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Tainted Throne (Crown of Blood and Frost Book 2) Read online

Page 6

  “What’s wrong with her?” I hear Kaiden ask, as he and Tristan approach.

  “I don’t know, she won’t answer me,” I tell him.

  “Winter, love, please answer me,” I beg. She doesn’t acknowledge me. She doesn’t even blink, instead she pulls away, and walks past us, lost in herself.

  “Let her go. She’s not herself, Asterial. Just look at her eyes,” Tristan orders.

  Frowning, I do as Tristan says, and look down and see what I didn’t notice before in the dark hall in my rush to get to her. Winter’s beautiful violet-blue eyes are now a crystal blue, glowing in the darkness.

  Suddenly, she starts to twirl on the boat deck, raising her arms above her head, and all the surrounding water around us floats up in the air like ribbons drifting in the wind. There is only one person I know of who has enough power to drain the sea, and without a doubt I know who Winter’s fourth guardian is. Chaos, the God of Creation. I don’t understand how the hell this is even possible. Zeus cursed Chaos’ bloodline after Chaos trapped him and the other Gods within the veil, making them the guardians of all who passes. If there ever was a feud so epic, it will be between those two families. So how is it that the creator would allow his blood to be bonded to his enemy?

  “Looks like your mother’s leash on my cousin is gone,” Tristan says smirking.

  “What is he talking about?” I question, looking between them both.

  “Kaiden’s mother has been blackmailing Chaos and using him as her personal fucktoy,” Tristan answers as his eyes follow Winter’s every movement.

  “That’s a lie. He’s been fucking my mom of his own free will,” Kaiden seethes.

  “You can’t possibly believe that?” Tristan huffs experated. “He was your best friend. You turned your back on him without even trying to hear him out.”

  “Yeah some friend. He was fucking my mother behind my back. I wish you would stop trying to defend him, and see the truth for what it is,” Kaiden shouts.

  “You know what, believe what you want. I can’t wait for that delusional bubble you have of your mother pops and you see just how much of a manipulative bitch she really is,” Tristan says, menacingly.

  “Look, we don’t have time for this shite right now,” I yell, interrupting their useless drama. “What about Winter?” I ask angrily, waving my hands at her as she twirls and dances with the streams of water, manipulating it to shoot up in the air like a fountain.

  In a graceful manner she manipulates the water up around her fingertips and back above in the air where she still held the larger body of water above our heads. With the flick of her wrist she can drown us all, making me hope Chaos isn’t a man who keeps grudges. But despite our situation, I can’t take my eyes off her. She looks so fucking beautiful out there, enchanting the water just like she enchanted all of us. Suddenly, I realize that he won’t hurt her. He’s in this just as deep as we are. No he won’t hurt her, or us for that matter.

  Clearing my throat, I turn my attention back to them.

  “It’s impressive that he can control someone as strong as her like a puppet this far out. Maybe you should find someone weaker to make an enemy out of,” I tell Kaiden.

  “You might as well get used to him Kaiden. He’s not going away. I believe this is his way of telling us that he’s very much apart of her life, as much as we are, and has no plans of backing down,” Tristan responds.

  Done with her dance, the water returns to the sea, and surrounds the boat once again, and Winter falls to the ground like a lifeless doll who strings has just been snipped.

  “Shite” I growl, scooping her up in my arms, and carry her back to her room with Tristan and Kaiden in tow. This time we all lay with her squeezing into her bed. It’s a tight fit, but neither one of us cares as long as we are close to her, knowing she’s safe.

  Chapter Eleven


  Skully’s calculations were wrong. I thought I would have another day until we reached our destination, but instead I had only a couple of hours. With the wind whipping my hair around, I watch the blue waves crash against the water, wishing I was out joining them.

  “Fancy meeting you out here so early, princess,” a voice says behind me.

  “That makes two of us, Fabien. Whose bed are you sneaking out of this morning?” I ask, raising my brow. There isn’t many other women on Skully’s crew. Two to be exact and they were both in a relationship with each other, so unless they’re into some freaky shit, that ruled them out. That only left the men on the ship. Although, everyone from the other side of the veil are unnaturally attractive, only one man truly stands out above the rest to claim someone as vain as Fabien’s attention.

  “Did Skully cuff you to his bed, or did you cuff him?” I ask, smiling.

  “Har har, princess. Next time I’ll let you watch if you really want to know.”

  “No thanks, I have an active enough sex life as it is to not have to worry about yours,” I answer sarcastically.

  “So I’ve heard,” he says dryly, making me blush.

  Ignoring him, I turn my attention back to the water. I haven’t seen Fabien much since we boarded the ship. It almost feels like he’s been avoiding me.

  Breaking the silence, he says suddenly, “it’s not something I advertise. I do sometimes find comfort in a man’s arms if he intrigues me enough while I wait.”

  That weird statement grabs my attention, and I let my curiosity get the better of me.

  “Wait for what?” I question.

  “For your sister to come to her senses and be mine,” he answers matter of factly, like this isn’t news to me.

  “What?” I ask shocked. “Why are you so fascinated with Cali?” This is something I thought of before when I wasn’t worried about my own problems. “You can practically have any woman or man you want. Why her?”

  He’s quiet for so long I didn’t think he was going to answer my question, but he does and I almost wish he didn’t.

  “She’s my soul bound mate.”

  Out of all the things I expected him to say that certainly didn’t cross my mind.

  “How do you even know that? She’s with Conner, and pretty much hates your guts. Your manwhore ways go against everything she wants in a man. She will never trust you. You have to know that,” I say, eyeing him in disbelief.

  “I know just like you know that Kaiden, Tristan, and Asterial are your soulmates,” he answers, looking at me with a serious expression on his face, shocking me yet again.

  “Don’t look so surprised, princess. Despite what you think, I’m not a total freaking idiot. I know you’re not the type to be fucking all three of them just for shits and giggles. I also know my best friend would never share any woman he loves, especially with the Fae. As for Conner, I believe I have you to thank for that,” he replies, looking me straight in the eyes, and I turn away ashamed. He’s right. I was the one that pushed Cali to give Conner a chance. “Conner is human. He will grow old and die one day, and we have lifetimes to be together. I love her. I knew what she was to me as soon as I saw her beautiful face, and she knows what I am to her too, she’s just stubborn as hell,” he says quietly.

  “Then why do it? Why keep fucking around on her, knowing who she is to you?”

  He doesn’t answer and my anger builds, but when I look into his golden eyes it quickly melts when I see the truth. “You’re distracting yourself. Deep down you know Conner makes Cali happy, and you knew how much she needed that. You’re her soulmate, so you’ve felt her pain. I’m so sorry, Fabien. I really am,” I tell him with my eyes, pleading with him to forgive me.

  “It’s alright, princess. It will all sort itself out eventually,” he answer nonchalantly.

  I’m starting to get a better read on him, and I know he’s masking his pain, just like he’s sleeping around just to distract himself from Cali. He doesn’t want my pity.

  Turning, he’s about to leave when he leans down and whispers in my ear, “I cuffed him.” Laughing at my face he wa
lks off, leaving me with images of Skully the hoarder getting fucked in the ass cuffed to his messy bed.

  Chapter Twelve


  My time at sea is up. From a distance I can see the edges of land as we quickly sail forward. After my conversation with Fabien, I trained with Aster in my room for a bit while he taught me how to do illusions and glamours, a trick that will come in handy since I barely packed any clothes. When the edges of the island gets clearer, I’m already on the deck peering out. As I prepare myself mentally for what I’m about to walk into, the guys find and join me. Grabbing ahold of Aster’s hand, I grip it tightly. As soon as we dock, he has to leave to see about things in his own territory. I hate that he has to leave me, but he’s already been gone longer than expected to be here with me, and Kaiden’s mother still has yet to respond to his summons.

  “I don’t want you to leave me,” I tell him in a small voice.

  “I know, love,” he says kissing me softly. “I don’t want to leave you either, but you will be in good hands,” he says looking up at Kaiden and Tristan. “If you need me, all you have to do is call in here,” he says, tapping my temple, “and I will be there, no matter what I’m doing, or where you are.”

  I hug him tightly not wanting to let him go. I can see the docks from here, and soon our time will be up.

  “I love you Asterial, my Dark King, my heart,” I whispers against his ear.

  “I love you so much more Winter, my Queen,” he murmurs in my shoulder, holding me to him tighter.

  A tear escapes my defenses, and he rubs it away with his thumb. The moment is peaceful, as if the crew themselves are being quiet to give us our time together. I regret being so tired last night that I didn’t get to make love to him.This morning when I woke, I was surprised to see all three of my mates crammed in my bed around me. I went to bed so exhausted I don’t recall falling asleep, and with three men no less. In fact, all I could remember from that night is bits and pieces of some horrible lullaby.

  The closer we got to the docks, the louder the crew becomes on the ship with Skully yelling out orders to prepare for boarding. When we dock, I look around taking everything in. The docks here are a whole lot nicer than the ones we left back home. The water is also nicer. So clean and clear I’m convinced pollution doesn’t exist here. Peering down the shallow parts, I can see straight to the bottom, and all the sea-life within. The wooden docks are pristine as well as the other ships docked within it. A busy market surrounds the docks, with colorful shops and stalls of people selling their wares. It reminded me of the shops along the boardwalk back home, except cleaner and more organized.

  “What do you think?” Aster asks, clutching my hand.

  “It’s nice,” I answer. “It’s more than nice actually,” I add reluctantly.

  Chuckeling Aster says, “I know what you mean. The Queen actually takes good care of her people, but to be fair, they pay her a considerable amount in coin in taxes for her to do so.”

  “Are the docks part of her territory?” I ask, curious about everything around me.

  “Yes, but anyone can use them, including the Fae. The docks and markert here are far enough away from the enchanted waters surrounding the castle. Fae usually just come here to trade, prefering to sell their wares at the Fae markets closer to their territories.”

  “Why come here at all if they have their own market?” I question. I was confused. If they hated vampires so much, why not keep their distance?

  “Umm, well, there's a highly sought out commodity here they can’t get at their own market,” he says unsure, shifting his feet like he’s super uncomfortable.

  “And what is that?” I ask, knowing I’m not going like his answer by how strange he’s suddenly acting.

  “Humans, love. Humans can be bought and sold here. If they haven’t been turned by a lesser vamp, any human you come across here are slaves.”

  “What?” I shout shaking, and my skin pales in shock.

  “Why would she allow such a thing? How could anyone be ok with this?” I question, my voice shaking with anger.

  “It’s the way it’s always been, and even if the Queen wanted to change the laws, which she doesn’t, she will have a revolt on her hands,” he answers, like that’s suppose to make everything ok.

  “These ships,” I say, waving my hand around, “they what? Go out and kidnap unsuspecting humans, and bring them back here to be sold?”

  He doesn’t answer, just nods, confirming my suspicions, but then he adds, “they mostly bring back runaway teens and younger homeless people who have nowhere else to go. People that left their families for whatever reason and wouldn’t be missed.”

  “And Skully, does he do it too? Have I’ve been traveling with kidnapped humans locked in one of those shipping containers this whole time?” I shout, no longer able to contain my anger.

  “No, love. Skully doesn’t do human trafficking, that’s why his ship isn’t as grand as the others.”

  “Well, at least someone around here has some sense,” I mutter. I’m about to ask what happens to the humans, when he stops me with a look.

  “Please, love. Don’t ask me questions you really don’t want to know the answers to,” he says in my head. Understanding, I nod and look away.

  With the ship completely tied down and ancored we start to depart. Taking my bag from me with my meager belongings, Tristan grabs my hand while a glamored Aster holds my other. He’s made himself invisible so no one will spot him with us. Since this is neutral territory, there’s no telling how many spies from different territories are lurking about. We’re barely off the ship when a beautiful girl with long black hair calls out Kaiden’s name, and runs into his arms giving him a tight embrace. When he pulls back, she kisses him full on the lips far longer than a friendly hello dictates.

  “Raven, what the hell are you doing here?” He asks, pushing her away and looking over at me with an apology on his handsome face.

  Glancing over in my direction, Raven looks me up and down, and immediately gives me a look of dismissal, turning her attention back to Kaiden.

  “I missed you silly. I heard a rumor you were aboard Skully’s ship, so I rushed down here to meet you,” she answers, fluttering her eyelashes at him.

  “You didn’t have to do that Raven. In fact, I preferred you didn’t,” he says coldly.

  Not noticing his tone, Raven turns her attention back to me.

  “Is this a new slave for your mother? She’s not very pretty. She won’t last a week before she’s traded to someone else,” she says, sneering.

  At her words, I tense and Aster grips my hand in silent support.

  “She’s not a fucking slave, and she’s beautiful and you know it Raven. Not to mention who she is, is none of your business,” Kaiden’s replies, while Tristan growls at the awful bitch.

  When my two familiars are unboarded, I’m pleased to see the fear in her eyes as she takes a wide step back when they place themselves on either side of me. Both are still glamored, but it doesn’t make them appear any less frightening.

  “Who are you?” She asks tartly, taking in my casual outfit of skinny jeans and a tight pink t-shirt. My sword is strapped to my back with a leather strap Skully gave me, and attached to my hip is my chakram.

  “None of your business Raven,” Fabien says, stepping forward, and blocking me from the vile bitchs view. We’re starting to draw a crowd, and I was getting uncomfortable just standing here.

  “Right, we’re leaving now,” Kaiden tells her as he grabs my arm and pulls me away.

  As we walk away, I notice one of the guys in Raven’s party glaring hatefully at my hand that’s still gripped in Aster’s like he can see straight through the illusion. Like everybody, he’s incredibly handsome with pale blonde hair and grey eyes, but there’s something off about him that I can’t put my finger on, and he gives me the willies. Maybe it’s the malice coming off him, or the scowl on his face. Who knows. I do know that it might be smart to be nowhere
near him alone. I gladly follow Kaiden away from Raven, and the guy with his cold stare.

  “Way to make friends out there,” Fabien says, punching my arm lightly.

  “If you expect me to make friends with the females here than you are sadly mistaken, especially if they’re women Kaiden has fucked before,” I tell him shrugging, while Fabien laughs harder. Kaiden at least, has the decency to look contrite. I shouldn’t be surprised. It’s not like this is news to me. He’s already admitted he was a manwhore before he met me. I think seeing it for myself is what made me so uneasy. It didn’t help that the girl is gorgeous.

  Kaiden leads us over to Skully who’s unloading supplies at one of the stalls. Catching him unaware, I grab him in a fierce hug and kiss his cheek. His whole face turns red matching his hair, and Fabien laughs enjoying his discomfort.

  “Careful, princess you might break him,” Fabien gasps, between his fits of laughter.

  Ignoring him, I turn my attention back to Skully. “Thank you. I may not have known you long, but I’m going to miss you and your hoarding ways.”

  Laughing, he kisses me on the lips quickly, earning a growl out of my men and a shocked gasp from me.

  “Anytime, princess. I’m here to serve you,” he says pointedly, before walking away and winking at Fabien as he pass.

  “What was that about?” Tristan asks.

  Fabien responds, "nothing," all too quickly.

  Pulling me away from the others, Aster leads me to the other side of the stall and down an alley. Pushing me up against the wall, he kisses me with so much intensity it makes my heart hurt.

  “I love you,” he whispers against my lips while his hands roam my body.

  “I love you too,” I murmur, giving him my all in the kiss so he knows he’s not alone. That the feeling is mutual. I hate that we have to separate. I want nothing more than for the four of us to live in a house far away in the woods together, and not have to worry about responsibilities or stupid prophecies. Where we can laugh and fuck all day, and just be free.