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Tainted Throne (Crown of Blood and Frost Book 2) Page 3

  Before I can ask anything else, I fall through the tear with my sword gripped tightly in my hand, and land lightly on my feet on the ship’s deck like I never left.

  Chapter Four


  I’ve never been afraid of anything in my life until I saw that lightning bolt hurtling towards Winter. I couldn’t breathe. My heart raced, consumed with the thought of losing her. I tried to blink to her, but my powers were blocked, and seeing that time wasn’t slowing down, it’s a logical conclusion that Asterial’s powers must have been too. I pushed my body to run to her as fast as I have ever ran before, but I knew it wouldn’t be fast enough. I knew I wouldn’t make it.

  As I run, I watch her stretch her arm out, and a brilliant lightning bolt shoots out her palm, and impacts with the other. When the two lightning bolts collide, an explosion of light assaults my eyes, blinding me. Once my vision clears, I take in the sight in front of me and immediately drop to my knee with my fist held over my heart, pledging my undying loyalty to the Empress in front of me.

  The darkness that suddenly came upon us from the storm clears as quickly as it came, and just like when we first entered the veil, the walls around us shimmer, shining bright with rainbow colors, but nothing shone brighter than the Empress standing in front of me. Winter has always been beautiful, but now she’s utterly breathtaking. She’s the same, yet different. Her smooth skin glows brighter than the sun, her features are somehow sharper and more defined, otherworldly. Her unusual violet blue eyes shine brighter than before, and her beautiful hair is no longer white-blonde instead completely white like freshly fallen snow. It’s also longer, and now flows past her waist to the top of her arse in soft silky waves. Even her cheekbones changed. They were no longer round, but sharper, her lips plump and full. I don’t know what brought on the change, but deep in my heart I knew that who Winter is now is who she was always meant to be.

  Gripped tightly in her hand is a sword similar to her father’s. A sword so powerful, I can feel it’s power radiating from a distance, and just like her father’s, I knew it was forged in Mount Olympus itself. As for its sudden appearance, I’m fucking clueless.

  When the sparks from the lightning completely clears, it’s like the heavens itself opened up to bear witness to the veil’s acceptance of Winter, and feathers of all white and tiny glittering stars rain down on us from the sky above floating around Winter as they caress her skin in welcome.


  When I emerge from the tear in the veil I somehow know everything is different. That I’m different. The feeling I had when I first felt my power has intensified tenfold. Not just a feeling, but a touch and smell. It’s just as much of a part of me as my eyes, hair and limbs. I grip the sword Zeus gave me tightly in my hand, and it pulses with an ancient power comforting me. I know I have a long road ahead of me, but for once instead of being scared I’m finally embracing it. I’m a warrior, no longer a little girl hiding within the shadows. I will not cower. I will not be afraid. I am my father’s daughter, heir of House Storm, and the one that will unite us all.

  As if giving it’s approval, the sky opens up, and feathers as white as snow fall around me. My familiars come up to me, rubbing their big furry heads on my palm, and I smile down at them. Lifting my eyes, I’m shocked to see everyone around me has dropped to their knee, fist held against their heart, bowed in respect.

  Rising to his feet, Aster rushes over to me and holds me tight to his body.

  “Are you alright, love?” He asks through the thick curtain of my hair.

  I don’t answer. Instead I ask, “why are they bowing?”

  “They’re showing their respect. The Keepers of the Veil have deemed you worthy to give you their blessing.”

  “What does that even mean?” I frown, confused.

  “We have all grown up hearing stories of the girl blessed by the Gods, destined to unite all the supernatural, and become Empress of us all,” he says with awe in his voice.

  “Why do they think it’s me?”

  “There's different versions, but what stays the same is her arrival is blessed upon the veil, and she will wield a mighty sword forged by the Gods,” he answers, looking pointedly at Queen Maker. As everyone starts to rise, I watch them awkwardly, not sure of what else to do. Sure, I accepted my destiny, that doesn’t mean I’m ok with others knowing it. Sensing my unease Skully orders the crew back to work, and I breathe a little easier.

  I lean my arms against the boat watching the water turn as we sail through. I knew immediately when we passed all the way through the veil. I could feel it like a living heartbeat like I’m somehow connected to. The more distance we get from it, the quieter the beat becomes until nothing. Night has fallen now, and it doesn’t take long for me to see the differences here than in the human realm.

  “Dorothy, we're not in Kansas anymore,” I say to myself, staring out at the blue-black sky covered in stars and two, count it, two moons. Kaiden walks up to me wrapping his strong arms around me and whispers, “welcome home,” in my ear. Shuddering, I close my eyes. He’s wrong. I may have been born here, but this isn’t my home, the human realm is.

  Not long after, I retreat back to my room alone and exhausted. Today has been a trying day, filled with way to much information, yet it was not enough. Everything Zeus told me is overwhelming. Why can’t people in prophecies have it easy? It’s always answers wrapped in riddles. I still have no clue what to do, or who I’m supposed to be looking for to help. Who is the God of Creation? What will he do to help me? What does his being my guardian entail? Is there someone else running around with a vile of my blood? So many questions, and not enough answers.

  Whimpering, Orian jumps up onto my bed, rubbing his big furry head against my neck with his glamor firmly in place. If I look hard enough I can see through the illusion, a gift I must have gotten from Tristan. It’s crazy how I can wield their powers, and I still have yet to see them use any of mine. Lost in my thoughts, I fall asleep with my head buried in Orion's fur, optimistic of what the next day will bring.

  Chapter Five


  We all watch as Winter walks away towards her room with her familiars trailing after her. By her body language we know she wants to be alone, so none of us follows her, even though we want to. The ship is safe enough. No one aboard is crazy enough to do her any harm, and if someone were that stupid, her familiars will protect her.

  “I can’t believe it’s her,” I say out loud as I wrap a sound barrier around us.

  “I never thought it was, but I should have known,” Kaiden murmurs. His back is turned as he looks out at the water deep in thought.

  “I’ve always thought it was all a fairytale. A bollocks of a story that’s constantly changing throughout the years. Lord knows there's so many different versions of it. Never in a million years would I have thought it’s actually real and it’s about her, or that I will play a part in it,” Tristan adds.

  I’m as confused as they are. I thought the prophecy was nothing more than some made up story. A bedtime story told to children for entertainment.

  “Bloody hell,” Tristan yells suddenly as he paces back and forth.

  “What?” I ask, looking up at him.

  “We’re three of the six guardians, I’m sure of it. That’s the reason why Winter is all of our soulmates, and if I remember the story correctly, one of us is destined to betray her,” he answers, whispering the last bit.

  “Who knows if that will even happen. There's so many different versions. One of the other guardians, whomever they are, could be the one to betray her,” Kaiden says, facing us with his fist clenched.

  Looking up at the hotheaded prince, I can see the small seed of doubt he’s trying to hide. Even he doesn’t fully believe it, but he wants desperately for his words to be true. That out of the three of us, he’s the only one with a different agenda. If he continues to follow his mother’s bidding, he’s the most likely candidate to betray Winter, and I will lay down
my life before I allow that to happen.

  “What exactly does your mother want with Winter?” I ask narrowing my eyes at him.

  “Nothing that concerns you,” he answers.

  “It does when all our lives are connected, “ I yell, not backing down from this. This conversation has been put off for far too long. “Let’s quit the bullshit shall we. I know you’re bonded to Winter, as well as I’m sure you’re not that dense to know that I am as well. Winter’s very presence threatens your mother’s rule, even without the prophecy hanging over her head. You cannot expect me to believe Hera invited her here for tea and cookies, and everything will be ok.”

  “Yes, I’m bonded to her, and for that very reason my mother will not do anything to harm Winter,” he growls.

  “Except make her marry you,” I spit out.

  “So, what’s wrong with that?” He challenges.

  “What’s wrong with that?” I parrot, raising my brow. “She is the girl from the prophecy. We’re all destined to share her. She will never be just yours alone, Kaiden.” As if my words were the push he needed to open his eyes, the hotheaded prince finally understands. I can practically see it when the logic starts to sink in his arrogant ass.

  We all love Winter equally. I don’t know how to explain it, but she’s this blinding all mighty force that buried itself up under our skin, and brought us all to our knees; taking over our hearts, body, and soul. I can no longer say Saraphenia brought us together, because truthfully, Winter has always been my destiny. Saraphenia was just the messenger.

  This is going to be a long journey.The vampires and Fae hate each other far too much to ever fully allow, or respect, a marriage mixed between the two. Their only solution would be to kill all who’s involved, royalty or not. Just look at what happened to Winter’s parents. If we want a happy ending, we’re going to have to fight for it. What a tangled web we weave. Shakespeare's words couldn’t be more real, but I feel more like the fly than the spider.

  Dropping the sound barrier, I walk away leaving Kaiden and Tristan to think about the mess we’ve all found ourselves in. Not able to stand the distance any longer, I follow the corridor down to Winter’s room. When I get there, Nala is laying in front of her door stretched out blocking anyone from coming in. Bending down, I scratch her behind her ears, and she licks my hand. Never in a thousand years would I have ever thought I would allow a snow hound to lick me, or even let one near me, no less two of them, but that is my crazy existence with Winter. Nothing is strange anymore. I never thought I would ever love anyone, but my heart belongs to her, and her only.

  Shifting to the side, Nala allows me to enter Winter’s room. Opening the door, I see she’s already fast asleep. Her long white hair is fanned all around her, making her appear more like an angel than ever before. The changes she undertook when she passed through the veil are startling, but she’s still my Winter, and the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. Orian lifts his head, and when he sees me, he untagles his body from up under Winter’s and jumps down from the bed, curling up on the carpet below. Stripping out of my clothes, I crawl naked onto her bed, pulling her body close to mine. Wrapping my arms tightly around her, I quickly fall asleep, my heart at ease knowing Winter is safe with me in my arms.

  Chapter Six

  Prince Avery

  I knew exactly when Winter breached the veil. An involuntary shudder went through my body confirming the fact. Why I’m connected to this girl, I do not know. Even though we’re not far behind them, she still has to be very strong for me to feel her presence between the veil barriers. No wonder why my mother, and the vampires, want her so badly. Winter is powerful as hell, but so am I. Taking the narrow hallway that leads to the small room where we stashed the human girl we took, I stand in the threshold of the doorway and watch the small human tied to the bed. The pine green blazer she had on earlier is gone, and her blouse is ripped open exposing her lacy bra, and the tops of her large breasts. Her plaid skirt is askew, and her panties are ripped, laying by the foot of the bed.

  Raising my brow, I face my two generals standing guard. Glancing over at the torn panties, Broc simply shrugs.

  “She gave us a lot of trouble when we were tying her arms and legs to the bed,” he explains.

  “Don’t tell me a tiny human was able to subdue you two,” I say, laughing.

  “No. Well, she flashed her tits distracting us, and flew off the bed towards the door. I caught her by her legs, and she went bat shit crazy kicking, punching, and screaming at us,” Loki answers.

  “Did she now?” I say with a menacing tone as I stare down the tiny human. Maybe she’s not as fragile as I first thought. Good, I love it when they put up a fight. It’s all in vain of course, for her to be dumb enough to think she can get past not one, but two of my generals. Taking in the bruises on her legs and arms I can tell she gave them one hell of a fight. Loki even has a long scratch across his cheek.

  Walking towards the bed, I stand over the frail human, and slap her hard across her face.

  “Wake up human filth, you’re not on vacation,” I mock, standing over her. Her eyes fly open, and immediately she starts to scream, begging for help. Covering her mouth with my palm I yell, “be quiet. You’re wasting your breath. We’re on a ship far out at sea. No one is going to help you, or hear you for that matter. As soon as you get that through your small brain the better,” I sneer.

  For a human she does have quite the spirit. As my words sink in the idiot still tries to bite my hand, and I squeeze her jaw tightly damn near breaking it until she starts to scream from the pain.

  “Never do that again,” I growl, releasing her. Tears start to stream down her cheeks, and her body shakes with her whimpers.

  “What do you want with me?” She asks between sobs.

  Smiling wickedly, I take in her red bloated face, and the bruise that’s starting to form on her jaw from my hand.

  “I want you to tell me all about your little friend Winter, and I mean everything, no matter how small a detail it is,” I answer.

  Changing tactics, she stops crying, and pulls at her restraints. This bitch is quite the actress, manipulative to the tee. If she were a Winter Fae she would do well there.

  “You don’t know who you’re messing with. My father will know I’m missing, and come after you. He’s a very powerful man,” she screams.

  Prior to coming down here, I did my research. Her threat is an empty one. I already know her father is currently in jail awaiting trial for murder, attempted murder, embezzlement, and whole slew of other charges. Her family is currently going through bankruptcy, and what power they used to have is long gone.

  Smiling wider, I crawl slowly onto the bed, and whisper closely in her ear, “now, now, kitten. We both know that isn’t true.”

  “Please let me go,” she whimpers. “I’ll do whatever you want,” she adds, pushing her tits up.

  “I’m not my guards, human filth. Your fake breasts won’t distract me. Tell me what I want to know, and I might let you live,” I demand. Although, I found her amusing at first, my patience was quickly starting to run thin.

  “I already told you, I don’t know anything. Winter’s family is very private, and we were never friends,” she cries out.

  “Why did your father try to kill hers?” I question, already knowing the answer.

  “Why else?” She answers. “Money. Our family was going broke, and my father wanted a piece of DelaCorte’s business, but he knew he had to get rid of DelaCorte first to get it." Suddenly she stops as my wording catches her attention, and her eyes widen in shock.

  “What do you mean by tried?” She gasps.

  “I mean tried, as in attempted, and failed. Do you really think our kind can die so easily? Did he not fail with Winter?” I question darkly, running my finger seductively down the side of her breast, toying with her.

  Tugging at the lacy material from the bottom, I rip her bra from her body. She’s in such a shock over my revelation, not real
ly sure if what I just said is true or not, that she barely even notices. I can be very convincing if I want. Truth is I have no clue if Lucas is dead or not, but I highly doubt it. If Winter can survive then so can he. I learned from an early age that I’m not like most Fae. That I am capable of lying, which adds to why everyone finds whatever I say convincing. An advantage I’ve used many times.

  “Please,” she pleads.

  “Please what?” I ask, intrigued by this little game.

  Like the slut she is, her breathing increases, and her heartbeat spikes from arousal. Despite her fear, she’s wet for me. I can smell her in the small room, and judging by the hard bulges in my general’s pants, so can they. Her easy submission turns them on, but for centars that’s not really a hard task. They’re such a horny bunch.

  “Please what human?” I repeat, pinching her nipple, and the slut moans loudly.

  “Don’t hurt me, please. I don't know anything else, I swear.”

  Moving my hand, I palm her tits, rubbing the hardened nipple, and kneading the flesh.

  “Tell me what I want to know human, and I won’t hurt you. This will all be less painful,” I tell her, pinching her nipple hard to make my point. As I expected she complies completely, drinking me in with a lusty glaze.

  Like a bitch in heat, she tells me all she knows. It’s mostly petty rivery bullshit, but I do have to admit that Winter’s hobbies interested me. She’s a trained fighter. A killer with a gentle heart who loves to dance. Why I care about those things I have no idea? Maybe it’s because besides my mother, she is the only family I have left. I genuinely want to get to know Winter. Know everything about her.

  Just like her father, Winter is strategically smart, and rules over everyone in their school, which explains why Jessica hates her so much. Winter is beautiful, but I’m glad to learn she’s smart as well. I wanted desperately to know her, and not just through the eyes and opinions of others. The connection I have to her tugs on me tighter, especially now since she has crossed the veil.