Diary of a Reformed Mean Girl (Reformed Series Book 1) Read online
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“Dude, never leave us alone with Kassie again,” I tell Mekka as soon as we step through his front door.
“I second that. She’s annoying as shit alone, and even worse with her friends,” my brother says slumping into the recliner.
“I can’t believe she ditched that poor girl like that. The highlight of my day was telling Alpha on her,” I say smiling as I take a seat across from my brother.
“She’s fucking beautiful, and nice, and not boring to talk too, pretty much everything Kassie is not, except for the looks department, so I’m not surprised,” Mekka replies.
“Really?” I say intrigued. “What does she look like?”
“Dude, she has golden caramel skin, super long dark hair, a cute little nose, and thick pouty lips. She’s practically my dream girl,” he answers like he’s singing a ballad.
“You sound like you’re in love with her already,” Logan tells him.
“Fuck, I think I am, and those eyes. They don’t know if they want to be as golden as the sun or green as the forest or both.”
With that comment I sit up and immediately look over at my brother, and see the identical look of shock on his face as is on mine. We’re identical twins, the only difference is that his eyes are turquoise green and mine are a bluish grey.
“Did she tell you her name?” Logan questions.
“Her name is even beautiful. Aspen,” he answers, and my heart stops before uncontrollable anger takes over.
“What?” Mekka asks completely clueless, looking between the two of us like a ping pong match.
“Your dream girl is the same bitch that ran us away from our old pack,” Logan answers him, and I can see the blood draining from his face.
“That’s impossible, she was so sweet,” he mumbles with a shaky voice.
“Did she have an English accent?” I ask through clenched teeth.
“Yes,” he answers wide eyed.
“Then yes, she’s the same bitch from Wolfhaven. The same miserable human being that made our lives hell simply for existing. The same cunt that I vowed to return the favor to if I ever ran into her again,” I yell.
“Well brother, I say we do just that. She will be attending shifter school after all, and we run that place, not her. The tables have turned and it’s time for us to finally get our revenge,” Logan says smiling an evil smile, and we all smile in agreement.
For the rest of the week I avoid everyone entirely, choosing to go in and out of the house through my balcony. I don’t want another confrontation with Kassie after the big blow out from when she left me at the mall. One of the guys ended up telling her dad on her, and he grounded her in the house for the rest of the week, and took away her credit card privileges for the next month, so of course she blamed me for everything, and in her head it’s all my fault, including the guys leaving early because Mekka had to drive me home. My conversation with my mother didn’t go well either, and after that Mekka sent me a text that pretty much confirmed his friends are the twins that left my old pack years ago. After the nice time we had I’ve already lost him.
Hottie Wolf: You should have never came here...
With how ominous that statement is, I knew I was in trouble. The twins had over five years to think of ways to get revenge. Mum wouldn’t listen to reason at all. She said if she can stay here and face a whole pack of wolves she pissed off, then I can handle two guys. If only she knew half the shit I did to them maybe she would understand, but maybe she wouldn’t. I’ve noticed how close she’s gotten to the Alpha while we’ve been here the little I have seen of them. Before she acted like she couldn’t stand being in the same room as him, but now I've noticed little touches here, or whispered conversations there. I really hope she’s not screwing me over just so she can bag another Alpha.
Unfortunately for me, hiding in my room will no longer be an option, and I have to face the music. It’s the end of summer vacation, and the first day at a new school for me. I have never been more nervous about anything in my life. Dressing in a cute white lace high low sundress, and black hightop chucks, I stare at myself in the mirror. In my reflection, I see a girl with wide golden green eyes, straight long dark hair to the middle of my back, and carmel skin. A girl who never before been scared of anything in her life, but now I’m afraid to face my past. A girl so horrid, that no matter what happens today, I deserve everything that comes to me. With some time to spare I take out my diary I keep hidden behind my dresser and write.
Dear Diary
Is being spoilt an addiction? I can’t help the way I was raised, I can’t help I was given everything I ever wanted, and I can’t help the fact that I have never been reprimanded for the horrid things I’ve done. Curious, I went online and looked up the steps to overcoming your addiction.
Admitting that you cannot control your addiction.
Recognize a higher power
Examine past errors. That’s a big one because all I have is past errors.
Make amends. What if they won’t let me?
Learn to live with your new life you set for yourself, and code of behavior. I’m trying.
Help others who are suffering from the same addiction. I wouldn’t breach this subject with Kassie even if someone paid me.
I don’t know what to think about this. Most of the steps I have found a problem with, and maybe that’s what makes them so hard. Why people need a buddy to keep them on the straight and narrow. Being spoilt is an addiction. It’s something that temps you, and even the strongest falls prey. I’m trying to overcome the person I once was. My end goal, and all I want is to become a better person.
“Aspen, you’re going to be late for school if you don’t get a move on,” mum calls up to my room from the bottom of the stairs.
Sighing, I put my diary back into its hiding spot, and go downstairs. When I get down there mum is waiting for me with Kassie’s dad right beside her.
“Please don’t tell me I have to ride with Kassie, I don’t feel like walking home,” I say instead of the standard morning pleasantries.
“Actually, Tyler and I have a surprise for you,” she says with an excited grin on her face, and I turn my head to Tyler who’s standing there looking just as amused.
“Ok,” I say warily.
Mum leads us out the front door, and parked front and center in the gravel drive is a brand new, shiny red Range Rover with black interior.
“Wow, you shouldn’t have,” I tell them both.
“Of course we should have. It’s dangerous out there, and that little ordeal with Kassie just shows how much you need a car,” mum tries explaining.
“Did you have to get something so flashy? Why can’t I just drive your car?”
“Aspen this is so unlike you, and you’re acting really ungrateful,” mum huffs.
“It’s nothing. Accept the car Aspen. Kassie has one just like this, only a couple years older,” Tyler says, and I know I don’t have a choice. I can’t argue with them without sounding ungrateful. What’s good for his daughter is just as good for me too.
“You’re right, I’m sorry,” I say forcing a smile.
“That’s better,” mum clasps her hands together, happy I gave in so easily. She knows exactly how stubborn I can be, but I’m tired of fighting with her. “The directions to the school have already been programmed in the GPS, have a good day, figlia.”
“You too,” I reply getting into my new Range Rover.
The car drives smoothly, and before I know it I’m pulling up to the school. The brick building is huge, and almost reminds me of the school in Twilight, except here there are no humans. It used to be only shifters who attended here, but I was told after the aftermath of humans finding out supernaturals are real, the school had to open its doors to all supernatural beings because regular schools became unsafe. Tyler told me during the summer extra additions were added to the building to make room for the influx, including an Olympic
size pool filled with salt water for the mermaids. Parking, I walk into the building with more confidence than I feel. Fake it until you make it, right? Plus the students here can literally smell fear.
The office at least was easy to find in such a large place. I had to be blind to miss all the signs pointing the way. Strolling up to the counter I clear my throat getting the secretary's attention.
“Hi, I’m Aspen Wolfhaven, I’m here to pick up my schedule,” I tell her smiling bright.
“Isobelle’s daughter,” the secretary sneers, giving me a snobby look. Great, first day and I’m already being judged because of my mother. At least with the twins I earned their hate.
“Yes,” I answer through gritted teeth.
Typing something in the computer she hands me my schedule, and I take it from her as I quickly leave the office. I don’t want to be late for class, bringing any more unnecessary attention to myself, but since the forces of the universe has made me into its enemy, it’s no surprise that not only is Mekka in my first class, but also the twins. As soon as I walk through the door they all turn their heads to me with different ranges of hate plastered on their faces, but two identical ones I cannot take my eyes off of. The twins have really grown into their bodies. Before when they were younger they didn’t quite fit their features. As the surviving runts in their litter, I always thought they were too skinny, nothing but a bag of bones. Their noses back then were too big for their faces, and their features too sharp to be attractive. Since they have grown into their bodies, everything I saw as negative before made them heartbreaking gorgeous now. Their thick honey blonde hair is styled to perfection in that hot ‘run your hands through’ look, both their eyes shine bright lit by their anger, those skinny bodies are bones no more, with both of them packing enough muscle to make me believe they live and breathe the gym, their skin is tanned perfectly suggesting they spend a lot of time in the sun, and if they were to smile I know they both have a dimple in their left cheek. They were exactly the type I go for, too bad they hated me.
“If you’re done gawking at the twins you need to take a seat Ms. Wolfhaven,” the teacher says, breaking me out my moment of insanity.
Blushing hard, I quickly take my seat and mutter, “great, another one of mum fans,” I mutter under my breath. Since bad luck is the only luck I seem to be having, the only empty seat available was next to Ethan and judging by his cold grey blue eyes currently trained on me, he wasn’t happy about it either. Seated right behind the chair is his brother. Sighing, I take my seat, surrendering to my fate of being seated so close to the twins for class.
“I hope you all are satisfied with your seats, because you will be sitting there all year. As well as your homeroom, this will be your first period english class.”
“Great,” I mumble under my breath.
“Do you have something you need to say, Ms Wolfhaven?” The teacher asks, sneering my last name.
“I said I can’t wait,” I answer giving her my best fake smile. This is going to be a long fucking year.
With her attention off me she starts to drone on with her lecture, and I take my sketch pad out my bag pretending to take notes. All during class I can feel their eyes glaring into me like if they stared long enough I’d light on fire. If they had my power maybe I would. Completely shutting my senses down on anything but my drawing, I lose myself to my art. I’ve always known how to draw, since the very first time I picked up a crayon. Like my powers, drawing came naturally to me. When wolves are born, how strong they are tells their line in the succession. I was born from a True Alpha and a regular wolf, and developed True Alpha power. I was also given special abilities with my control over the elements. Special abilities are even more rare than True Alpha power. I’ve never told a soul about them, and I don’t plan on it either. Wolves with special powers are coveted and most of the time, used by others.
The feel of my pencil scratching its way across the paper is the only tool I have to calm and center myself in this hostile environment. Before long, a sparkling lake takes form with a large oak tree planted dead in the center.
“Ms Wolfhaven, would you like to recite the next line since you’re taking such careful notes?”
“What?” I ask, snapping my head up with a panicked look on my face.
“The next line in the scene,” she says, pointing at the board.
Glancing at the board I see we’re going over Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. How very unoriginal, and a little bit much on the first day of school. Lucky for me I know the whole play by heart. I may have been a spoilt child, but I’m not stupid. In fact, I’m extremely smart, so without pause I recite the next line of the play.
My only love sprung from my only hate
Too early seen unknown and known too late
Prodigious birth of love, it is to me,
That I must love a loathed.
“Very good,” she says grudgingly, not happy she couldn’t catch me unaware. Slightly turning my head, I look over at Ethan, and match him glare for glare. He doesn’t look away, in fact, his gaze challenges me to do something about it. Who knew such beautiful colored eyes could be so cold? To me they are a reminder of home. How the sky looks in a snowstorm, or the wee hours of the morning when the sun barely rises. A buzzing feeling ignites me, and a pull like no other draws me to him. I can hear my heart pounding in my chest, and it throbs in rhythm with the pain in my temples. Turning away from him, I go back to my drawing. I’ll give him this win, he deserves it.
When the bell finally rings, I throw my stuff in my bag. I have biology next, a class I can actually enjoy. Science has always fascinated me. When I was little I use to think I could be the Alpha and work as a doctor, healing what could be healed without magic. When I go to stand, I’m immediately yanked back down with pain. Turning to look behind me I see that Logan has tied strands of my hair to the chair. There's no way I’ll be able to untie this, and the only option I have is to cut it. Digging through my bag I look to see if I have some scissors, which of course I don’t.
“Are you having trouble?” Ethan asks laughing along with his brother and Mekka.
“No need to worry yourself with, stronzo,” I curse.
“What does that mean?” Ethan questions, placing his arms to the arms of my chair and caging me in.
I don’t answer, and he moves his face so close to mine that I can feel his breath on my skin.
“You may have been the shit in Colorado, but here we run this place. You should have never came here, but I’m glad you did, because me and my brothers are going to make your life hell. The same hell you bestowed on us,” he says menacingly.
“You should really let that go. Five years is a long time to hold on to a grudge,” I reply not backing down. I can feel my wolf. She wants to surface, and show him just who’s the Alpha here.
“Just remember what we said,” Logan warns behind me, and I hear a snip. Turning around I see that he has cut me free.
Not caring about the hair loss since I was planning on cutting myself free anyways, I stand flipping them off, and give them one last parting glare, and leave determined to get to class without another incident. They can play the bullies all they want. They won’t be getting to me.
In my next class I’m happy to see none of those assholes are in it. Gathering my hair and pulling it over my shoulder, I brace myself and take in the damage, and let out a relieved breath when I see it isn't that bad. More than that is cut off when I get my ends clipped. I’ll just have to get the rest cut to even it out.
“Do you mind if I sit here?” A girl with bright pink hair asks.
“Not at all,” I answer. “I’m Aspen,” I say, holding my hand out.
“April,” she replies smiling. “Is this your first year here?”
“Yeah, I use to live with a pack in Colorado before moving here,” I answer.
“Oh that’s cool. This is my first year too. I use to live in South Carolina with my mother, and her Coven. So you’re a wolf?” Sh
e inquires.
“Yes, and you’re a witch,” I guess since she said she came from a coven. She could be a vamp, but she’s more sunny than dark and moody like most of the vampires I met.
“I’m only half a witch. My dad is the God of Chaos.”
“Wow,” I say widening my eyes. I heard about Gods being real, but this is the first time that I have ever seen one, even if she’s just a demigod. “That’s cool. I never actually met a God before,” I tell her.
All through class April and I chat it up. Since our lab table is far in the back corner, and our teacher for this class was more interested in going over the syllabus, we didn’t get caught. Plus the teacher for this class is male, and smells like some kind of cat shifter, probably lion if I go by his blonde coloring. More than likely not anyone my mum had a chance to piss off.