From Cupid (Working Girl Book 1) Read online
Page 9
“Come on,” he says, grabbing my hand, lacing his fingers through mine.
“Where are we going?” I ask, confused.
“We missed dinner, remember?” He answers, raising his brow. I hope he doesn’t think I’m going back to the restaurant in this state. I have the ‘just been fucked’ look down pat right now. Still holding onto my hand, he resets the alarm and locks up. Once done, he pulls me to his expensive Aston Martin.
“What about my car?” I ask.
“It’ll be safe here,” he answers, holding the passenger door to his car open. Saying fuck it, I go along since I was feeling giddy. Those just been fucked vibes are some real shit. He could ask me to give up my freedom and I’d go along with a huge smile on my face as long as he continues to fuck me the way he just did in Jodie’s kitchen.
As he drives I stare out the window to keep from staring at him. Now, since I’ve had some time to calm down, I was starting to freak out. Did I just fuck my boss? Wait, let me rephrase that. Did I just have the most epic, firecracker explosion behind my eyelids sex with my boss?
“I can feel your mind turning from here. What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?” He asks.
“A lot of things, but the formost thoughts are ‘did I just fuck my boss’,” I answer honestly.
“And?” He pushes.
“And just that. We’re supposed to have a professional relationship, not boning each other in our client’s kitchen.”
“Did you not like it?” He asks. The tone in his voice has lost some of its confidence and I hate that. One thing Harrison doesn’t have to be insecure about is his fucking skills. Dude’s a god.
“Of course I did. It was the best sex I ever had. Like ever,” I reply. Sure I’m tooting his horn, but it’s the honest-to-god truth.
“Then don’t worry about the rest. I’m not going to lie and say this isn’t complicated. We might run into problems. Fuck might, we will run into problems. I’m not the easiest man to get along with, as you already know. Before I met you, I never even considered being in a relationship. I’m willing to see where this goes and I’m hoping you’re willing to too.”
“When you say relationship, what do you mean really?” I ask. I have to know what he’s offering.
“I mean, I want to be exclusive with you. For work’s sake, we don’t have to broadcast to the world we’re together, but I do expect you to be with only me. I’m not the sharing type. I’m way too territorial. That RH bullshit isn’t for me.”
I don’t know if I’m more impressed with the fact he wants exclusivity or that he knows what RH is. “Okay well, if we do this, then it works both ways. I don’t share either. In fact, I’m batshit and will cut a bitch,” I warn. He chuckles, but I’m being totally serious here.
“I’m fine with that,” he replies. He shifts in his seat and I know he wants to ask something else.
After a beat of silence, I say, “spill it.”
“I was just wondering if your ex-husband was the only man you’ve been with?”
His question cuts me and I turn to face him with a pained look on my face. “Why? Was I that inexperienced?” I spit out.
“What? God no,” he says, rubbing his thumb in tiny circles over my palm to placate me. “I was just wondering.”
I sigh relieved and mutter, “sorry,” before I answer him. “Justin was my first everything. My first friend, my first love, and yes, the first, and only, one I’ve had sex with before you. Like you and Brian, we knew each other since we were in diapers, the cliche high school sweethearts who got married. I should have known it wouldn’t last.”
“That wasn’t your fault, siren. It takes an insecure man to cheat on their partner,” Harrison submises.
“I have no clue what Justin could be insecure over. He’s the hot, successful real estate broker everyone wants. I was always the wife who did designs, so caught up in my work I didn’t even notice my husband was fucking everything with a nice rack.”
“You’re more than that, sweetheart. You may not be able to see yourself clearly, but I do.”
“Really, and what do you see?” I prod. We have stopped and he turns his big body so he can face me.
His hand moves to cup my cheek, his eyes dark from the night. “I see a beautiful, talented young woman who is still looking for her stride. She may have hit a few bumps along the way, but as of now, she’s right where she was meant to be.”
“And where is that?” I ask.
“With me.” He closes the distance and his lips invade me, kissing me like a man dying of thirst. It’s so damn erotic, I start to grow wet again and his fingers make their way to my clit. Rubbing me, he plays my pussy to his tune and it doesn’t take long for my swollen cunt to erupt all over him. Never taking his eyes off me, he moves his fingers coated with my essence to his mouth and sucks them clean. “Beautiful,” he says in a soft voice. Oh my god, that was so fucking hot.
Getting out of the car, he walks around and opens the door for me. Taking my hand, he helps me out and I take a look around. I don’t know why, but I expected Harrison to live in some super modern bachelor pad in the middle of the city. Surrounded by sky rises and equally expensive buildings. I didn’t expect him to live in a home right on the beach, with nothing around but the blue sea. He punches in a code, the door beeps open and my eyes grow wide at his home. It’s modern like I suspected, but it also has highlights of traditional blended in here and there.
His color pallet is very manly, very Fifty Shades of Grey, and I briefly wondered if he had a red room somewhere in this huge monstrosity.
“Do you like it?” He asks, pulling me into his body.
“Yes, it’s very you,” I answer, still looking around. With his finger, he tilts my face to his and he kisses me again, making my knees go weak. I want to finish what he started in the car, but my stomach picks that very inappropriate moment to grumble. I was so nervous over meeting Cynical H, I barely ate anything all day.
“Right, food,” Harrison says, chuckling against my neck and I laugh with him.
Leading me over to the sectional, he pulls his phone out to order from the Chinese restaurant on the strip. Thirty minutes later, we’re chowing down and talking like we should have done earlier, having a proper date. I learn a bit more about Harrison, happy to see he’s not as rigid as everyone thinks. Like he’s the total big bro package and loves his sister fiercely.
“I can’t believe you did that,” I say when he tells me a story about how he put a tracking device on his sister’s prom date’s car and threatened him if he didn’t have her back by midnight. That he would hunt them down and string him up, naked, on the high school’s flagpole.
“What?” He shrugs. “You don’t know my sister. Brooklyn can be quite the handful and that idiot would have done anything she asked.”
Laughing I ask, “where is she now?” I was curious about the norms of a sibling relationship since I don’t have one myself.
“After she graduated from Berkeley, she moved to New York. She’s always wanted to do investigative journalism, but right now, she writes for some gossip mag and has her own blog.”
“Berkeley? Wow, smart cookie.”
“She is,” he replies, moving closer, “but I’d rather not talk about my sister.”
“And what do you want to talk about?” I ask, playing along. The man can just look at me and I’m immediately wet.
He pretends to think about it and replies, “how about you and me naked in my bed?”
“Interesting thought. I just don’t see how much talking we’ll be doing.”
“Oh, you’ll be talking and praying to the dick Gods like you were earlier.” I don’t get the chance to be embarrassed before he scoops me up and runs with me in his arms, bridal style, to his bedroom where, for the rest of the night, I pray while Hurricane Harrison takes me nice and hard.
I wake to the sunlight streaming in through the window.
I knew immediately I was somewhere else because no way in hell would I have this much light streaming through my window. I swear I’m a vampire on the down low. No sunlight before at least one cup of coffee is my motto. Turning slowly, I feel each and every ache in my body, reminding me just what I did last night and who’s snoring softly beside me. Harrison was a machine last night. I never thought sex could feel like that and I’m sure as hell glad I found out. Like our first time, each time he took me was amazing. He pushed my body to new heights and I’ve never felt anything as explosive as I do when he makes me cum.
I stare at the beautiful man beside me, the sunlight showing off his impressive muscled filled upper body. The man was a work or art. A rippled perfection with an eight pack and a tantalizing V leading to a trim dark patch of hair and a big dick. Feeling mischievous, I duck under the cover until I’m straddling his legs, his member standing tall and hard for me to play with. Thank you morning wood. Opening my mouth wide, I take him as far as I can, which was only a little more than half way. Licking and sucking his length, I just find my rhythm when I feel a hand on the top of my head, gripping my hair. Harrison moves the cover out of the way and I look up to see his heated hazel eyes laser focused on me, but I don’t stop. If anything, him watching me so intently only spurs me on.
Remembering how he toyed with me last night, I grip his length in a tight fist and lick around the head, just swirling my tongue, causing him to hiss.
“Fuck, what are you doing to me, naughty siren?” He groans and I just smile with a mouth full of his cock. When I lick his slit, his hips buck and I swear he’s about to lose his shit. I love the control, the knowledge that I have this strong man who would literally do anything I ask right now. It was empowering and I was riding on the high. Taking him down deep, I choke myself on purpose and he rumbles, “oh fuck,” as he tries to restrain himself from fucking my mouth. I’m feeling really special right now because I know how hard it is for him to give over control, and right now, I’m the one in the driver’s seat, going 100 on the highway. Rewarding him, I use both my mouth and fist as I suck him in a quick succession, hollowing my cheeks as I go.
“Fuck, Paige. I’m about to cum,” he warns, but I don't stop, instead I speed up. When he cums, I want to taste every last drop.
Seconds later, he’s erupting in my mouth and I swallow him up like I’m drinking a fine wine, savoring the bitter taste of him. Sitting up like the cat who ate the canary, I lick my lips and he pulls me forward, kissing the breath out of me, not even caring about tasting his own jizz.
“If I didn’t have to get you home to change clothes, I’d be inside of you right now.”
“Well, I guess you have to settle with part of you being inside me,” I tell him and he groans.
“Fuck, your mouth.”
Laughing, I can’t help my smart aleck retort of, “you already did.”
His eyes turn predatory, the flecks of gold light like a wolf and I’m strangely reminded of the line in The Little Red Riding Hood when the wolf says, better to eat you with.
“You’re not making this easy on me, siren. Come, shower, now,” he commands and my body heats up at his bossy tone. I’m such a submissive.
I follow him to his humongous shower, but as soon as I step inside, he slams me against the wall and is inside me before I can cry out. He fucks me quickly and thoroughly, making sure I get off before he’s filling me with his seed. Once he’s done, he washes me like a gentle giant, a complete contrast to the monster he turns into when he’s fucking me. Harrison makes it really easy to fall in love with him. If I thought I was falling from his messages, his dick pushed me right over the edge last night. Good dick would do that to a girl, but it’s not just that, it’s him too. I hope we’re not making a mistake, but if we’re wrong, fuck being right.
Our not so quick shower leaves us dashing out the door. Instead of putting my dress back on, Harrison lends me one of his t-shirts and a pair of his basketball shorts. The outfit is huge on me, but it’s better than last night’s cocktail dress. Instead of putting on my heels, I go barefoot, because heels and mens basketball clothes are just weird.
Since it’s still kind of early, the drive to my condo doesn’t take long, which I’m grateful for. Once we pull up to my condo, my nerves act up. I’m nervous to let Harrison inside my place. His house is so big and nice while my place was just somewhere I settled with to get the hell away from Justin. The guy who sold it to me wasn’t asking much since he wanted it off the market as soon as possible.
“You know, I came here first last night,” Harrison says as we walk through my door.
“Really?” I ask shocked.
“I was standing right outside your door when I got the alert on my phone that the alarm at Brian and Jodie’s house was disarmed. When I called Brian and he said it wasn’t him, I went straight over, expecting the worst, just to find a beautiful angel laying flooring.”
“I couldn’t think of anywhere else to go and I thought it would be depressing to come back here,” I admit.
“Well, I’m glad I found you,” he says, kissing me softly. “Now get dressed,” he says patting me on my ass. “You know how I feel about being late.”
Rolling my eyes, I look for something to wear and quickly get dressed. I was meeting a pop star today, so I wasn’t trying to look frumpy. Deciding on skinny jeans, a flowy blouse, and a tailored cut suit jacket, I check myself out in the full length mirror in my bedroom. Before Jodie abruptly made me become a functioning member of society again, the mirror used to be turned towards the wall. I didn’t want to see my reflection, hell most days I didn’t even get out of bed. It was a terrible time in my life as my depression ate at me from the inside out. Now, I see I have many things in my life to look forward to and losing Justin isn’t the end of the world. I have Jodie, a great job doing what I love, Chaz, and hopefully, Harrison. Trusting another man with my happiness was big. I hope my trust won’t be misplaced, but I have to keep reminding myself that Harrison isn’t Justin, he shouldn’t be punished for Justin’s mistakes.
“Are you ready?” Harrison calls from the other room.
“I’m coming,” I call back before grabbing my purse. My MacBook was on the coffee table in the living room .
“Later on tonight, you will be cumming all over my dick again,” he whispers before nipping my ear when I emerge.
“Promises, promises,” I tease, which of course sets the alpha beast off. He grabs my chin in a firm grip and kisses me hard, stealing more and more of my air. I’m so dazed when he pulls me out the door, he has to grab my things for me and lock up because, apparently, my body forgot how to work.
As we drive, Harrison casually says, “your place looks nothing like you.”
“You mean it’s a dump,” I reply.
“It isn’t a dump, siren. I mean it’s impersonal. You have no personal touches anywhere, nothing in there screams Paige except for your clothes.”
Sighing, I say, “I guess I never really considered that place home, so I never made it into one. I was so depressed that after I left Justin, I basically laid in my bed for days at a time. I couldn’t function, I couldn’t eat, I barely even showered,” I tell him, wrinkling my nose. “If it weren’t for Jodie chewing me out and kicking my butt into gear I’d probably still be there.” I’m amazed I told him all that and a little embarrassed.
“I didn’t know it was that bad,” he says softly.
“Yeah, it wasn’t the finest time in my life, that's for sure,” I admit.
“I’m glad Jodie was there for you and able to shake you out of your depression, and I’m glad you decided to work for me. I have to admit, I was wary at first when Brian asked me to work with you. In fact, at first, I flat out told him no, but I don’t think it was because of your snarky attitude after the wedding. I believe it had more to do with how attracted I was to you and I knew I couldn’t keep my distance for long.”
“But you were on From Cupid,” I point out.
�Before you, I had already turned down two other females and I was only on there in the first place because I lost a bet.”
“Oh, Jodie signed me up. The same day she kicked me into gear and forced me to be an adult. I was content to live off my savings until my account went dry.”
“Well, you’re here now and I think your bed can function fine without you,” he says in a deep husky voice that makes me want to jump his bones.
“I would kiss you, but we’re on the clock and I wouldn’t want to get hit with a sexual harassment case,” I tell him and he laughs a full belly laugh, sounding like music to my ears. The light in his eyes makes him ten times more beautiful, way different than boss man Harrison.
“I think you’re safe,” he says once he gets himself under control, stopping in the long drive. The privacy fence has been put up and I can barely see the house. Leaning over, I kiss him gently and he hums against my lips.
“This is going to be a long ass day,” he gripes against my lips. It’s good to know I have as much of an effect on him as he does me.
I pout when he pulls away so he can enter the code into the box next to the gate. When it slides open, he drives slowly up the drive. As soon as I see the house, I put on my working cap and psych myself up to get into gear. It’s show time and I have a pop star to impress.
When we step out of the car, he gives me a quick kiss before going inside before me. Besides my missing car, it looks like I’m just arriving on the job like I usually do. Walking inside, Starlight was already waiting on me with a pair of dark Dior glasses covering her heart shaped face. Her long dark hair was pulled up in a high ponytail, her makeup expertly done, and she had the cutest outfit on that I totally wanted to steal. High waisted, stone wash jeans hooked with suspenders decorated with tiny unicorns, a plain white midriff top, and black chunky boots. In the corner of the room was a guy bigger than Harrison, dressed in a dark, secret service suit. I’m guessing he’s her bodyguard. The stern expression on his face made me want to shake in my boots.