Amethyst (Jewels Cafe Book 7) Read online
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“They’re a little busy right now. Do you actually think I came here unprepared? Your grandmother was very helpful in gathering the information I needed on you and your mates. All your schedules, as well as keeping an eye out for the perfect opportunity to strike. She even was nice enough to offer us food and lodging while we were here.”
Fucking grams. I swear when I get out of here, I’m going to make her pay.
“You don’t look shocked. Is having a crummy family the reason why you left?”
I don’t answer. I just watch him like a hawk as he closes the distance between us. Reaching in his coat jacket, he pulls out a wicked looking dagger, and I struggle even more. Under Abraxious control, the vines start to weave around my body like a spider web constricting my movements until I couldn’t move at all. The vines attached to my legs rearrange themselves, pulling my legs apart until I’m open to him.
“You know, I had a lot of time to plot what I wanted to do to you once I found you again. How I wanted to hurt you, fuck you, and make you pay. You’re all about karma right?” He asks jumping thoughts.
“Yes,” I answer warily. I don’t like the insane gleam in his eyes, or the way he’s pointing the sharp ass dagger at me.
“What goes around comes around,” he adds.
“What’s your point Abraxious?”
“My point is, sweet Amethyst, I believe the perfect karma for you is for me to fuck you right here and now, in your new shop with the purple dick you cursed me with. Did I mention I have one of my lackeys positioned at the window recording this whole affair? Soon this whole town will know how much a slut you really are.”
“What? You’re insane.” I try to squirm again, but the vines are so tight, I can’t move and only end up hurting myself as they dig painfully into my flesh, drawing blood. Laughing, Abraxious moves behind me. I hear the clinging of his belt as he removes it, and I know if I don’t think of something, it’ll be game over for me. Panicking I try to think of a spell, but I keep coming up blank. When I feel the dagger of his start to cut at my clothes in the back, it pushes my fear and I spit out the first thing that comes to mind.
Violent night, violet light
Join the fight and make it right
Not my best work, but you try to make up a spell while your psycho ex threatens to rape you with their Barney colored dick. When my shirt floats to the ground, leaving me in my purple lace bra, a bottle of lavender perfume flies off the shelf and sprays in Abraxious’ eyes. He starts to scream like the little bitch he is, and drops the dagger. It clatters loudly to the floor while he rubs at his eyes. Out of the corner of my eye, I spy a jagged edge amethyst crystal fly over and start cutting at the vines. I drop to the ground hard, but I’m not complaining because I’m free.
“You bitch,” Abraxious growls, as his eyes clear. They’re red and puffy, and the irises are glowing a startling green.
He tries sending his vines at me again, but this time I duck and dodge out the way. There's no way in hell I’m falling for the same trick twice. We already know I’m not a fighter, but playing crazy always work in a pinch. So instead of running away, I scream at the top of my lungs and run at Abraxious, waving my fists wildly in the air and he pauses in shock long enough for me to kick him in the nuts and run towards the back door. Unfortunately, he recovers quicker than possible and runs after me, catching me by my french braid and throws me down to the floor. Fuck that hurts. Straddling me, he renders me powerless, holding my arms above my head.
“I win, love,” he says triumphantly, lowering his face to mine, prepared to kiss me.
Right before his lips meet mine, a loud crash from the window has him jumping up, pulling me with him. Using his powers, the dropped dagger flies in his hand and he holds it to my neck. I hear the crunch of glass and the pounding of heavy footfalls. I wait patiently prepared to see one of my mates, but when a furious looking Marcus comes into view, I widen my eyes in shock. What the hell is he doing here? You would think I’d be focused on the threat holding a dagger to my neck and not the mate I ran away from.
“Who the fuck are you?” Abraxious spits out.
“Your worst nightmare if you don’t let her go,” Marcus answers and I laugh.
“Really, is that all you can come up with?” I retort. I know I’m in a life and death situation, but you have to admit it was funny. What movie did he steal the line from? Sorry, getting saved here.
“Really, princess,” he says, cocking a brow.
“I don’t care who you are or how you know this whore, get back or I’ll slit her throat,” Abraxious threatens, and it’s enough to make Marcus pause.
“Let her go,” he says in his creepy hypno voice. From here, I can see his beautiful blue eyes swirling with power like a vortex.
Abraxious grip on me waivers, but he doesn’t fall in thrall like I would have if our positions were reversed. Marcus tries again, and again Abraxious grip loosens, but not enough for me to get free without getting cut.
“You’re wasting your time, vampire. I’m a full Fae from the Autumn court. I’m too powerful to fall for you little trick.” Well hell, that’s news to me. Figures Abraxious would be some kind of royal. “Now you’re going to stay right there while I take my lovely jewel here and leave. If you try to follow, I’ll slit her throat. Trust me, this slut does not mean half as much to me as she does you.”
“Pot calling kettle black,” I mumble under my breath, but of course he hears me and pushes the dagger closer to my neck, drawing blood.
I can see the dilemma in Marcus’s eyes. He doesn’t want to let Abraxious go, but he can’t risk him harming me. Both decisions suck and whatever he decides will be a shitty choice. Sure, with his vampire speed he’s quick, but not quick enough to stop Abraxious from killing me. Turning his beautiful eyes on me, he looks at me for direction. I’m thinking as hard as he is and subconsciously I’m chanting,
Fire, water, earth, air, fire, water, earth, air, fire, fire, fire
I don’t even realize I’m doing it, so when the sleeve on Abraxious suit jacket catches on fire, I’m shocked.
“What the fuck?” He roars, trying to shake the flames out, but it’s just the distraction Marcus needs to run at us pushing me out the way into a ‘lucky for me’ bin filled with pillows, and starts pummeling Abraxious. A smart person would have ran for the hills or at least gotten help, but apparently I’m not feeling smart at this moment when I stay seated on the pillows and watch my ex and my stalker battle it out. All I needed was some popcorn and I could pretend this was a 3-D movie.
“Amethyst,” I hear Nolan shout.
Turning my head towards his voice, Nolan runs inside and halts at the scene before him. Not questioning why Marcus is here, or needing to be told who’s the bad guy in this scenario, he jumps in the fray helping Marcus take Abraxious down. I’m surprised Abraxious has been able to hold his own this long. Marcus may be evenly matched in size and stature, but Nolan is a beast of a vamp. My gentle giant who is not so gentle right now. All that working out has paid off for Abraxious, but soon Nolan and Marcus are able to take him down. When Marcus punches him hard enough to knock him out, I hear the bones of his nose crunch under his fist. Well, that’s going to hurt when he wakes up.
“Are you ok, sugar?” Nolan asks, running up to me and holding me in his arms.
“I’m fine, where are the others?” I ask, panicking.
“They’re still dealing with that asshole’s lackeys. They had us surrounded, that’s why it took so long for me to get back.”
“Yeah, my lovely grandmother,” I say in disgust, "has been feeding him information. They were just lying in wait for you guys to leave me alone to attack.”
“Fuck,” Nolan curses. “When I get my hands on he-,” he doesn’t get to finish his sentence when I go flying through the air and into the arms of some chick with bright green hair cut into a bob style. She doesn’t waste time with taunts or threats, or a long retention of her evil plan to kill me. Instead, she goes right
for it and brings a dagger she was holding in her hand and slits my throat, then drops me on the ground, leaving me to choke on my own blood.
Nolan and Marcus’s pain filled cry of, “no,” is the last thing I hear before everything goes black.
All I can feel is pain. Am I dead? Of course I am, going by the excruciating pain I’m in. I felt it when that bitch slit my throat. I could never forget how it felt to drown on your blood, or the painful sound of my mates’ hearts dying. I must be in Hell. Is this where all dark witches are destined to go? Would it have been too much to ask for a seat on the couch in the good place? I know you guys have seen that show and know what I’m talking about. I just wish that old cunt of a grandmother was here with me. She’s probably kicked my mates out and taken over my store by now, after they removed all the bodies. Mine and Abraxious’, because I have no doubt my mates killed him. Why can’t I see anything? Everything is dark. Is my punishment living in Hell in the dark?
“I think she’s waking up,” a familiar voice says, but it can’t be. I’m dead. How is he here?
“Violet,” a gut wrenching voice says, pulling at my heartstrings. Now I know I’m in Hell, tormented by the voices of my mates and not able to see or touch them.
“Caleb,” I struggle to say. “Everything hurts.”
“What did she say?”
“I think she said everything hurts. You remember how the change was.”
Great, Marcus is here tormenting me too. Probably payback for never acknowledging what he meant to me, and what are they talking about. What change? Goodbye my loves. I know I didn’t get a chance to tell you while I was dying, but I hope my ghost relays the message.
One week later
I wake to a bright light streaming through the oval window in my bedroom. I’m tucked in my ginormous bed Aiden made with a heavy weight around my waist. Turning my head, my eyes lock onto a blazing blue gaze. One that, in life, reminded me of the sky on a clear sunny day, but now looks more like blue fire.
“Are you dead too?” I ask him.
“You’re not dead, and neither am I for that matter,” he answers in a rough voice.
“Huh. How can that be?” I frown confused. “I felt it when I died. The pain, it was horrible. I even heard your voices in the afterlife.”
“I don’t know about the afterlife part, but the pain you felt was real. When that bitch had you it was the most scared I’ve ever been in my whole life. Human and vampire. I knew I wouldn’t be able to get to you in time, but I still tried. When your body dropped to the floor, I died right along with you.”
“So I am dead?” I ask just to clarify. I mean, if this is death, it’s not exactly that bad if my ghost is haunting my home and mates.
“In a sense you are,” he replies vaguely.
“What does that mean? Either I am or I’m not. Yeah or nay. Yes or no. Use those words and stop confusing me, you’re giving me a headache." Wait, ghosts get headaches? Well that blows.
“You’re not dead, sweetheart. Well, the witch part of you is, but now you’re a vampire. I turned you.”
“What?” I screech, bolting up.
“We couldn’t save you. We tried. We even ran over to the shoe store to get your angel friend, but she said she could no longer feel your soul in your body. But she could feel remnants of it still attached to us because we’re your mates. It was risky. I never heard of anyone being changed after they already died. It can only be done while they’re heart is still beating. I didn’t think it would work, but I had to try. I couldn’t let you go without a fight, so I slit my wrist with the dagger that bitch killed you with and fed you my blood. At first nothing happened, and I was just dripping my blood in your open mouth. I didn’t care if I drained myself dry, I just knew I had to save you. After awhile, you started to respond, and soon were suckling at my wrist without my help. It was the most relieved I’ve ever felt. Your heart started to beat again in a thunderous rhythm. Far stronger than I ever heard in a changed vampire before. The pain you felt was your body dying. The witch in you has to die so that the vampire can live. I’m sorry I made the choice for you, but this was the only option we had. I’m so fucking sorry, and if you hate me, I understand.”
“Wow, that’s wow,” is all I can say. “So I’m a badass vampire. No longer a curse worker,” I clarify.
“I’m afraid so, sweetheart,” he replies grimly.
“Well, that’s not so bad I guess.”
“What? Really,” he says, giving me a brilliant smile. One that sends a rush right to my clit. Yep, definitely not dead.
“You saved my life. What was the alternative, let me die? At least now I’m alive. Besides, I bet I’ll get a new kickass superpower.”
“You’re taking this remarkably well.”
“Life’s short,” I shrug. “Where’s everyone else at?”
“Aiden is in his workshop, and Nolan and Caleb are downstairs manning the store. They fixed the broken window and the other damage from the fight. They would be up here if weren’t for some big order you had arriving today. None of us like to leave you for long.”
“Big order? That was suppose to come on Christmas Eve.”
“Sweetheart, it is Christmas Eve. You’ve been out of it for a week.”
“What?” I shout. “Is that normal? How long does it take your body to die?”
“You did take a bit longer than usual. We were afraid you wouldn’t wake up at all, but we all had faith.”
“I can’t imagine what you guys felt, lying here waiting for me to wake up. I don’t think I would have dealt with it that well,” I say taking his hands in mine. “Hey, your palm is still cursed. What happened? You couldn’t get Vlad to heal you?”
“I wouldn’t let him. The curse came from you, so everytime I would look down at my hand, I would think about you.”
“That’s, ah, sweet and creepy,” I tell him.
Laughing, he lifts our hands to his mouth and kisses my knuckles. This is so weird and right at the same time.
“Hey, what happened with Vlad?”
“I don’t know. After being away from you for weeks, I couldn’t take it anymore so I left the mansion. Halfway to New York, I got this urgent feeling that I had to get to you quickly. I followed whatever crazy need to be near you that’s been taking over my body and found you at your store.”
“Aren’t you afraid about him coming after you, and isn’t he your real father? How could you choose me over your family?”
“Vlad stop being a father to me for a very long time now. You are the only thing that matters to me.”
“You’re quite the poet Marcus. I didn’t know you had it in you,” I say lightheartedly as I stroke his rainbow palm. More out of instinct than anything I chant, misdeeds have been paid, light the way, it’s time for the curse to go away. In a flash of light, Marcus’ rainbow palm turns back to normal, and we both stare at his hand in shock.
“That’s impossible,” he whispers. “Your witch powers should have died along with your witch.”
“That’s not the only thing strange, me curing you should be impossible. I’m a dark witch. We don’t do light magic. I shouldn’t have been able to do that.”
“You’re amazing, you know that,” he says kissing me hard, and I fall in his kiss.
Whatever was dead has awoken now, and I feel myself growing wet. An overwhelming heat takes over my body, and I practically crawl into his lap.
“Princess, if we don’t stop, I’m going to fuck you on this humongous bed,” he warns.
I lift my lips from his long enough to say, “don’t stop,” and that is all he needs to hear. With a loud roar that would rival my shifter mate, he pulls the T-shirt I’m wearing over my head. Judging by the size, it has to be one of the guys. His lips lock back on mine and he claims me in a punishing kiss. We’re both a battle of tongue and teeth as we both fight for the upper hand. Moving my hand down his ripped chest, I’m happy to find he’s com
pletely naked. I try to wrap my hand around his hard cock, but he’s so thick, my fingers barely meet.
“Oh my,” I blurt out.
“Don’t worry, I’ve seen the twins cocks, it’ll fit,” he murmurs before positioning me on top of his lap.
I wrap my legs around his waist and he kisses down the column of my neck while his now curse free hand makes a sneak attack on my pussy and starts to rub my clit. I moan, loving the feel of his finger on me and the scraping of his fangs against my sensitive skin. He plays my pussy like a pro and soon I’m orgasming on his fingers, with my cum dripping onto his lap.
“Umm,” he says, bringing his finger to his mouth and sucking my cum off like a tasty treat.
Moving his mouth to mine, he kisses me again, and I fall prisoner to his whims, tasting myself on him. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pull myself up and impale myself on his very hard, very thick dick.
“Fuck,” I cry out, which he swallows with his kiss.
Proving I’m a soldier, I start to move my body, fucking him in my own rhythm, as the cocky bastard leans back on his forearms, watching me. Channeling a porn star and that Britney Spears video, you know the one with the snake, I wiggle up and down his body, moving in what I hope is an erotic manner. Judging by his gaze filled with lust and his groans, I suspect I’m doing an awesome job. When I cum again, he sits up and grabs my hips, and starts to pound into me like I owe him money. His fat cock easily glides in and out of my center due to my slick juices, and as if he has a treasure map to my g-spot, he hits the X everytime, sending me farther and farther towards another orgasm.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” he groans. The veins in his neck are straining and it’s such a erotic site, as well as the pulse in his neck. I’m so drawn to it, I can’t look away. It must be a vampire thing. I can’t help myself when I bend forward and bite down on his neck with my new fangs.