we're about to reach the veil soon. It’s better for you to be out in the open the first time going through.”

  I know she’s still scared about going through the veil and leaving her human world behind. Her fear broadcasts itself through her thoughts, and I kiss her softly on the lips.

  “It will be alright,” I assure her.

  Nodding, she stands, and walk over to her clothes thrown carelessly on the floor. Digging through them she picks up her necklace, and loops it around her neck.

  “Do I have time for a shower?” She asks.

  “Yeah, if you take one alone,” I answer sheepishly.

  Laughing, she walks over to the bathroom with a little more wiggle in her hips, making me moan.

  “Fuck it,” I say running after her. Picking her up, she squeals and I start the shower, taking her hard and fast against the shower walls.

  Chapter Three


  After a long shower I meet Kaiden top side. Just like Aster taught me, I expand my shield, caging my pheromones in. I didn’t want Kaiden getting into anymore fights over me. Thinking on our time together, my body hums with pleasure, but I also feel energized. I’m so thankful for the healing properties in my necklace, because without it I’m sure I would be sore as hell right now, not even able to walk straight. Taking my hand, Kaiden leads me over to the bow of the ship. Most of the crew is out and about maintaining the ship, or off in small groups enjoying the late afternoon sun.

  As we pass, a couple of the crew members give me odd looks, some actually outright smirking. With how loud we both were, there's no secret about what we’ve been up to. A murderous growl escapes Kaiden, and the crew immediately turns away. Some looking white as a ghost, and I’m pretty sure a couple just pissed their pants. As we get closer to the side of the boat, Aster’s voice vibrates inside my head.

  “About time you two come up for air.”

  Startled, I jump back, jerking my hand from Kaiden’s hold.

  “What’s wrong?” Kaiden asks.

  “Nothing,” I answer, looking around until I spot Aster leaning on the ship’s rail. His arms are crossed in front of his chest, and he’s smirking back at me as I watch him.

  “One of my gifts, love. I can talk inside of your head, even with your shield up,” he answers my unsaid question in his strange way again.

  Taking a shot in the dark, I concentrate and send my thoughts over to him.

  “Why haven’t you ever done it before?” When Aster’s eyebrow slightly raise, I knew I succeeded.

  “I never had a reason to,” he answers nonchalantly. “Did you have fun?” He snarks.

  “Jealous?” I taunt back. “Not at all, love. Tonight I will make you pay for that comment, and you will be screaming my name out so loud the crew will forget you were ever with Kaiden.”

  His heated words cause me to press my legs together, and the movement doesn’t go unnoticed by Aster. He smiles wickedly, eyes trained on my tits causing my nipples to harden like diamonds. Cocky bastard I think as Aster slowly licks his lips, drawing my gaze to his pink tongue circling his wet mouth. I moan, and judging by the looks from Kaiden and the crew, I know I must have done it out loud.

  Forcing myself to look away from Aster, I walk over to the rail, and stare out at the water. The blue green sea is calm, and the salty air fills my nostrils. Even though it’s late in the afternoon, the sun is still high in the blue sky, heating my skin. Clearing his throat, Tristan walks over to me with Nala on his heels carrying a rather large bone of with pieces of meat in her jaws.

  “What is she eating?” I ask him, eyeing the raw meat.

  “Horse leg,” he answers shrugging.

  “Raw,” I gasp surprised.

  “Yes. It’s in their nature to hunt and eat raw animals,” he explains, grinning at the queasy look on my face. It’s one thing to be told your beloved pets are ferocious beasts. It’s another thing entirely to see it for yourself.

  Stepping close to me, Tristan sniffs my neck. I’m surprised he would do something so intimate out in public, especially with Kaiden close by. Usually Tristan is more reserved than that.

  “I can still smell his seed all over you,” he whispers, and then he kisses and sucks on my neck out in the open. My eyes dart to Kaiden beside me, but he doesn’t look mad or jealous like I thought. If anything he looks aroused.

  When Tristan’s fangs scrape my neck, I close my eyes, and press myself against his hard chest.

  “Later on tonight I’m going to punish you, and show you who you really belong to,” he whispers, biting hard enough to leave a mark, but not pierce my skin.

  “He’ll have to get in line, or I might let him join,” Aster says in my mind, causing my pussy to throb with need, thinking about the two of them taking me at the same time. What the hell has gotten into these three? Better yet, what the hell has gotten into me?

  Clearing his throat, and jerking me from my aroused thoughts, Skully walks over to us smiling one of his breathtaking smiles. For a pirate he’s quite pretty, but he doesn’t do it for me. My heart and body is filled enough with the three mates I have already.

  “We’re approaching the veil,” he announces.

  When I look off to the distance over the rail I don’t see anything at first. I’m about to give up when a slight shimmer catches my eye, like when the sunlight is reflected on the water. The closer we get, the brighter the shimmer becomes until we’re in front of a clear wall formed like a bubble. When the ship’s bow breaches the bubble, an odd sensation starts to tickle all over my skin. It’s like the air itself wants to meet each and every part of me.

  Looking down at my exposed skin, it glows brightly just like the veil itself. My fangs ache and feel more pronounced, my body heat runs from warm to blazing in a manner of seconds, and my senses intensifies ten fold. My ears pick up the sound of the lapping water miles a
head, I can taste every salt particles in the air, and I’m sure if I open my eyes I can see the finest of details ingrained in the wood on the ship. I can also feel my caged power deep inside of me. Kaiden’s fire burns hot on my side, Aster’s shadows caress my skin all over, Tristan’s gifts from the Underworld wrap me in a dark cocoon, and my Fae powers are like a frozen shell, encasing my entire body. I feel something else too. Something strong I can not identify, but I know is mine to wield, just as the others are.

  Passing through the veil feels like wading through thick syrup. Slowly, the ship pulls through and with each inch we cover, the brighter the walls of the veil shine. Suddenly over head a loud crack of thunder roars around us. The sky dims, and instead of the bright glittering walls, we’re encased in darkness.

  “Is this normal?” I ask Aster in my head.

  “No,” he answers out loud, grabbing the hilt of his sword. I see Kaiden and Tristen follow his actions, which confirms this isn’t part of the plan, and I start to worry.

  Skully breaks out of his usually easy going demeanor and starts to issue orders to his men, looking very much the dangerous sea captain he is.

  “What’s going on?” I ask to no one in particular.

  “The veil won’t let you pass,” Kaiden answers, drawing his sword and circling around me with the others, waiting for some unseen enemy.

  “What?” I screech. “How do you know it’s me? It could be anyone aboard this ship,” I question as I start to panic.

  “Love, you’re the only one aboard who hasn’t traveled through the veil before,” Aster replies reasonably as he widens the circle.

  “Can’t we just turn around?” I ask, confused and terrified all at the same time.

  In answer, thunder cracks loudly in the sky, echoing all around us. The wind picks up blowing with a vengeance, and the blue-black water around us starts to toss the ship about like it’s nothing more than a toy. Bolts of lightning start to flash above us, so close I can feel the hairs on my arms rise.

  The more the storm picks up, the more on edge the men get.

  “The Keepers of the Veil,” Aster says in my head. “They’re the ones who decide who passes. For whatever reason they will not let you pass, and they are the ones holding us here. We cannot turn around. We can only wait.“

  “Wait for what?” I ask him in full on panic mode.

  I never get my reply. Out of nowhere, a bolt of lightning lands in front of Skully sending him crashing into a wall. Through the confusion, Nala and Orian that I’m just now noticing are topside drop their glamors revealing their true forms, and jump to each of my sides, preparing to protect me.

  I see now why everyone is so scared of them. They’re beyond terrifying. They were big before, but now they’re humongous with sleek short white fur instead of their usual fluffy, dewy mass I’m use to. In appearance, they resemble overgrown wolves, except for the long fanged teeth protruding from their mouths like mountain lions, and scary golden eyes that glow in the darkness. Their normally short tails are long now, and have many sharp spikes attached that can kill in one swing. Their paws have to be as big as my head with claws so long and sharp. it’ll take them no time at all to claw a man to death. Despite their new appearance, I’m not afraid. I know they will never hurt me, that they were sent here to protect me.

  Lighting the sky, a series of lightning bolts land in a circle around me, sending everyone flying in all directions onto the ship’s deck. The ship jerks to the side in a sudden movement, almost sending me on my ass, and making everyone else unsteady on their feet as they try to reach me. Thunder roars again, powerful enough to shake the ship, followed by the thickest bolt of pure white lightning that shoots out the sky and comes barreling straight for me. Tristan is the first to recover from the fall, and the horror that reflects in his eyes tells me all I need to know. Running towards me, sword drawn in the air he tries to reach me, but even with his vampire speed I know he won't make it in time.

  Acting on instinct alone, I reach my hand out and release a thick lightning bolt of my own from deep within myself, pure white ringed with electric blue. Bolt clash against bolt, and an explosion of light so blindingly white, it lights the whole ship, and everything around it. Not able to take the intensity any longer, I close my eyes welcoming death, but death does not come.

  When I open my eyes, I’m in an all white space. A man stands in front of me gazing down on me with curiosity in his bright blue eyes. He’s tall and very handsome. His skin is a golden tan. His long white hair is braided hanging over his left shoulder, and his intense blue eyes are framed in long white lashes. His body is just as nice as his face. His muscled chest is bare crossed with a leather strap holding his sword to his back. A thick golden belt circles his trim waist, and he’s wearing a white wraparound skirt made from some rich material. In one hand is a golden staff and a shield in the other. He looked just like a Greek God, and without a doubt I know this man before me is Zeus, King of the Gods.

  “Blood of my blood, how beautiful you are,” his voice booms, echoing in the empty, strange space.

  “Why am I here?” I ask. Am I dead?

  “I could not let you pass until I knew you were ready, little one.”

  “Ready for what?” I question, confused.

  “Your destiny,” he answers cryptically.

  “The storm you caused. It was a test, wasn’t it?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

  With a slight nod he smiles and answers, “yes. Only one of my blood can create a lightning bolt from within. If you were weak, your bolt would not have been able to withstand against mine. I had to make sure you were the one. If you would have failed, then I would not have let you pass.”

  “You mean I would have died,” I state the obvious, angrily cutting him off. I can feel the fire in me growing. The beast inside me not at all liking being tricked.

  Unapologetically, he responds, “good thing you didn’t.”

  Great, even Gods are smartasses. “Where are we?” I ask again, looking around.

  “Somewhere and nowhere,“ he answers.

  “That doesn’t make any sense at all.” Frustrated, I place my hands on my hips and glare at him.

  “Nothing truly does inside the veil” he replies.

  “Wait, this is the veil?” I ask, waving my hand around.

  “Where is everything? Everyone?” This place was literally nothing, an empty abyss. Everything is all white without a single soul around. “How are you even here? I thought all the Greek Gods died?”

  “So many questions, little one,” he murmurs amused. “This,” he says, holding his arms out wide, “is all that’s left of Olympus. This is what will happen to the world as you know it if you fail at your destiny. If you fail, war will ravage both worlds human and supernatural alike until everyone you know will cease to exist. The whole world will crumble and fall until nothing remains. That is what happened to my people, and the same thing will happen to yours. As the most powerful being of my time, I could not be destroyed. Instead, I was placed here as a warning of what will come to pass if you fail to save your people. Save the world. You have a journey ahead of you, Winter, filled with darkness, betrayal, and so much pain. You cannot let those things distract you, or beat you down. You must not make the same mistakes I did. Instead you must overcome them. Your birth has been prophesied since before the veil. You are the one destined to succeed where I have failed.”

  “Why me?” I whisper.

  “Why not you?” He counters.

  “Because, I’m all wrong for this. I’m completely clueless about everything, and I have no idea what I’m suppose to be doing. How am I suppose to stop a war? Many wars as you tell it,” I gripe.

  Chuckling, he doesn’t look at all bothered by my outburst. In fact, he looks like he was expecting it.

  “You will figure it all out in time. Everything you need has been placed along the way like bread crumbs, you just need to open your eyes to see them. You’re lucky, little one, you are not
alone,” he says, staring at the empty space over my head.

  “How am I supposed to succeed when you, a mighty God could not do it? I am no one,” I whisper softly.

  “You are everything,” he shouts angrily. His voice booms in the empty space like thunder. “You are my blood, so in turn you are a God. Powerful enough to rip a tear in the veil, and come here. The blood that flows through your veins is proof that all of the species can get along. That with love, we can all live in peace. You are a child of both worlds, destined to unite the peace. You’re also the only hope we have left.”

  “That is a lot of responsibility for one person. I could fail,” I murmur trying not to sound redundant, but truthful.

  “Then we will all fail,” he whispers in finality.

  We’re both quiet, lost in thought as I take everything in.

  “We are running out of time, little one. You must go back. I cannot hold the tear open for much longer,” he explains as he reaches behind him and pulling out his sword before handing it to me. “This is Queen Maker, sister to your father’s sword, King Killer, and twin to another.”

  Reaching out my hand, I take the sword from him, grasping the cold hilt tightly. At my touch, it glows a ghostly blue. The sharp silver blade is sleek and smooth, with ancient symbols carved into it. The crystal ice blue hilt is wrapped in supple leather, and encases a strange bluish beige oval gem. Under the base is a carved lightning bolt I recognize as the symbol of House Storm.

  “Thank you,” I tell him.

  Nodding, he holds out his hand, and a small tear appears in the wall. Through it I can see the ship. I have to go. Even from here I can feel something pulling me towards the other side. Walking towards the tear, I look back at Zeus, just catching the sadness laced in his cold blue eyes.

  Before stepping through, I ask one final question. “Where do I even start?”

  With a slight smile, he answers in my head. “Find the creator. He’s one of your chosen guardians, and also your soul bond mate.”