Amethyst (Jewels Cafe Book 7) Read online
Page 9
“Did you know they were here?” I accuse, glaring right at Marcus.
“No, I swear,” he answers. I can hear the truth in his words, but I don’t want to trust them.
“How can I believe that? Wasn’t it you who was just telling me how much better you are than my mates, rubbing it in that they didn’t come for me when they were being held prisoner this whole time?” I yell.
“I said I didn’t know,” he shouts, and I want to march up to him and shake him. In fact, I try, but Caleb grabs me around my waist before I could get far.
“No harm done, pet. They’re here now and safe in your arms,” Vlad says happily. “Now sit down and finish your dinner.”
Caleb bristles at Vlad’s tone, but he leads me over to the table, taking my seat and seating me between them. Just like when Vlad killed the female vamp, whose body by the way is still lying dead on the floor, everyone around us continues to eat like our interaction was some kind of mid-dinner entertainment. When I’m sure everyone’s attention was elsewhere, I turn to Nolan and I whisper, “where’s Aiden?”
“You’ll see,” he whispers back.
I raise my brow at that. What does he mean ‘I’ll see’? Doesn't he know I have the patience of a two year old? I don’t do surprises. I’m about to prod him for more answers when all of the sudden I hear a loud boom from an explosion. Crumbling bricks hurdle towards us and both Nolan and Caleb pull me under the table.
“What the hell is going on?” I scream over the sound of another explosion.
“Aiden,” Caleb answers.
“And Ruby,” Nolan says, finishing Caleb’s sentence. They do that a lot. I wonder why I never noticed that before. Wait, did he say Ruby? Oh wow, look at that vampire go, I muse to myself as I watch a vamp use his power to try to hold the wall up. Another is levitating in the air, shielding the mortar and crumbling brick from falling on us. There's too much going on. I’m starting to feel like the dog on Up when he sees a squirrel.
In a blazing fury haloed in a bright light, Ruby comes through the doorway looking just like an avenging angel. I guess I know where the term comes from now, because it's really a sight to see. Lifting her halo from her head, she throws it just like she did when we were watching Xena, but this time with deadly intent as it flies through the room, cutting Vlad’s toys down with some exploding in blinding light.
“Stay here,” Caleb barks. Kissing me on each side of my cheek, the twins move from up under the table to enter the fray. In a blur, they’re fighting the other vampires cutting down their sisters and brothers. I’m so caught up in watching them, I almost miss the giant wolf flying through the air, attaching its jaws around the lizard man's arm and pulling it off.
“Aiden,” I whisper.
This is madness. Frantic, I look for Vlad, because out of everyone here he is the biggest threat. I don’t see him, but I do catch blurs of Marcus. As if he knows my eyes are on him, he smirks and dives under the table, coming for me. Screaming, I try kicking at him, but he grabs my leg and drags me out in the open. Once cleared from the table, he pulls me up and whispers in my ear, “stop fighting, and come with me now.”
The effects are immediate. My gaze glazes over and I stop fighting him. Like the pied piper, he leads me away from the fight and I follow him willingly. Once in the hall, Vlad reaches for my hand, but Marcus stops him with a growl.
“I have her,” he states with an authoritative voice and Vlad cocks an eyebrow, but thankfully, backs down.
Aiden’s wolf growls, filling the hall with a terrifying sound. Ruby steps behind him and takes her halo aiming it for Vlad who barely dodges. Aiden’s wolf takes advantage of the opening and pulls me away by the hem of the dress. Marcus opens his mouth, I’m guessing to give me another command when Caleb, I think it’s Caleb, there's too much going on to know for sure, comes out of nowhere and throat punches Marcus. Marcus burst into a fit of coughs, holding his hand to his throat, and just like that the spell he has on me is broken. Ruby who's still fighting Vlad does some impressive spin kick and he goes flying into Marcus. They're outnumbered and outmatched with an angel on our side. I can see it in Vlad's calculated gaze when he realizes that his backup won’t be able to save him in time. I never thought I would say this, but thank fuck for this crazy maze of a house.
Growling, he grabs Marcus by the arm whose eyes are still focused on me and takes off down the hall, through a hidden panel. Caleb tries to follow, but the wall closes, cutting him off.
“Forget about them,” Nolan shouts. “We need to get out of here before the others arrive.”
“Fuck that. Don’t you know to never leave the bad guy alive? It always bite you in the ass later.” Bad guys have the knack of popping up like daisies, or maybe weeds are a better analogy.
“Sugar, that wasn’t even a quarter of Vlad’s army. We lucked out with him only having dinner with his favorites. Everyone else would have heard the commotion by now and will be swarming us any second. The odds aren’t in our favor. We need to get the hell out of here,” Nolan says, trying to rationalize with me.
“But,” I start. I don’t get to finish my sentence when Caleb lifts me in his arms, and in a blur we go through the house and are outside the mansion with the others hot on our trail. They run through the woods to a car that was left waiting. We all tumble inside, and Aiden jumps behind the wheel and peels out. Burning rubber on the freeway, Aiden doesn’t slow down until he’s well past the state borders of Louisiana.
I’ve had a hell of a week. I’ve been on the run, met some hot man candy who turned out to be my mates, claimed my inheritance, fucked my enemy turned mate, had more epic sex, been kidnapped by an insane collector, and now I’m back on the run. The insanity of my life has come full circle. Some would say everything that happened is nothing but a bunch of bad luck, but I don’t see it that way. Lady Luck is always on my side, and every ordeal comes with a lesson. If I never ran from my ex, I would have never met the twins or went back home and reunited with Aiden. If Marcus would have never kidnapped me, I would still be thinking Aiden and the twins didn’t care about me. Now I know they love me enough to risk their own lives. I even learned how awesome of a friend Ruby is. She's pretty badass, and crazy scary. Remind me to never get on her bad side.
Usually, I fall asleep during long car rides, but this time I stay wide awake, scared Vlad and Marcus will pop up and try to drag me away again. I’d be a fool if I were to think this is over. Vlad is obsessed with me. Today had to be a major kick to his ego, and I’m sure he doesn’t like it when his toys are taken away. Marcus is even scarier. The way he was able to control me. Unlike with the twins his powers actually worked on me. He can make me do anything he wants and I can’t do nothing to stop him. It’s a violation I do not want to experience again. I should be deathly afraid of him, but I’m not. He was right. There is a thread connecting me to him. I saw it in the hall when he was protecting me from Vlad.
Yes, he protected me. He could have handed me over and it would have been game over. Vlad would have disappeared with me through the panel before Aiden could grab me. The thread is there, but it’s frail, and doesn’t shine as brightly as my other mates. This, whatever it is isn’t over yet between me and him.
In the back seat, I twist the heavy gold ring around Caleb’s finger. I noticed Nolan has a matching one, and I wonder if it is a twin thing. Like when people like to dress their twins in matching outfits. I never got that. Doesn’t that make it easier to mix them up? See, squirrel. I’m off track again.
“It keeps us from burning up in the sun,” he explains when he notices where my attention is focused.
“That’s real. I thought it was a myth,” I say, shocked.
“If you’re old as dirt like Vlad and Marcus it’s unnecessary, but newer vampires are required to wear one if they want to go out in the day time.”
“Where do you get the rings from?” I ask curious.
“We've always had the
m. Vlad slipped it on our fingers when we were recovering from the change. Who knows where he gets them. That’s knowledge he’ll never reveal. Sometimes when he wants to punish us, he’ll take the ring from us until he feels we earned it back,” Caleb says, winding his fingers through mine.
“That’s horrible,” I state.
“It’s just another way to control us. When we’re first turned, we’re solely dependent on him and his blood. We’re like newborns in a whole new world. Once we come into our own and our powers develop, he guides us on how to use them, but he never lets us forget he owns us.”
“He sounds like a controlling asshole. Why did you stay? The ones I came across seemed like they were happy to be there.”
“Because they are. The life he gives us is very tempting. We pretty much have free reign to do whatever we want as long as we don’t piss him off, or deny him when he wants our attention,” Caleb explains.
“Want your attention how?” I wonder.
“You know how, violet,” Caleb says, raising his brow.
“Oh wow,” I say when I get it. “So he,” I stop myself.
“Yes,” is all he replies.
After that, I’m quiet. What is there left to say when your boyfriend admits he’s been with another man? Except this is me we’re talking about and curiosity should have been my middle name instead of Violet. So I don’t think anyone was surprised, least of all me, when I blurt out, “did you like it?”
“Sex is sex, sugar. We didn’t really think about it,” Nolan turns around in his seat answering for his brother.
“So sex with me is what?” I question, not liking his answer.
“That’s different, sugar. Sex with you is amazing. You were made for us. With Vlad, it was like a chore, one I’m glad to be rid of. You’ve saved us just as we saved you.”
“That’s actually sweet Nolan. You would totally rock as a poet,” I tell him. I’m glad to hear him laugh and the serious conversation drop. I don’t need to be inventing reasons to tear us apart. That’s how I ended up getting kidnapped in the first place. If we want to defeat Vlad, we need to stick together.
For the rest of the ride, I stare out the window. I’m actually relieved when we’re back in Silver Springs. Giving me a parting hug, Ruby glides away when we let her out in front of her store. Those stuffy angels in Heaven are crazy if they don’t see how much of a badass Ruby is. She may have smaller wings, but her lady balls are the biggest.
When Aiden parks in front of the store, Caleb has to practically carry me out of the car. I was so exhausted from the adrenaline wearing off and staying awake the whole twelve hour drive home. Home. I never thought I’d call this town that again, but that’s what it’s starting to become. I know with my mates and a new friend, I’ll be able to make newer, happier memories. Together the guys help me out of my dress, and Aiden hands me one of my T-shirts to put on. Pulling the cover and sheets back, Nolan tucks me in, and they all leave me to rest with gentle kisses. A witch can get use to this.
The rest of the weeks fly by and before I know it November has gone and past and we’re decorating the shop for Christmas. During the weeks together, the guys and I have fallen into a comfortable rhythm. All three of them have moved in with me full-time. It’s a tight fit, and the word privacy no longer exists, but I wouldn’t change a thing.
Except the bed. With the four of us my queen size bed, although beautiful was way too small to accommodate us, so the guys donated it to the local shelter after Aiden custom made us a new one at his shop he opened up on Main Street.
It’s approximately the size of two King size beds and I love it. I especially loved christening it that first night it arrived. You can’t imagine the freaky things you can do when you have more than enough space. Aiden’s shop although new, business has been really taking off. He’s hired two wolves from his old pack to help run sales in the store while he works out in the shed in the back building merchandise. The double king size bed is his best seller. Who knew there are so many polygamous relationships in this town?
The twins have plans to expand the store as well as the living space upstairs. I thought they would take longer to adjust to small town living, but it’s like they’ve always lived here. At times, they get bored, missing the excitement of bounty hunting, but when that happens they always come up with some grand plan to keep themselves busy, like the expansion of the shop. When they’re not busy knocking down walls or helping Aiden in his workshop, they’re working with me in the store. I still have yet to find someone to fill the sales position, but a witch I interviewed the other day sounds very promising, and not because she was the only one who applied for the position. In fact, I might as well give Haylee a call, offering her the job.
Despite my grandmother’s attempts to destroy me and run me out of business, the shop has been very successful. Who knew hexes, curses, and revenge could be so profitable? Me, that’s who.
That’s why Abraxious made such a great living off me. Speaking of which, we haven’t heard hide nor hair out of him, or of Vlad, the bat shit crazy collector vamp. I would be a fool if I thought they've forgotten about me. I know they’re out there, biding their time, waiting for us to put our guard down. Call me crazy or maybe it’s the Stockholm at its best, but I miss Marcus. Sure, I tormented him the whole time I was there, but I can’t forget the feeling I had when he was around. How what I feel for him matches what I feel for my mates. I can still see his withered thread when I think about him, dimly shining leading me away from here, and into his arms. It’s a topic of conversation I haven’t brought up with my mates. I don’t know how they’d take it, especially the twins. I’ll tell them, I just can’t right now.
“Hey, sugar, what are you thinking about so hard in that beautiful brain of yours?” Nolan says, sneaking up behind me.
“Oh, nothing important,” I lie. Walking over to the box of decorations Aiden pulled out the storage room earlier, I ask Nolan if he could help me hang the Christmas holland in an attempt to change the subject. Witches celebrate Christmas a bit differently, but I wanted to decorate the shop for my human customers. I even have a giant tree displayed near the window the guys will help me decorate tonight.
“Where’s Caleb?” I asked.
“Helping Aiden build another one of those ginormous beds. I think Aiden got three more orders for those this week.”
“Oh wow, but I can’t say I blame them. I love our bed,” I say, giving Nolan a heated look, and in return, he gives me a devilious smile.
“Sugar, if you keep looking at me like that, I’ll lock us in the storage room and bend you over your desk and fuck you.”
“Promises, promises,” I taunt.
Before he can make good on his threat, a lady calls for my help by the candles, and I quickly walk over to her with a little wiggle in my hips. Nolan groans, and out of the corner of my eye, I catch him inconspicuously adjust his junk. Working with Nolan is always a blast. He’s flirty and way more carefree than his twin.
I spend most of the morning laughing and fighting off his advances. Soon it’s lunch time, and we’ve worked out quite an appetite. How? Well, he made good on his threat and took me over my desk for a quickie. Quickies are the best.
“Hey sugar, will you be ok here for a bit? I need to run a tool Aiden needs over to the workshop.”
“Of course. I was going to go to the diner for lunch, but I can wait for you here.”
“Ok. I’ll be back before you know it,” he says, giving me a deep kiss. No quick pecks with this guy. “Lock the door,” he orders.
“Yes, bossy one,” I retort before I salute him on his way out the door.
When he leaves, I go in the back and pull out the ladder, so after lunch we could hang the Christmas lights. When I come out with the ladder in tow, Abraxious is standing in the middle of the store in all his glory. He looks the same, not that I would think much would change in a couple of months. His red hair is styled to perfection, and the suit he has on looks expensive, per
fectly tailored to his body. In fact, he looks bigger with more muscle tone. Apparently, he must be compensating for his purple dick. As if he knows what I’m thinking, his brilliant green eyes spark with anger.
“Hey baby, long time no see,” he drawls.
“I’m not your baby,” I snap, narrowing my eyes. “What do you want?”
“I was in the neighborhood and I wanted to see an old friend. Wait, we were more than friends. I practically owned your pussy,” he answers crudely.
“How did you even find me?” I question, ignoring his comment.
“Funny thing. I couldn’t find you, and oh did I try. Since you’ve been gone, all I’ve been able to think about was making you pay for what you did to me. Congratulations love, you’ve done the impossible. You’ve made me forget about any other female and only think about you. I’ve dreamt up so many ways I’m going to torture you after you get done apologizing to my dick, up front and personal and on your knees. Imagine my surprise when all my lackeys have been coming up empty, and your grandmother is the one who contacts me and tells me all about the life you’ve built for yourself here. I have to admit, it’s very impressive. I practically love hearing about what a whore you’ve become. The high and mighty Amethyst, who condemned me for sharing the love, when you’re fucking three supes a night. Tell me, love do you fuck them all at once, or do they take turns?”
“Fuck you,” I spit out hatefully.
“You will, and more, but first,” he says, raising his hand and the vines from my hanging plants wrap themselves around my arms, suspending me in the air. I try thrashing my body about, hoping my weight will break the vines, but these suckers are strong, and they continue to wrap around each other, reinforcing their strength. Another vine shoots out of nowhere and wraps around my legs, trapping me to my psycho ex’s mercy.
“My mates will be here any second now and they will make you pay,” I threaten.