Vengeance (Out For Blood Book 2) Read online

Page 3

  “You shouldn’t be up,” a familiar voice says behind me breaking me from my thoughts.

  Turning quickly braced for a fight, I see Maddie standing in the doorway to my room/ prison.

  “Why the hell not? From what I hear, I’ve been sleeping for a very long time,” I answer, never taking my eyes off him. My eyes trail over his body making sure he’s ok. The last time I saw him was when he helped me break Hunter out from that warehouse. I had no clue what happened to him afterwards.

  He runs his gaze over me just as intensely before he strides right up to me and kisses me soundly, like a man dying of thirst, and I’m the only source of water for miles.

  “I almost lost you,” he mumbles in my hair, breathing me in.

  “I’m not that easy to kill,” I whisper back into the crook of his neck.

  “Well isn’t this touching,” a voice that I could never mistake for anybody else says. A voice that haunts my nightmares, and sends me running from the darkness that usually gives me comfort. A man so foul that his evilness is a thing of legends.

  Grabbing onto my hand, Maddie and I both turn to O’Donnell’s scowling face standing in the doorway with Silas beside him. It’s truly a shame that a man so evil can be so good looking. O’Donnell has to be pushing his mid forties, but he appeared to be in his thirties. He has a stocky build, full of muscles, since the man takes the time out from spreading evil throughout the world to work out everyday. His red hair is always styled to perfection, and his beard is trimmed and so neat not a hair is out of place. His expensive suit is tailored to perfection, fitting his stocky frame like a glove.

  “Leave us,” O’Donnell commands, staring daggers at Maddie.

  Giving my hand a quick squeeze, Maddie leaves the room, staring back at O’Donnell just as hatefully the whole way out.

  “You always knew how to clear a room,” I grumble.

  “Is that anyway to talk to your da?” O’Donnell retorts, as he narrows his eyes at me.

  “Let’s cut the shite. We both know you’re not my father,” I tell him taking a seat in the sitting area. I was not about to play nice with him. There was no point. He’s never going to let me go unless he has a gun aimed at his head, and even then he probably still wouldn’t.

  “That’s what I love about you, daughter. Ye are never the one to pussyfoot around. Your brother on the other hand, well let's just say out of the two of ye, you are the one with the balls,” O’Donnell replies, taking a seat across from me.

  Silas chooses to sit in the seat farthest away from me, and closest to the door. His body language screams uninterested, but I can see between the act. The subtle tells he gives lets me know everything. He’s scared for me, and just like Cody and Maddie, he missed me dearly. I can feel it like a beacon in our bond pulling me towards him, dying to close the distance. I can also feel the fire. He’s furious for some reason. Maybe it’s because of my decision to spare Hunter’s life, I don’t know. The only way to find out is to ask him, and I can’t right now with O’Donnell present.

  Crossing my arms I turn my attention back to the monster in front of me before I do something stupid. I cannot let him know what Silas means to me.

  “What do you want?” I question flat-out. The time for pleasantries has gone and passed.

  “Can’t a father want to spend time with his only daughter,” he answers, smiling widely. "Even if his daughter has been very naughty and tried to run away before falling ill, and has been in a coma for the last two years.”

  I know O’Donnell’s trying to shake me up by revealing that I’ve been in a coma, but since that bit of information has been told to me prior, I didn’t even bat an eye. Never show weakness. A lesson he more than once drilled into me.

  “Why do you even care? Wasn’t it you who put me in the coma in the first place?” I spit out hatefully.

  “I care because I love ye,” O’Donnell answers, and before he can fully get the words out his mouth, I lose it. I’m laughing so hard my sides hurt. I don’t even care that the psychopath sitting in front of me is turning red with anger. If anything it makes me laugh harder as tears stream down my face.

  When I’ve calmed down some and can speak coherently I say, “you love me. After all you’ve done to me, you actually expect me to believe that? You must be delusional.”

  “I do love ye. Despite what ye think. I gave you and your brother all the tools you’ll ever need to survive in this world. You owe me for the reputation you have,” he yells, angrily, pounding his fist to his chest. His Scottish accent grower thicker with his anger.

  “You starved, drugged, and abused me most my life. What tools did that teach me? You used me and my brother to build your empire, and you’ve lied to us our whole lives about who you are, and what you’ve done. Where was this loving father when you use to give me and my brother over to your clients for them to torture and rape us? You didn’t give two shites about us when you sent us off to kill our own people. That’s not love, father,” I sneer the father part. “That’s some kind of sick twisted obsession to do whatever you can to destroy the children of the one women you have ever loved, and who didn’t love you back.”

  The words barely leave my mouth when O’Donnell reaches over and slaps me hard across my face, making my head snap back, and my ears ring. His green eyes blaze with his fury, and his skin tints the same shade of red as his hair.

  “Ye will show some respect when ye talk to me, girl,” he snarls, settling back into his seat, like the psycho didn’t just slap the taste out of my mouth.

  I stare hatefully at the man sitting in front of me, as I lick the trail of blood from my bottom lip. This is the monster I know well. Not the one who spins tales of love.

  “That’s better. I see we will have to teach you your place again, since you have easily forgotten,” O’Donnell says in a condescending tone.

  “And what place is that? The last I heard, you want me dead.”

  “Why would I want that? You’re worth more to me alive than dead. As for your place? Thanks to the little stunt you pulled with your brother, you can no longer be trusted. Before you were going to be my heir, and inherit my kingdom. Now I’m going to sell you off to the highest bidder, and once your brother is found, I will gut him alive in front of ye, reminding everyone of what happens to those who cross me. No one’s exempt, not even my own children.”

  The man’s insane. Crazy enough to do just what he threatens. One second he says he loves me, and the other he wants to kill my brother, and sell me off like some common whore. I have to tread lightly if I want to survive this. O’Donnell is a sick, twisted bastard. I’m convinced even hell wouldn’t want him there. Shakespeare wasn’t kidding when he said Hell is empty and all the devils are here.

  “As for now, daughter, let me introduce you to Silas,” he says, waving his hand over at him. I feel sorry for Silas. He’s been sitting here so quiet, fighting his urge to protect me.

  “He’s a powerful mage, and will be keeping an eye out on ye while you’re here,” O'Donnell says smiling.

  “A mage, like Harry Potter,” I mock, feigning surprise.

  “You can let the act go, dear. I know ye know about your heritage. Silas has been keeping a close eye out on ye while you slumbered. Made sure your body didn’t malfunction, or fall into atrophy from lack of use,” O’Donnell explains.

  “What a saint,” I comment sarcastically. So far O’Donnell is clueless to Silas’s connection to me, and I plan to keep it that way.

  “You’re no use to me if you can’t move. The clients who have shown interest in buying you likes to fuck a women who can put up a fight,” O’Donnell states, evilily. “Silas has also been scanning your body. Keeping tabs on all that power you have hidden inside ye. You’ve proven yourself quite powerful when you and your wolf friend killed two of my best soldiers,” O'Donnell adds, and I frown.

  Since I’ve been awake I haven’t felt my magic at all. Usually each power had its own distinct feeling, but now all I feel is a
well of emptiness. Well, maybe that’s not an accurate description. My power is still there, but blocked somehow. When I look down at my arm, I notice the bracelet Cody gave me gleaming in the sunlight, but also fashioned around my other wrist is a flat metal band with a strange symbol etched on it. This band reminded me of the medical bracelets people with illnesses and allergies wear.

  “What is this?” I question, holding my arm up.

  “As I was saying. When Silas scanned you, he informed me of how powerful you are because of Hatter,” O’Donnell spits out Maddie’s name like a curse, and my eyes grow wide. I glance over at Silas, and the betrayal I feel is written all over my face.

  “Don’t look so surprised, daughter. If I knew how powerful ye were before, I would have sold you off sooner, or made good use of your powers. Here I thought you were nothing more than a wolf, just to find out you are so much more than a mangy mutt like your fathers. That metal trinket around your arm blocks your powers. It has a nullifying stone embedded inside which gives it the power to do so,” O’Donnell explains. “As for that other bracelet, you tell me. It just showed up around your wrist one night.”

  This is no act. O’Donnell seems to be truly puzzled about the bracelet Cody gave me, and since it’s still around my arm, I’m certain he’s not able to take it off, so I lie.

  “You tell me?” I say turning his words back on him. "I’ve been in a coma for two years. What do I know of pretty jewelry? Why don’t you ask your pretty mage over there, since he seems to have all the answers.”

  I know I’m inviting trouble by talking to him this way, but I couldn’t help myself.

  “You think I’m pretty,” Silas sneers, speaking up for the first time since I’ve woken.

  “No,” I smile wickedly, "I think you’re hot, but you don’t need me to tell you that now do you? Or maybe you do, since you get off on watching sleeping women, and working for sick fucks like O’Donnell, or is working for him your contingency plan since your owl didn’t show up?” I taunt. Again, foot in mouth, but I seem to not be able to stop myself. Sarcasm is like a second language to me.

  “I like my women willing, not unconscious,” Silas replies back, not at all bothered by my sarcastic retort.

  “Is there anything else you and your Hogwarts reject want, father?" I ask sweetly.

  I’m ready to be rid of them both. Pretending to hate Silas is draining, and I want to explore my room, and see if I can find anything to help me escape. I may be a princess, but I damn sure wasn’t going to wait on a prince to save me.

  Silas narrows his eyes at my dig, and I can’t help the shite eating grin I give him. He started it by blabbing to O’Donnell about me and Maddie.

  “Tonight you will be accompanying me to the club. Be ready at nine pm sharp, or there will be consequences,” O’Donnell orders as he stands up.

  He gives me one last parting glare before he opens the door to my prison, and walks out with Silas trailing closely behind, like a good little soldier. I didn’t hear the click of the door being locked after they left, which tells me O’Donnell is confident enough I won’t be able to escape to even bother locking the door. Fuck, that means the security in this building is probably damn near impossible to break through. Even if I did somehow escape, this damn band around my wrist guaranteed I won’t be able to make it far. It’s funny how I went my whole life not even knowing I had powers, and now I feel like I can’t live without them. The biggest loss is my wolf. Just when we were finally bonding, she’s been yanked away from me. O’Donnell will pay. I will escape, and I will bring havoc on anyone who saw fit to help him.




  When we leave Remy’s room, O’Donnell motions for me to follow him to his office. Gods above it’s good to see Remy up and about. I missed her badly, even though I saw her everyday, but it wasn’t the same. Now she’s aware of my presence, and not just laying in her bed unresponsive. The little minx woke with fire blazing in her small, tight body, and it made me hard as fuck every time she stood up to O’Donnell. I know she’s pissed that I told him about her and Hatter, but I didn’t have any choice in the matter. He would have killed Hatter otherwise.

  “It’s been a week. How is it you don’t know where that damn bracelet she has around her wrist came from, or yet to figure out a way to remove it?” O’Donnell questions, taking a seat in his chair, folding his hands out in front of him, like some regal king.

  “I’m as confused as you are as to where the bracelet came from. I can only tell you that it’s made from marble forged from the Gods, and that’s way past my powerscope,” I answer, boredly. I’m pretty sure Cody somehow gave the bracelet to Remy, but I wasn’t about to tell him that.

  “Maybe I need to find someone stronger to look into the matter. Ye starting to prove to be unreliable. First ye weren’t able to track Remy, or her brother, even when you were provided with their blood, ye failed to stop Remy from escaping at the restaurant, when she was practically hand delivered to ye, and ye almost lost her after that when she pushed that mutt off the cliff. What would have happened if she would have jumped off with him? Would ye been able to get her back? I don’t need to remind ye of what will happen to your mother and sister if I find out I have no use for ye anymore,” he taunts, playing on my weakness. The only reason why I work for the bastard. I wouldn’t be here doing this evil fuck’s bidding if my father wasn’t so damn stupid and power hungry, and now his mistake not only cost him his life, but ours as well.

  Grinding my teeth I stare hatefully at the man in front of me. Besides Remy and her brother, I don’t know anyone who wants the man dead more than me. If it weren’t for my family, I would have killed him long ago.

  “No, you don’t need to tell me.You also won’t find anyone stronger than me on this side of the veil to help you, but by all means, go ahead and try,” I add cockily. It was the truth. I was the strongest mage he has in his employment, and he knows it.

  “Don’t push me, boi. Everyone is replaceable. Go and figure out how to remove that bracelet. I don’t need any surprises before I’m able to ship Remy off,” he says, dismissing me, and I turn and walk out the door.

  Hatter’s crazy sister passes me in the hall on her way to O’Donnell’s office, and she gives me a lustful look. I keep my face forward, effectively ignoring her as I head towards Remy’s room. My girl and I have a lot to talk about. Like how to convince her not to try to escape.


  Pacing a hole into the carpet, I keep going back and forth in my head about what to do. The irrational part of me wants to say fuck it, let's open the door and fight my way out of here. The rational side wants to wait and find a more covert way to escape. I don’t doubt my fighting abilities, but knowing O’Donnell employees are also supernaturals, and I no longer have use of my powers to fight them off will prove problematic. Who knows how long O'Donnell will still want to keep me alive, and well, accidents happen. I wouldn’t put it past one of those fuckers to kill me, and claim it was an accident.

  “Is this your 'I’m thinking of a way to escape' face?” Silas asks, walking into my room/ lavish prison cell.

  “No, it’s my 'I’m going to murder me a mage' face,” I answer, frowning at him. It still hurts he ratted Maddie out. I know he has his family to look out for, but we’re his family too, aren’t we?

  “Don’t be like that, sweetheart. I didn’t have any other choice,” he says, using his eyes to plead with me, and I hate myself for falling into their mismatched depths.

  “Yes the fuck you did. You could have chosen to keep your pretty mouth shut,” I snap. I’m angry, and the source of my anger being right here in front of me isn’t helping. I wish Maddie would come back to my room.

  “Hangman told O'Donnell about your extra powers. He was going to kill Maddie, because he found out he’s the one who helped you at the warehouse. I had to tell O’Donnell about you being his mate to help keep Hatter alive, and the lie also helped to explain your e
xtra powers.”

  Ok, his explanation made sense, but I’m still not ready to forgive him just yet.

  “How did they find out Maddie helped me?” I ask instead.

  “One of the guards he knocked out outside of the warehouse got a clear look of him beforehand, and reported him to O’Donnell as soon as he came to. O’Donnell wasn’t all too happy to find two of his best trained assassins dead.”

  Well damn. That explains why no one came into the warehouse when Hunter and I were fighting Frost and Viper. I should have known Maddie had something to do with that, but now he’s put himself on O’Donnell’s shit list.

  “Am I forgiven?” Silas asks, moving closer to me, and pulling me into his arms.

  “What are you doing?” I hiss. "Aren't there cameras in here?” I ask, panicking as I try to pull away.

  “No, and I’ve spelled the mics in here so our conversation can’t be picked up either,” he says, holding onto me tighter and kissing me hard.

  His tongue takes over, leading my body into oblivion, and I have no choice but to follow. I’m mush in his arms, no longer caring about getting caught. Moving his lips to my neck he bites down hard on my pulse point making me cry out. His strong arms swoop me up, and I wrap my legs around his waist, as he moves me to the bed. Laying me down gently he unfastens my jeans and pulls them down my body, and tosses them on the floor.

  Standing up, he undoes his own jeans, and pulls them off until he’s standing in front of me in his briefs with an impressive hard on. Pulling his cock out and pumping it in front of my face, he asks in a husky voice, “am I forgiven?”

  Instead of answering I sit up, lean forward, and pull his cock into my mouth. I relish in the sounds of his moans as I wrap my tongue around his dick. Like a pro I lick the underside of his cock, and up and down his length. His hand tightly grips the top of my head as he gently urges me down his cock to the hilt, holding me there. Moaning, I pull up gasping for air, and lower my mouth back onto him as I take him harder and faster, fucking my own mouth. Throwing his head back he comes seconds later with a mighty roar, filling my mouth with his warm seed, and I swallow it all like a tasty treat.