From Cupid (Working Girl Book 1) Read online

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  I do as he says and close my eyes as he works through my hair with his talented fingers. It feels so damn good, I almost pass out from his gentle touch. Chaz also does my makeup and when he’s done, I stare at myself in the mirror with my mouth wide open. I can’t remember the last time I looked this great. He went darker on my makeup, giving me a smokey eye look I could never achieve on my own with red Marilyn Monroe lips. My lashes were long and full, my cheekbones high and pronounced.

  “Close your mouth, honey bunny. We wouldn’t want you to swallow a fly,” he teases.

  Snapping my mouth closed, I slap him on his arm. “Ouch bitch, that shit hurts.”

  “You totally deserved it,” I defend and he rolls his eyes. “On a serious note, I can’t remember the last time I looked this good.”

  “Aww, honey bunny. You’ve always looked good, you just needed a little confidence boost, that’s all. You’re the perfect Barbie doll to work on, scouts honor,” he says, holding up the universal sign.

  “Were you even a boy scout?” I ask, raising my brow.

  “Hell yeah, I slayed that uniform,” he answers and I burst out laughing. I tried to pull up an image of a cute little Chaz in a boy scout uniform and come up with nothing.

  “Haha, honey bunny. You need to stop laughing at my expense and get ready to leave or you’ll be late.” At his words, I look at the clock and swear. If I didn’t get a move on, I will be late and that’s the worst first impression to make. First dates were kinda like a job interview. The only difference is that both parties are trying to determine if you’re a good fit. I rush to put on my heels and grab my keys and vintage clutch purse.

  “I’ll tell you the scoop tomorrow,” I say as I lock up and give him a quick hug goodbye.

  Careful to not trip over my heels and end up in the hospital, I halfway sprint to my car. If I’m lucky, I should make it to the Soho area within twenty minutes. After sending up a quick prayer to the traffic gods, I start my car and pull out onto the busy street. The whole drive I’m so worried about being late, I don’t even think about my earlier nervousness. Before I know it, I’m pulling up to the trendy restaurant. To save time, I don’t bother with valet and park my car myself in the back of the restaurant. Stepping inside, I head straight for the hostess booth.

  “Reservation for Cynical H,” I tell the pretty brunette standing behind the podium. If she thought the name was odd, she didn’t let on. Instead, she gives me a Colgate white smile and motions for me to follow her.

  Now that the panic over being late is over with and I’m actually here, the nervousness from earlier has returned with a vengeance. As I follow the hostess, I start to fidget my hands. My heart was pounding in my chest, my pulse racing. This is it. I’m about to meet Cynical H. The man whose words I have been going to sleep to every night.

  I swear I’m about to have a full blown panic attack when we finally step into a closed off room, well away from the other guests. So far so good. I’m glad he was sweet enough to reserve a private room, so we don’t have to worry about the distraction of others eating around us on top of the awkwardness of getting to know each other.

  When we step inside, I see him seated at the table with his back turned to me. He’s wearing a dark blue suit and, just like I thought, the man is built. His hair is dark and neatly styled and my heart jumps, wanting to know what the rest of him looks like. Curiosity quickly takes over, chasing off my nerves and I walk more confidently over to the front of the table. Smiling I walk around to my seat, my heels clicking their way across the floor and stop, shell-shocked, when a familiar pair of hazel eyes meet mine. He was on the phone, but when he sees me, he murmurs something to whoever it is on the other line and hangs up. I don’t move, blink, anything. I’m frozen as I stare at Harrison, wondering how in the hell I did not see this coming. Cynical H was good with his hands and he said his business deals with math, just like a contractor. I even briefly toyed with the idea while I was trying to guess his job. How at times his words remind me of Harrison, but they were delivered with less of an edge. How, even though I was falling for Cynical H, I still thought about Harrison.

  At least I’m not alone in my shock because I’m sure we’re wearing twin looks of the same emotion. He has yet to move or even speak, which is an amazing feat for him.

  The hostess, seeing nothing wrong, continues to hold my chair out, waiting for me to sit, but apparently I’ve forgotten how my legs work or the rest of my body for that matter. Finally snapping out my stupor, I mutter, “sorry,” and turn and bolt. I don’t think, I just run and I’m sure I’m a sight to see as I make my way through the restaurant and out the door. Once in my car, I pull out into traffic with tears running down my cheeks. Why does life have to be so fucking cruel? I’m not who Harrison wants. If so, he would have come after me. Told me I was wrong and dumb to think such a thing. The pull I have to him was nothing more than professional curiosity, a pretty distraction in a time of my life that was so fragile.

  I have no destination in mind. I can’t go home. I would feel like such a loser if I do, and the sight of my computer will make everything even worse. Jodie is gone and I definitely can’t bother Chaz with all this, he thinks I’m out right now, having the time of my life. Where to fucking go, I murmur to myself.

  Just driving, I find myself at Jodie’s house and I let myself in with the master key I got from Harrison and disarm the alarm. If I can’t be with Jodie, working on her house is the next best thing. The flooring for the kitchen came in a couple of days ago and I grab a box, deciding to work on that. Kicking off my heels, I laugh at my predicament. Here I am in a fancy cocktail dress and I’m about to lay down flooring. It’s so absurd that, even with the sadness strangling my heart holding it hostage, I can’t stop myself from laughing. Maybe I’ve finally snapped and this is my version of a nervous breakdown. Just call me the flooring bandit.

  Putting on eye and ear protection, I get to work, laying out my supplies and taking measurements. Someone has already cut the boards, so I use the measurements I just jotted down and use them as a guide as I work my way through the kitchen. After awhile, I fall into my happy place and I’m able to put aside my disastrous non-date. I’m so absorbed in my work, I don’t hear him walk in. Maybe I should have just gone home, but now it’s too late.


  Hurricane Harrison


  I’m completely speechless when I see her. I don’t move, I don’t talk, I can’t do a damn thing. A voice screeches in my ear and I remember I’m on the phone. “Amy, I’m going to have to call you back,” I say in a low voice before hanging up the phone. My eyes still haven’t wavered from the beauty before me and just like me, she’s in total shock. Maybe if I could move, I’d play the part of a gentleman and pull her chair out, instead of the hostess who’s currently gawking at us, or tell the Goddess in front of me how beautiful she looks, but currently the only body part that works on my body are my eyes. Right when I get my shit together, she mutters, “sorry,” and bolts.

  “Sir,” the hostess voice breaks me out of my shock and I turn my eyes on her. “Do you still want me to send your waitress over?”

  “No,” I reply, leaving a tip even though I haven’t ordered anything.

  Finally coming to my senses, I leave, hoping I can catch up with Paige. I have to explain. She probably thinks I want nothing to do with her, but I was stunned speechless. Never in a million years did I think this outcome would happen. That my siren would be Paige. I hoped for it, wanted it, and now that it’s true, I let her slip through my fingers, but I won’t let her get far.

  Thanks to my speechless stupor, she’s gotten quite a head start on me. While I wait for them to bring my car around, I bring up her address. Practically mowing over the dude who pulls my car up, I toss him a tip and get in, gunning my engine. In an effort to catch up to her, I drive like a bat out of hell. I have to get to her, no, I need to. She’s my siren and I’ve never wanted anything more than I want her.

  I’m lucky when I get to her building that the call box to be let in is broken. I don’t know how she’ll feel about me being here. Hell, I’m sure she won’t even let me inside. Following the numbers on the doors, I find hers and knock loudly. No one answers, so I knock again. Fuck, does she know it’s me? Putting my ear to the door, I listen for any sign of life, but I hear nothing. With Jodie gone, where else would she go? Even though I work with the girl and have been sharing intimate messages with her every night, I still didn’t really know her. A notification blinks on my phone and I pull it out. That’s weird, someone disarmed the alarm on Jodie and Brian’s house. Pulling up my contacts, I call Brian.

  “Hey man, are you at your Newport house?” I question when he picks up.

  “No, I’m at home about to watch the game, why?”

  “Someone disarmed the security, I thought it was you. I’m just going to check it out myself. It’s probably just a glitch or something.”

  “Okay, do you want me to meet you up there?” He asks.

  “No, I should be good. Enjoy the game,” I reply.

  “Well, be careful and don’t hesitate to call if you need me.” Brian is the only one I told about the trouble I’ve been having with my jobs, so I know he’s genuinely worried about me.

  “Will do,” I say before hanging up. Paige will have to hold on for now. I have no clue where she ran off to, but she can’t hide for long. Unless she plans on quitting on Monday, I’ll know exactly where she’ll be. Starlight asked to go over decor with her and those two will be at Starlight’s house. I’ll just have to be patient and wait until then.

  When I pull up to the house, I don’t see anything out of the ordinary. Using the master key, I let myself inside and the door beeps when it closes behind me. Walking inside, so far so good as I don’t see any damage. Passing the living area, I head towards the light shining from the kitchen. When I step inside, I don’t believe my eyes as I see Paige in her sparkly dress, on her knees, laying flooring down. When I was racking my brain, trying to figure out where she would run off to, I’d never guess it would be here, but I should have known with the timing.

  “Paige,” I say in a hoarse voice as I walk towards her. I watch as her body goes still at the sound of my voice. I don’t want to freak her out, but I don’t want her to be scared of me either. Slowly, I walk until I’m a few steps in front of her and, as soon as her eyes meet mine, an irrational anger takes over. “Why did you run, Paige?”

  She doesn’t answer, she just continues to stare at me, her body rigid enough to be uncomfortable, and I get angrier with each second she doesn’t answer. I want to hear it so I can prove just how wrong she is. “Answer me, Paige. Now,” I command.

  In a low trembling voice, she says, “I ran because I thought you didn’t want me. That you were disappointed your siren turned out to be me.”

  I knew as much, but it’s one thing to think something rather than to hear it straight out of the horse’s mouth. Closing the rest of the distance between us, I pick her up off the floor. Immediately, her legs wrap around my waist and I carry her until her back is firmly pressed against the wall. She looks so delectable right now, and I kiss her with all the pent up desire I’ve had for her since the first time I saw her at Brian’s wedding. It doesn’t take her long to respond, and my already hard cock gets even harder at the delicious sounds that escape her mouth. Ones she’s trying so hard to keep in. As she’s pressed against the wall, my hands roam over her dress as I feel the body that’s been tempting me for months. Our mouths battle each other like this is the Hunger Games, but it’s me who’s coming out on top.

  Pulling back, I smirk at the dazed look on her face and I whisper close to her ear, “did that kiss feel like I don’t want you? Does this,” I ask, rubbing my hard cock against her warm center, “feel like the reaction of someone who doesn’t want you? Paige, I fucking wanted you since the first time I saw you, even afterward when you told me you were married. You bitching me out still didn’t change that, and nothing has changed since finding out that you are my siren. If anything, I want you more.” With those words, I slam my mouth against hers and steal her breath away, just like she stole my soul.


  He wants me, he really fucking wants me. As he speaks, I can’t believe his words, but his body tells me he’s speaking the truth. Something very large and impressive pokes me, tempting me to move the barrier of my silk panties. His kisses are all consuming, and the way his hands feel roaming my body will make me believe anything he wants as long as he never stops touching me. Moving his mouth from my lips, he kisses a trail down my neck and I wrap my legs around him tighter, holding onto him like a spider monkey. His hands move the straps to my dress and the material falls, unhindered, to my waist. With daft fingers, he undoes the clip to my lace bra and rids me of the material as he throws it on the floor.

  I’m topless, my generous C cups revealed for his eyes to see and his mouth leaves my neck, taking one of my already hard, rosy nipples into his mouth. I can’t help the moans that leave me and I wither against him as he licks and sucks. Moving to my other tit, his hand pinches and plays with the one that was just in his mouth and I feel like I’m about to lose my damn mind right here in Jodie’s kitchen.

  “Paige,” he says after releasing my tit with a pop. “I’m trying to be a gentleman here, but I want you so fucking bad. If you don’t want this, I need you to tell me now.”

  Do I want this? He’s hard and ready for the taking, but if we travel down this frontier, this is one trip we can not come back from. I work for the man, for fuck’s sake. What happens if we decide this won’t work? Can we continue a working relationship knowing we fucked each other? So many questions, but my needy, starved pussy must be the one in charge because she tells my brain to shut the fuck up and orders my mouth to get with the program, so instead of telling him to put me down I say, “I’m clean and have an implant in my arm.”

  A primal growl leaves his mouth, making me think we’re locked in here with a wild animal and he rips my lace panties right off of my body. I would be pissed because those suckers cost a pretty penny, but I stop caring when his fingers start to strum my soaked pussy, playing me like an instrument. His mouth clamps back onto my neck and he bites and sucks leaving ‘I was here' marks as he goes. I’m lost in his touch and when his finger enters me, I cry out his name, asking for more.

  I thought Chaz was good with his hands when he did my hair, but this man here had me about to explode with just his fingers as he rubs my clit. I should be jealous he is so fucking well versed in pussy play, but for the love of everything, I don’t seem to care when those talented fingers are on me. I’m close, barely hanging on, and when he adds another digit, I explode all over his hand. I’m so far gone in my orgasm, I don’t hear when he undoes his belt and slacks or feel it when he pushes them down his legs. Nothing registers until the tip of something very large toes my entrance, playing peek-a-boo. I open my eyes and they clash with his. The gorgeous hazel vortex swirls with colors from his arousal, trapping me within them. He watches me the whole time he plays with me, using his hard tip to nudge in and out of me, causing all sorts of sensations to ripple through my body. When I can’t take it anymore, I shamelessly start begging him to fuck me.

  “Please, Harrison,” I plead again, anything to stop this torture. What I want is so fucking close, if only he’d stopped playing and sink into me already.

  Giving me a wicked smile, he obliges me and thrusts in all the way to his balls. I cry out at the intrusion, hugging him close. I breathe hard on his shoulder and he stills so I can adjust to his size. Justin is the only person I have ever been with and since the divorce, my pussy has been laid off. For over a year she’s wanted nothing more than to be filled, just like this. Not to mention, Harrison is way bigger than Justin. It’s like I went from average to super size in one sitting. When I’m ready, I kiss him hard and he starts to move inside me, thrusting in and out of me with sure strokes. Just like when he fi
ngered me, he knew just how to move and how much pressure to apply. With each thrust, I was getting wetter and his strokes were becoming more forceful until I’m bouncing up and down, riding him like he’s a bronco. His dick works wonders and it pounds right into my special spot over and over again, like target practice. Our moans fill the room and I know he’s enjoying this as much as I am. He tightens his grip on my hips, holding me still so he can slam into me, using me for his pleasure and I gladly let him . Everything about Harrison is so fucking intense, even his fucking cock, and I scream into his mouth as I cream all over his dick.

  With another animalistic growl, he puts me down, turns me, and pushes me into the wall. I brace myself as his large hands grip my hips and he pulls me to him from behind, sinking back into my dripping pussy. From this position, he fucks me harder while I alternate between being a moaning mess and talking in tongues.

  “Fuck, baby. You feel good, so fucking tight.”

  I would reply, but the only words that come out of my mouth sound like baby babble, so I moan, pushing back into his thrusts.

  “Hell yeah, siren, just like that. Fuck my dick as I drive into this tight pussy.” His dirty talk is hot and I do as he asks, getting more and more turned on. When his hand comes around my front and pinches my nipple, I cum again, shouting his name and he finishes a couple strokes later, spilling his seed deep inside me. I collapse into Harrison, the wall holding us up, our breathing hard from the aftermath.

  “That was like, whoa,” I get out between each breath and he chuckles. His nose nuzzles the sensitive area between my neck and shoulder, which does nothing to help my wobbly noodles for legs. When I think I’m strong enough, I stand straight and he does the same, pulling his pants up. I watch him curiously as he searches for something until he picks up a roll of paper towels and yank some free. Gently he cleans me and helps me back into my dress. My panties are a lost cause, so he picks them up and puts them in his pocket.