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Tainted Throne (Crown of Blood and Frost Book 2) Read online

Page 9

  “What else is there to say?” I ask, looking her straight in the eyes.

  “What about Prince Avery? A little birdie told me he attacked the city where I sent you,” she says.

  “I don’t know anything about that,” I lie. “I wouldn’t even know how he was able to make it to the human lands in the first place,” I add.

  I could tell by her cold calculating look she was gauging if I was telling her the truth or not. I’m guessing she believed the former because she drops the topic.

  “Tonight we will have a ball celebrating yours and the princess’ return. During that ball, you will announce your betrothal to Winter, so that we can cut the head off the snake before it strikes.”

  “Winter is not going to take that well. She has already expressed her displeasure of being pushed into an unwanted marriage,” I tell her.

  “Then I suggest you be your charming self, and win her over. There is no other choice for either of you. Soon the rebels will hear a heir of House Storm has returned, and will send their spies out to sniff around her, filling her head with silly ideals of taking over the throne, and we cannot allow that. I don’t need people siding with her, and revolting with the rebels. You will do your duty if the girl is willing or not. Now go, get out of my sight,” she says with a wave of her hand, dismissing me.

  I leave gladly. Lord knows the hell I’m going to pay once this engagement is sprung on Winter. This is yet another move I’ve warned her about that will bite my mother in the ass. Only the creator above will be able to help us all when Winter is cornered in something she does not want to do. I know she loves me, but she also loves Tristan and Asterial. She will never choose between us, and I don’t want to be the one to force her.

  Taking twists and turns to the royal wing I just catch a glimpse of Chaos leaving a room that hasn’t been inhibited in a couple of hundred years. I always thought when I became King, I would be able to access it, but now it seems to be occupied.

  “No way did that room choose you,” I growl, catching Chaos’s attention.

  “Not me, but it did our girl,” he answers in that bored tone of his.

  “She isn’t our anything,” I grumble.

  “Cut the shit Kaiden. I can smell you all over her, as well as Tristan and a certain Dark Fae King,” he says, smiling smugly.

  Information like this is right up his alley. Chaos lived for trouble.

  “I have no clue what you’re talking about,” I lie, trying to deflect.

  “You know prince, there's a lot you don’t know it seems.”

  “What the hell is that suppose to mean?” I ask irritated.

  “It means you’re such a mama’s boy, that you choose to ignore what a scheming cunt Hera really is. You’d rather fuck your friends over than see the truth that dear old mom isn’t the God she portrays herself to be. Like now, you’ll fuck Winter over just so she can keep her precious crown upon her twisted head. What cost is too high for you to pay to keep turning a blind eye to your mother? Keep it up prince, and the price will be more than you’re willing to pay,” he says, bracing his arm against the wall.

  “Despite what you think Chaos, you don’t know everything.”

  “I hope for your sake you’re right, old friend,” he replies, before walking away towards his own chambers.

  I should go check on Winter and see how she’s settling in, but instead I head towards my own rooms. My head is beyond pounding, and once my mother finds out which room Winter is staying in she’s going to have another hissyfit, and blame me for something else I have no control over. Part of me is happy the room chose her, but a very small part I’m deeply ashamed of, is also jealous. Flopping down on my bed, I throw my arm over my face, I turn off my brain and fall into a deep sleep.


  When I wake I notice the room has changed in my sleep. The ceiling is gone, and in its place is the night sky filled with stars. The same stars that remind me so much of Aster’s eyes when you stare deep into their indigo depths. His eyes that hold the secrets to my heart. We haven’t been apart long, but I already miss him. It hasn’t been a full day yet, and all I want is to be wrapped in his arms.

  The bed also changed. Instead of the black glossy wood, it was now a light grey four poster bed with sheer white sheets of fabric mixed in with tiny fae lights strung across the top posts. The black sheets replaced themselves with icy blue ones, and a matching comforter. A thick white fur throw is laid out on the floor under the bed, and up top, tons of fluffy white pillows I am currently buried in. Most of the furniture in the room is modern, resembling the mansion back home. Touches of my father remained here and there, but in a whole, the room took on my personality, including the large flat screen TV in the sitting area. I was even more shocked to find out that I have cable.

  A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts, and when I open it the last person I want to see is standing in the doorway.

  “Can I come in?” The False Queen asks.

  “Depends on what you want?” I answer her.

  “I’m not here to fight with you if that’s what you’re thinking. I only want to talk,” she says, raising her brow.

  Despite my better judgement, I open the door wide allowing her to come in. Walking toward the couches in the sitting area I take a seat, and she sits in the love seat across from me. Neither one of us speak, and I watch her as she takes in the room. I hate to admit that she’s really quite beautiful, considering how old she is. She barely looked over twenty-five.

  “I haven’t been in these chambers in a very long time,” she says softly. Still I say nothing. If anything, I’m thinking about what she could possibly want.

  Finally, after my curiosity starts to become too much I ask, “what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”

  Chuckling, she answers, “you’re not very patient, are you?” I’m guessing she wasn’t expecting an answer because she quickly continues on. “Neither is my son. That is why you two make such a good match. It is rare for couples, especially royal couples, to have so much in common with their spouse. Most of the time we marry out of duty with matches made from our parents, or worse, our parent’s advisors. Did you know that is how I ended up with Kaiden’s father?” She asks.

  “No,” I tell her, adjusting my posture on the couch. I did not like the direction this conversation is heading. All the reasons I could have thought up to why she’s here, the topic of marriage was not one of them. I’m pretty sure I’ve made myself clear to Kaiden about that subject, which he should have passed on to her during their little chat earlier.

  “After Lucas disappeared, my parent’s thought it was best for me to marry a strong mate. Naturally, they concluded that the next man in line for the throne was the better choice.”

  “I’m sorry, I’m confused. I thought you were already married to Kaiden’s father before my father disappeared.”

  “A lot of people thought that. We were mated since we had a child together, but we had yet to pledge our lives together. Kaiden was born out of wedlock, and his father stayed with me out of honor. We did not love each other, but for Kaiden’s sake, we made it work. There is no such thing as divorces here. The only way out is through death.”

  “Ok. Why are you telling me all this?” I question.

  “Kaiden is a prince, and you are a princess. Before Kaiden left to find you, he was going to pledge himself to Raven. At the time I had no objections, for it was a good match from a power stand point.”

  “And now?” I ask, grinding my teeth, hating the thought of Kaiden being married to the dark haired beauty from earlier. Funny how he left that part out when he was telling me about all his indiscretions here.

  “I think there's another choice just as strong,” she says, interrupting my inner rant.

  “But,” I say.

  “There is no but, Winter. Kaiden will have to marry and produce a heir. It’s his duty. I’m no idiot. I know you love my son. Putting aside the feelings you have for me, are you willing to see Ka
iden marry someone else, and build a family with another?”

  Am I indeed? That’s the million dollar question. She had me and she knew it judging by the smug look on her face, but I’m my father’s daughter, stubborn as hell, and won’t easily back down.

  “You stand to again a lot from this match. Is this any different than what your parents did to you? I’m no idiot. I know that chaining Kaiden to me ensures that your family keeps the throne. That my very presence here is a threat to you.”

  “Little girl, our situations are very different,” she says shortly. “I did not love Kaiden’s father. We were only together prior as a distraction from the people we really wanted. Our true mates. It was unlucky that I had gotten pregnant, but we do not get to choose the paths our lives take. Only The Fates have a say.”

  “Maybe you should have used protection,” I say hotly, not liking how she keeps referring to Kaiden as a mistake.

  “Protection,” she laughs out loud. “Dear child, has my son not told you?”

  “Told me what?” I growl.

  “Human protection does not work on us. Our bodies will burn off any pill, shot, implement, or whatever else humans use to prevent pregnancy. You’re even more fertile if you’re on your mating cycle. It’s our races way of continuing on. I would have thought my son would have told you this already, especially since I know him, and I’m sure he hasn’t left you untouched.”

  At this news my whole face goes white. This is information Kaiden has not shared with me, nor has Tristan or Asterial. I’m gonna kill them, I screech in my head. Why the hell did they not tell me this? Shit. Shit. Shit. We’ve been fucking like bunnies, even more on the ship during my mating cycle. I could be pregnant right now, and not even know who the daddy is like some Jerry Springer bullshit. I’m so gonna kill them. I’m not ready for a kid. But for now, no way in hell am I having the sex talk with Kaiden’s mom. Quickly get my shit together, I smile sweetly at her and lie through my teeth.

  “I do not know what you mean. Kaiden has been a perfect gentleman.”

  “You know Winter, if you want to make it here, you should really work on your lying. The key is to make the lies believable. No one in their right mind would ever believe that Kaiden didn’t try to fuck you the whole week he was away. I’d bet he barely lasted a day.”

  “Is there anything else you want?” I ask, ready for her to leave.

  Standing she says, “we’re having a ball tonight to welcome Kaiden and yourself back home. Tonight Kaiden will make a very important announcement pledging himself to either you or Raven. I do not know who he’s choosing, but if it is you, think about what I said, and try not to make a scene.”

  With that parting thought she walks towards the door. Before walking out, she turns back to me. “My servants will bring you a choice of appropriate gowns to wear tonight. I wouldn’t want you to be unprepared.”

  I’m tempted to slam the door in her face, and sulk like a child, but instead I close it softly, and laid my head against it. Lie better my ass. That bitch knows exactly who Kaiden is going to choose, and for the first time since being here I’m scared it’s not me. Didn’t I tell him over and over again back home that I will never marry him because of his mother. Why bother choosing me if he already knew what my answer will be? I hate that she’s right. That my own stubbornness could cost me the man I love. We’re soulmates, and he would do whatever he thought would make me happy. Just like Fabien did for Cali. Would he really marry someone else to keep me from feeling pressured? What if I was pregnant, and it was his, I think lowering my hands to my flat stomach. Fuck me, I say to myself, blowing out the air I’ve been holding in.

  It didn’t take long for the servants Hera spoke of to arrive. Two human slaves, arms loaded in gowns, come to my door. They were both young, and both very pretty, and did generally look happy. They appeared well fed, and I didn’t see any signs of mistreatment, but I could not let them serve me, knowing they were brought here against their will. Disgusted, I sent them both away, reassuring them I can pick out my own dress and it in no way reflected on them not being able to do their job. I hope my sending them away doesn’t get them in trouble, but there was just no way in hell I would use the services of human slaves, no matter how well they’re treated. A slave is still a slave.

  Throwing the gowns on my bed, I sort through them, rejecting each and every one. It’s not like they weren’t beautiful, because they were. They just weren't me. They were all expensive couture gowns, and probably cost a fortune, they were just so sweet looking. One actually had ruffles. Ok maybe not all of them were beautiful, couture or not, the ruffle dress definitely should be burned.

  “What did that dress do to you for you to be staring at it like that?” Chaos sarcastic voice says behind me, scaring the shit out of me.

  “How did you get in here?” I ask, holding my hand over my heart.

  “I used the door. How else do people enter rooms, princess?” He answers, looking at me like I’ve lost my mind.

  “I know that,” I snap. “I just thought I had to be the one to let you in here?”

  “Your room already knows who is ok to come in and out without continued permission, unless you reject their privilege. Anyone else you specifically wouldn’t allow in here would have to knock to be let in,” he explains.

  “Then why are you allowed in here? My door must be broken.”

  “Funny, beautiful. You obviously want me here.”

  “Do I?” I mumble, turning my attention back to the dresses.

  “Deny it all you want. You know you want me.” Suddenly, he’s standing in front of me and grabbing my hips so he can pull me towards him like earlier.

  His lips are so close to mine I can feel the heat coming off them, while he gazes into my eyes, starring so deep I swear he could see into my soul.

  “Now pretty girl, why are you throwing dresses around?” He asks, closing the distance and pressing his lips to mine.

  I moan at the contact, not being able to deny the attraction I have for him. Unlike before, this kiss is softer as he explores my mouth. When he finally pulls back, I can barely breathe. I’m his, but I’m not so certain he is mine.

  Funny how I was just having a panic attack over possibly losing Kaiden, and now I’m in the arms of someone else.

  “Hera sent me these gowns to choose from for tonight's ball, but they’re all so not me,” I answer, throwing another gown that should be burned on the floor.

  “I see,” he replies. “Why don’t you just glamour up a dress like that outfit you have on?” He adds, trying to be helpful.

  “How do you know this is a glamour?” I ask, surprised that he can tell.

  “I’m the ancestor from the God of Creation. I know a lot,” he answers smugly.

  Always riddles with this one. Can’t he ever just answer anything straight out?

  “Where’s the fun in that?” He says, answering my unsaid question.

  “What the hell? Stay out of my head. How do you keep doing that anyways? My shields are up.”

  “As I said…..”

  “If you say it’s because ‘I’m the God of Creation’, or something else riddle like, I’m going to punch you,” I say, interrupting him.

  Seeing that I’m serious, he sighs and answers, “I know what you’re thinking because I can feel you more than anyone else. We were made for each other. My blood flows through you giving you life, so there isn’t much you can hide from me. If I want, I can shatter your shield with half a thought.”

  “How is that even possible?”

  “I was bonded to you differently,” is all he says, and by the look on his face I knew he wasn’t going to elaborate.

  Sighing, I mutter, “I need a shower.”

  “Is that an invitation?” He asks.

  “What do you think?” I deadpanned, narrowing my eyes, frustrated at the attraction I have for the cocky bastard. I need to get my lady bits under control, and I can’t do that with him being so close to me.

  “I’ll take that as a no. Don’t fret, pretty girl, we have plenty of time to get naked together,” he says smugly.

  “Out,” I shout, pointing towards the door.

  “Later, pretty girl.”

  God, he’s so damn infuriating. I seriously want to know how I was bonded to him in the first place, and stop it. At this point, I’m more likely to kill him than love him.

  That’s another problem for another time, but right now I need to get ready. When I walk into my bathroom, I take a step back. Instead of seeing a regular bathroom with a shower and tub, there’s a private lagoon with a waterfall instead. Everything looks so real, and I guess with the magic flowing around here, it is. Fingering an exotic looking flower hanging by a vine, I’m amazed by how real it feels. Striping myself of the glamour I wore, I duck naked into the waterfall, savoring the way the water flows down my skin. Best bathroom ever. On a rock ledge, I pick up a loofah and my favorite shower gel, breathing in the cucumber scent. This is exactly what I need after a conversation with Chaos.

  Stepping out the water I grab a towel hanging from a tree branch, and wrap my body in the soft fluffiness. Now what to wear? By any means, I’m not a fashion designer, nor have I ever had any ambition to be one, but I have seen my fair share of fashion shows. Thinking back, the perfect Greek style dress forms in my mind from a previous spring show I saw on the runway. For this occasion, I knew the dress would be the perfect choice. Good news or bad, at least I will go in there dressed to kill.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Today has been a long day. Most of it I spent in the training yard, dueling with my brother who is, for lack of a better word, still a little ticked off about me knighting myself to Winter. He thinks my decision to chain myself to her was rash, and that I should have waited to talk to him first, before doing something so extreme. Lucifer has always been a scholar. He’s the oldest, and has no power of his own, which he more than makes up for in strength and knowledge. He’s always off studying books and old tomes, but at times his brain can get in the way.