Diary of a Reformed Mean Girl (Reformed Series Book 1) Read online
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“What do you have next?” April asks when the bell rings.
“Lunch,” I answer after looking at my schedule.
“Great,” she says, linking her arm through mines. “So do I.”
“You might not want to be my friend. I have a lot of enemies here already,” I tell her honestly.
“Sounds like my idea of a good time,” she replies, grinning wickedly, and I can’t help grinning along with her.
Entering the lunchroom we both make a beeline for the serving line. It was starting to get long, and I was starving from not eating breakfast. Once we get our plates and pay for our food, I look around the cafeteria searching for a seat. Most of the tables are already mostly full, because of the influx of students from adding the other supernaturals. A table in the middle had a couple of seats free, but it also seated Kassie, the twins, and Mekka, so no way in hell was I suggesting sitting there.
“We can go outside,” April suggests, and I nod following her.
When we get halfway to the doors Ethan steps in our path blocking us.
“Where do you think you’re going, princess?” He sneers.
“Why does it matter to you, stronzo?” I reply back.
“You know, I looked up your little word, and I don’t think I like being called an asshole.”
“Well don’t act like one, and I won't call you one,” I tell him trying to sidestep him, but his brother steps into my path, stopping me. “What the fuck? I get it. You don’t like me, I don’t like you, we will never be friends, and quite personally, I don’t want to be enemies, in fact, I rather not think of you at all,” I lie. Despite my words, I keep feeling this crazy pull to the twins, and I don’t like it one bit.
“That’s where we are different, princess. I think about you all the time. About all the things I want to do to you. How I want to hurt you. Why don’t you do what you’re good at and get on your knees? Who knows, I might consider forgiving you.”
“Stupido sacco di merda,” I mutter.
“English, firecracker. This isn’t Little Italy,” Logan quips,and everyone at the table starts to laugh like that is the funniest thing they have ever heard.
“I said,” moving closer to Ethan, and poking him in his incredibly hard chest. “That you are a stupid sack of shit, and I will never, never beg you for anything.”
“Name calling, now that’s just rude, firecracker,” Logan says, and I roll my eyes at him.
“Grow up, Logan,” I reply, taking my eyes off Ethan which is a mistake, because as soon as my attention shifts, I miss when someone at the table hands him a carton of chocolate milk, and April’s shout to warn me is too late when Ethan tips the carton emptying the contents all over the front of my white dress ruining it.
“Dirty, just like you are. Now you look perfect,” Ethan whispers in my ear before turning away from me, and with their dirty work done, Logan moves out the way.
The whole cafeteria is laughing at me, but I don’t hear them. All I can hear is the ringing in my ears, and I take deep breaths to keep from going bat shit crazy on their asses.
“Come on,” April says gently taking my arm, and I let her lead me away, and out the back door. “Are you ok?” She asks once we’re outside and away from all the laughter.
“I’ll be fine,” I croak, trying hard not to cry. I'm going to have to go home to change, but if mum or Tyler sees me, I’ll have some explaining to do, and I don’t want to get the twins in trouble, even though they just made a mockery out of me.
“I can help you with that,” she says, pointing at the mess on my dress. Before, I can ask how, she closes her eyes and mutters some words I don’t understand under her breath. Waving her hands over my dress, the milk stain instantly disappears and my dress looks brand new again.
“Oh my gosh April, that’s amazing,” I tell her, staring at my clean dress in awe.
“Oh that’s nothing. I had to learn that spell early on from all the clothes I use to ruin while eating,” she chuckles.
“Well it pays having a witch as a friend,” I tell her grinning.
“It really does. You know Aspen, I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.”
“An epic one,” I add, feeling lighter than I have in days.
The rest of the day is uneventful. I did have at least one of those assholes in each of my classes, but I made sure to sit as far away from them as I can get. In Algebra, I took great satisfaction in the frown on Ethan’s face when he saw the milk stain had magically disappeared from my dress. Besides biology and lunch, I do not have any other classes with April which I’m sad about. Out of the whole school, she is the only one who’s brave enough to talk to me. Everyone has already heard about the cafeteria incident and know I have a target on my back, so they avoid me like I’m a leper or something. It feels weird being on the outside. I have to give it to the twins in the way they were able to turn the tables on me, but still I have my pride and it will take more than cutting my hair and a chocolate milk stain to get me down.
“Oh look, if it isn’t the little lost wolf. Did you enjoy your lunch?” Kassie taunts as soon as I enter the locker room for gym..
“Are you jealous that your little boyfriend’s attention was on me and not on you?” I taunt back. “Oh wait, one will have to want you to be considered a boyfriend.”
“Fuck you. The twins hate your guts, and the whole school knows how much of a slut you are,” she responds back childishly.
“Is that all you got? Lies and taunts. I’m kind of disappointed in you Kassie, I expected more,” I tell her, turning away.
When she grabs my arm to stop me from walking off, I snap. Spinning, I hold her to the nearest lockers in a chokehold squeezing tight.
“Touch me again, and I will choke the life out of you,” I growl in her ear before letting her drop to the floor. Shoving her little fan club out the way, I change on the other side of the locker room. No one says anything else to me after that little show and I’m glad.
For gym we’re doing track and field, and my wolf relishes in being able to stretch our legs, even if it’s in my human form. Once outside, I run non stop around the track, pushing myself faster and faster with each lap, trying to drive my anger away. I could have killed Kassie. Hell, I wanted to. She’s lucky I had enough restraint to stop squeezing. She’s going to have one hell of a bruise around her neck, and hopefully left to see a healer since she wasn’t in class. When the bell rings signaling the end of the day, I take a quick shower before changing back into my clothes. Grabbing my bag, I leave the gym with no problems, and drive all the way home.
When I get there I was expecting a fallout over what I’ve done, but it appears Kassie has kept her mouth shut about me strangling her. I guess if she did say anything she would have to admit why I did it, and I know she’s been told not to taunt me from her last grounding.
“There you are sweetie. We are having a special dinner so wear something nice,” mum says walking over and hugging me.
Raising my brow I look at her like she has two heads, I’ve never seen her this happy before. Who is this pod person and where is my mum?
“Ok,” I say slowly, still eyeing her warily.
Not noticing my concern, or just ignoring it, she hums as she walks off towards the kitchen. Maybe dad agreed that we can stay here, and we’re finally going to get to move out of this house. That is the only thing I can warrant a special dinner for. Smiling, I skip upstairs. Soon I’ll be free of this house, and maybe I can talk mum into letting me take online classes, and then I won’t have to worry about dealing with those assholes ever again.
Dear Diary
Today sucked. School consisted of me getting a slight trim, and chocolate milk spilled all over my clothes. At least I made a friend. I’ve never had a real friend before. This is new territory that I’m actually excited about. Maybe this weekend I’ll ask April if she wants to sleep over. Friends d
o that kind of thing, right?
Freshly showered, I change into a red cocktail dress that looks good against my caramel skin. Gathering my hair, I twist it into a knot on top of my head, and hold it in place with several bobby pins. Since we’re having dinner in the house, I don’t bother with putting shoes on, but I do put on a light touch of makeup. I want to look good when mum says we’re getting the hell out of here. Satisfied, I practically run down the stairs and into the dining room.
“Aspen, you look nice,” Tyler says as I walk over to the table.
“Thank you,” I reply.
Mum is already seated in a short glittering champagne dress. Her hair is in some kind of complicated updo, and her face is done to perfection. It’s remarkable how beautiful she is. Way prettier than Candice. I don’t know what dad was thinking when he cheated on her. Was having a male heir more important than having a beautiful mate and healthy child? I know the answer to that question. All his actions have proven that yes it was. Kassie is also at the table, thankfully bruise free. The pale pink dress she has on is indecently short, and to think she had the nerve to call me a slut. Despite what she said, or what they’re all making up in school, it’s all untrue. I’m still a virgin, and the only sex life I’ve had was with my finger or two.
Whatever announcement they’re going to make, they both must have decided beforehand to make it after dinner. After a hour of small talk, I had enough. I want her to tell us we’re leaving, so I can go upstairs and pack my bags. The sooner we leave the sooner I can ask about online classes without offending the Alpha about his so-called safe shifter school full of mum hating teachers, and revenge seeking twins.
“I can practically feel your impatience from here, figlia,” mum says chuckling at me.
“Can you tell us your announcement now? We’re done eating,” I whine.
“Fine, impatient one,” she huffs.
Both her and Tyler stand up, and I frown as they join their hands together. “Since coming here I realize I’ve been running from more than your father. Before him, I ran from the only man who would ever love me. I was born a regular wolf, and never should have had feelings for the next Alpha, but I did,” she croaks as a tear rolls down her cheek.
“I’m sorry, I’m confused here. I thought you were going to tell us that we’re leaving,” I say interrupting her.
“I’m not explaining this right. Why don’t you try Tyler?” She says, looking up at him like he hung the stars and the moon.
“What your mother is trying to say is that we are actually soul bound mates. She left because she knew the pack would never allow me to be with her as she was then. She left for me, and now fate has brought her back and I’m not letting her go. We’re going to have a mating ceremony, and she will be declared the Alpha mate of the pack.”
“What?” Kassie shrieks, and for once we are on the same page.
“But you already have a mate,” I mumble trying to make sense of all this.
“And so does your father. It’s time for me to finally have my happiness,” mum says.
“Daddy, you can’t be serious about marrying this gold digger. No one in the pack has anything good to say about her,” Kassie cries.
“Watch your mouth Kassie,” Tyler growls, and she looks at him like he just struck her.
“Mum you can’t do this. You can’t be this fucking selfish to do this to me,” I shout.
“What about me?” She shouts back. “Haven’t I sacrificed enough by being in a loveless bond? Figlia, you are my world and the only good thing that came out of it. I thank the Gods every night for giving you to me, but I can’t do it anymore. I have a chance for happiness, and I’m going to take it.”
I don’t listen to the rest of her words, or follow their commands to stop as I run out of the room. Before either one of them can stop me, I’m already out the door and shifted into my giant grey wolf. I don’t stop, I just run, pushing my wolf faster than ever before. I thought my mother was changing, but I was wrong. I was wrong about everything.
“Today was fun,” I say leaning back on the couch.
“It was a start. Aspen has more coming to her,” Ethan mutters.
“I don’t know, she seems hard as nails, she didn’t even care when Logan cut her hair, or when you poured chocolate milk all over her,” I point out.
“So what are you saying?” Ethan questions.
“Well, you guys painted this girl out to be some high maintenance spoiled demon. Things like you did to her today would have had any high maintenance bitch screaming bloody murder, but not once did she react, or even seem to care. She took her punishment, and went on with her business. The only time you got a rise out of her was when you implied she was a whore, and told her to get on her knees. Any chick would have slapped you for that comment.”
“So? Don’t tell me you’re all team Aspen now,” Logan gripes.
“No. I’m always with you guys, even if I think you’re wrong. I myself don’t know how it was growing up in your old pack besides what you told me, but I do know who the bitch Aspen was then, she isn’t now. You two grew up, why do you find it so hard to believe that maybe she did too?”
“It doesn’t matter if she did or not. She’s here now, and we deserve justice,” Ethan grumbles.
“Fine,” I huff. There's no point in talking sense in these two when they set their minds to something, and their minds are set on making Aspen’s life hell, along with Kassie as they’re cheerleader. I heard she’s been spreading rumors all around school that Aspen is nothing but a whore, and that is why the twins hate her so much. I also heard that Aspen attacked her in the gym, and sent her to the healers office, but who knows if any of that is true. I’m pretty sure if Aspen did attack her then she was provoked some how. They better hope Alpha doesn’t find out about any of this or we’re all screwed. Regardless of how the Alpha in their old pack handled shit like this, Tyler will skin our hides if he finds out.
“I’m going for a run,” I tell them getting up. I’ll leave them to stew in their unguided hate.
Running does nothing to clear my head. I’m still not in full agreement over what the twins are doing, but I meant what I said before. I was with them, no matter how I feel about it, or how wrong I think they are. Stopping by the lake I’m about to remove my clothes so I can let my wolf free when a pretty sight stops me. Aspen swimming around in the lake, completely naked.
“Fancy seeing you here,” I say walking over to her.
She doesn’t answer. She just stares at me with wide golden green eyes, shining bright in the moonlight.
“You should leave, we wouldn’t want your friends,” she says, sneering friends, "to see you conversing with the enemy.”
“They’re not here, and they don’t tell me what to do.”
“You could have fooled me,” she replies.
We’re both quiet as she continues to float around in the water. Wolves don’t get cold easily, but it is sort of chilly out here with the sun down, and I’m sure the water isn’t very warm right now.
“I know you’re cold. You can get out of the water,” I tell her.
“I ran here in my wolf form. I don’t have any clothes,” she answers.
“Here,” I say pulling my t-shirt over my head. On her I’m sure it’s long enough to be a dress.
Eyeing me skeptically, she swims to the river bank. “Turn around,” she orders.
“Stop being modest. We’re wolves, being naked is an everyday occurrence,” I reply, raising my brow.
“I’ll stay in the water then,” she replies stubbornly.
Fine,” I huff, turning around. I hear the splash when she gets out the water, and the slight shuffle when she pulls my t-shirt on. Turning back around, I almost wish she was still in the water. My shirt clings to her wet body like a second skin, and her pebbled nipples from the cool water were calling my name. Fuck, this girl is beautiful. She has the face of an angel, the body of a siren, and she’s t
empting the hell out of me. My wolf also wants her. He’s deeply satisfied that she’s covered in our scent from my shirt, and wants me to take her hard against the tree.
“You know, I’m just out here waiting for the other shoe to drop,” she says suddenly.
“What are you talking about?” I ask confused.
“You’re being so nice, and I’m waiting for you to change your mind, and throw me in the water or something.”
I don’t know how to answer that because she’s right. I am giving her mixed signals, but I find it hard to believe this girl is the vapid bitch the twins grew up with. It’s insane to believe, like she has a split personality, and I’ve only seen one side of the coin.
“Were you really as bad as they say?” I ask quietly.
“Yes,” she whispers. Her answer is honest and I appreciate her more for it.
“And now?”
“Now? I don’t know what I am. I want to be a better person. When my mum brought us here I thought I could start over, but karma had other plans, and yeah, she doesn’t discriminate. I’m sorry for the person I was before, but I wouldn’t be the person I am now without that part of my life. I would have probably turned into my father, and no one wants that.”
“Why did you guys come here?” I ask curious. “I heard more than half the pack hates your mother, especially the female population.”
“My father got another chick pregnant, and took her as his mate, denouncing mum as the Alpha mate, so she ran, and took me with her,” she explains, and I wish I didn’t ask when I see the look of sadness cross her face. I don’t know what it is about this girl that makes me care. I should hate her for what she put my friends through, but I feel a pull to her like no other. I couldn’t leave her alone even if I wanted to. Lying out in the moonlight, we talk until the wee hours of the morning about everything and anything steering away from any topics having to do with the twins. Through our conversation I learn that Aspen must have been a very lonely child growing up with no true friends. She may have been spoiled rotten, and gave the twins hell, but she was also living in her own sort of hell. There's a side to every story, and sure villains are evil, but did anyone think to ask “why they are that way?”